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    posted a message on [Model Animations] Limitations?

    @SouLCarveRR: Go

    How does one return the Actor to normal after the sequence is played? My actors becomes frozen at the end of his final animation.

    EDIT: To be specific, the "Play Forever" option checks itself EVEN after I check it. I believe this is the problem.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on How to add sword to Footman? [Solved]


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to add sword to Footman? [Solved]

    I have the Model of a Stormwind Footman...

    I have the Model of the sword I want to use...

    How do I attach the sword properly to swing upon attack?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Event- Key Press: Triggering Player

    I was reading this:


    Can anyone confirm this works as of patch 1.5? The option is still greyed out and it works in single player.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Camera apparently have collision?

    In the Editor itself, I cannot view the inside of my structure, made of many doodads put together (footprints and placement disabled), because the camera collides at the walls...


    This is occurring because I"m near the edge of my map, however the camera target is still far from the yellow camera boundary markings.

    EDIT 2: It's no problem in-game, the camera easily moves around inside.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on The Insurmountable Problem.

    @Kueken531: Go

    I'll definitely play with this idea, it has potential to be better than invisible dummy units and negating their epicycles around the main unit.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on The Insurmountable Problem.

    @EdwardSolomon: Go


    Surely someone must know somethinga bout this problem?

    Current workaround I use is making a very small invisible dummy unit follow my moving unit, this unit moves instantly each game loop with the visible unit and does the actual attacking, while the moving visible unit does not, you need to make fine adjustments to make the projectiles emanate from the right spot of the visible unit.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on 3-D Cone search

    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    Someone help me!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on 3-D Cone search

    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    I guess I asked something even more difficult than I thought!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on 3-D Cone search

    I am going to attach a picture. The picture (picture 1) demonstrates a search effect for an attack; ideally, if Version C can be accomplished, than Version A and Version B can also be accomplished.

    Now, the goal is create an axis for our cone. In Version A, the axis the facing of the unit. In version B the axis is perpendicular to the 2D plane. In version C, the axis is any 3D vector starting from the position of the unit; however, the following problems seem to arise.

    1) Using angular search, we don't get a 3D cone, we get "phantom" triangular prism (picture 2), whose base triangle is an isosceles, the angle is equal to the weapon "arc" in data editor; and whose axis length depends on weapon "range" in data editor.

    2) Using distance search, we get a circle, that determines the nearest unit, although it's actually a "phantom" cylinder (picture 2).

    3) How does one combine distance and angular search? For instance, if we determine there are multiple valid targets within the cone, then we want to use distance to select our target from the list of valid ones.

    So, is it possible for a unit's weapon to use an acquisition search that's a cone?

    *The word phantom is used because these 3D shapes, the prism and the cylinder, ignore the third dimension. For instance, in picture 2, you can see that although Object A, has a larger angle from the axis on the 2D plane than Object B, it has a small angle from the axis on the Y-Z plane, placing it inside the desired 3D-cone; however, Object B has a small angle on the X-Y plane, but a huge angle on the Y-Z plane, placing it outside the cone, but Object B is picked instead because SC2 interprets the search function as an infinitely tall triangular prism instead of a cone. In short, the heights of all units are ignored, their (X,Y) coordinates are all that matters.

    Now using a trigger to determine these things is simple enough, but a default weapon search int he Data editor, well, NO CLUE! HELP!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on The Insurmountable Problem.

    I have not been able to achieve the following.

    It is known that Blizzard allowed the phoenix to attack while moving. However, if the Phoenix is given the attack command, it stops moving. The only way to utilize this ability is to use the Move command and allow the phoenix to choose its target based on the Search result.

    Now the problem I'm having is forcing a unit to attack another SPECIFIC unit WHILE moving.

    I can order the unit to move, but it chooses it's own target.

    I can order the unit to attack a particular unit, but then it stops moving

    I cannot order the unit to SIMULTANEOUSLY attack a particular unit and move to a specified point.

    Btw I've been trying to solve his on and off for two years.

    EDIT: You can see attached screenshots of my flight simulator in this thread. You'll see my of the Phoenix attack beams firing vertically at targets far away in 3-D, but only because they are very close on the 2D plane. This is the problem and many related to it, that I cannot overcome.


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on 12 player Traceline and Terrain Collision. CPU friendly

    @M0rt1mer: Go

    Problem is it's the only publicly available traceline (without downloading an entire mod/bundled crap). If someone has a better one (which I'm sure they do since you just told me), then make a standalone version and upload it, also provide the link here.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How to make irregular regions and destroy actors

    Quote from BasharTeg:
    @EdwardSolomon: Go

    Cool stuff!

    btw, you can hide unit life bars by unchecking some boxes in the unit's actor. You can also check "unselectable" and "untargetable" under the unit's flags to make the trees simulate doodads.

    I know, that was a sample of those triggers only, I didn't put any work into that at all, even the title of the map is "Dense Doodad Proliferation Tester"

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How to make irregular regions and destroy actors

    I used the unit suggestion I'll attach a couple of pictures of the result.

    I used a mobile skybox (attach model to unit) with some fog and rain effects and was able to create a densely populated forest/foilage on the VISBLE map only. The trees/shrubs spawn at a distance that is DOUBLE the camera farclip and anything outside the double farclip range gets deleted.

    If I were to create a static forest/foilage settings of this density on a 256x256 map it would crash. So I have the advantage of extreme density at the expense of having them removed if the player runs too far out of sight of them and having them respawned in random locations when he approaches that region again.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on I would like to congratulate Println for his m3 Exporter for Blender
    Quote from Eimtr: Go

    I'd rather use 3ds max than this awful program Blender

    Why are you even posting in this thread is you don't like Blender. No one forces you to use Blender and no one forced you to post in this thread about Blender.

    Posted in: General Chat
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