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    posted a message on need help with error for timer.

    I tried running a Sim to test the trigger I set up and I just got a weird error

    any help would be appreciated, i cant find the correct value i need to run the timer.error

    Here is all of the very small amount I have made thus far as learning from very little info like most I'm guessing.

    void InitLibs () { libNtve_InitLib(); }

    -------------------- Global Function Declarations -------------------- const timer gf_Timer - Elapsed time is 0.0 Game Time seconds ();

    -------------------- Trigger Variables -------------------- trigger gt_MeleeInitialization; trigger gt_timer;

    -------------------- Global Functions -------------------- const timer gf_Timer - Elapsed time is 0.0 Game Time seconds () { Implementation AIWaveInfoAdd(create wave 1 in 50 game time seconds, "zergling", 50); AIAttackWaveAddUnits4(25, 50, 75, 100, "Zergling"); TimerStart(Elapsed time is 1.0 Game Time seconds, 50.0, true, c_timeGame); TimerWindowCreate(TimerLastStarted(), NEW WAVE IN!, true, false); }

    -------------------- Trigger: Melee Initialization -------------------- bool gt_MeleeInitialization_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { Actions if (!runActions) { return true; }

    MeleeInitResources(); MeleeInitUnits(); MeleeInitAI(); MeleeInitOptions(); return true; }

    -------------------- void gt_MeleeInitialization_Init () { gt_MeleeInitialization = TriggerCreate("gt_MeleeInitialization_Func"); TriggerAddEventMapInit(gt_MeleeInitialization); }

    -------------------- Trigger: timer -------------------- bool gt_timer_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { return true; }

    -------------------- void gt_timer_Init () { gt_timer = TriggerCreate("gt_timer_Func"); }

    -------------------- Trigger Initialization -------------------- void InitTriggers () { gt_MeleeInitialization_Init(); gt_timer_Init(); }

    -------------------- Map Initialization -------------------- void InitMap () { InitLibs(); InitTriggers(); }

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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