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    posted a message on Running time of Algorithms

    @zandose: Go

    I think i had attempted to find such a property with the dialog button clicks but i could not, which is why i set my code to find the button manually. Ill check again.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Passing values and Multi-Threading

    Ya im using the action definitions as subroutines and its working great, thanks everyone.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Running time of Algorithms

    @Ahli634: Go Could you elbaorate on how i would do the edit value thing. If the button is clicked how would the trigger get that text property?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Running time of Algorithms

    Hi, so my question is for example i have a peice of code that checks evey item in a 2d array. I can break this up into 12 copies (one for each player) of the trigger and put event to player X clicks button. Doing this obviously gives me 11 more triggers than i had however it cuts the comparisons required to find what im looking for from a worst case of lets say 600 to a 50 (there are multiple 2d arrays that i must check not just what i described to you). Keep in mind this event occurs whenever a button is pressed which is quite often wiht 12 players. I dont know much about SC2's capabilities, is it not a problem if there are this many comparisons (600) going on per click worst case scenario, will it slow the game down even at all? At what point would the comparison count become a real problem (at what number of comparisons).


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Passing values and Multi-Threading

    @zandose: Go

    Thanks for the reply, i assume actions are subroutines basically? Ive wanted to use subroutines but all i thought i had was triggers.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Passing values and Multi-Threading

    Hi, im running a large sequence of triggers that all work together to accomplish one task. I have them split up into multiple triggers for neatness and organization. This long sequence of events and triggers occurs when a player presses a button. I attain certain values, who pressed the button and what button was pressed and i need ot pass these two values to each succesive trigger. The only way i can think of really doing that is by storing them in global variables, is there any way to pass by value the variables to the next trigger instead of using globals. I had noticed a problem in another set of buttons i made with this similar design that if different buttons where clicked fast enough global values would be reassigned before certain triggers (or other threads more specifically) finished running corrupting their values and producing unwanted results.

    So ya what can i do about this? And is running multiple threads at the same time really a problem in terms of one thread surpassing another one and reassigning the global values, or is this (and i hope it is) not possible. I would assume threads would end in the order they where started but i know that may not be the case, and i can delay triggers from starting that are in teh same thread, but i cant seem to manage multiple threads, i cant seem to access a relationship between them to say, wait till thread one completes to start thread two.


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Attached Items in 3ds max not showing up in SC2 editor (3ds file included)

    @Daara87: Go

    I believe i found the problem. When you sent me your model back, i did not have your textures you used so the model had no texutres when loading up into 3ds max. So i had to apply my textures to the model manually, once i did that i exported it and it worked. Now i basically create the model in 3ds max as the guide says, then i delete the associated texture .tga files from my computer (otherwise the max save keeps finding them even if i move them out of directory), then i get new ones and rename and reapply them manually to my model. So ya its a texture problem.

    Although im not sure why this would happen in the first place, i just import the wavefront objects normally like i belive im supposed to, why would the textures be corrupted when they are imported with the wafefront even when the wavefront looks perfectly fine.

    I guess a question i have though, is the central problem is that a texture that is being used on a wavefront is not a starcraft 2 layer per say. Its just a regular 3ds bitmap or somethign, ive tried changing the bitmap to a starcraft 2 layer to make it the same as the ones for the body model but it doesnet seem to work. So i have to use spare undefined starcraft 2 layers (red sphere in picture) that come in with the model but are not used and apply those layers to the model. Is there any way to take a default "grey" texture sphere and make it a working "red" starcraft 2 layer sphere as i worry i may not have enough spares to load all of a models textures? Its also ironic that this method, which is the only working method i know of to get the attachments to work, generates numerous errors in 3ds max.

    Thanks for your help i very much appreciate it.


    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Quick Question (Solved)

    Hi, how do you download an attachment someoen has included with their post, like if they have a map they attached to their post? I click on it and it just opens up a web page full of unicode characters or something.


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Attached Items in 3ds max not showing up in SC2 editor (3ds file included)

    Im following this tutorial: http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/resources/tutorials/31795-tutorial-wow-models-into-sc2-with-team-colors/

    Basically i followed the tutorial and everything looks good in 3ds max, but when i export it and then import my model into sc2 the attached items, weapons shoulders and what not are not there, its just the original model i exported with the wow model viewer. Here is a screen shot as you can see by the animation everythign is attached to the model.

    I mean ive even done it where i just import the main model, import one wavefront object like a shoulder pad, and then select and link it to the attachment point and thats it i export the model. Not sure what im doing in this simplistic three step proccess wrong. Any ideas? Thanks.

    (Click to enlarge)

    EDIT: Below is the 3ds max scene i created that you see in the picture. Its here to take a look at if you want.

    EDIT: Also ive opened one of hte models the guy who made this guide made, a footman much like mine. In that model the shoulder pads for example where attached, but there where no green attachment points on the shoulders. And using the select and link and unlink buttons did nothing i couldnt really even move it off the model. On my model i have the green attachement points and unlinking them works. Does the file path of the wavefront objects matter?

    Ive also succesfully exported his model into SC2 so its not a software problem, im doing something wrong or my version of 3ds max (2011) does this kind of attachment slightly differntly than what was outlined in the guide.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on WoW Unit M3 Modeling

    @Zolden: Go

    Ah i see now what i did wrong. I used one of the blank texture spots instead of modifying the existing SC 2 layer to have the new texture. Thanks for help everyone.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on WoW Unit M3 Modeling

    @Zolden: Go

    I know about the assets/textures path i have that. If i import the texture into that correct path there is anohter file with the same name and it wants to overwrite it. I tried changing the name of the texture, but it would seem the model files identify the correct texture file by name, and if hte name is changed its not going to be able to identify it. I could set the model file in 3ds max to grab this newly named texture and use that one instead of the one it had before, but i dont know how to do that, i can do it in 3ds max but it doesnt show up in the sc2 editor.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on WoW Unit M3 Modeling

    @Daara87: Go

    Ya i got the student version and its up and working. BTW i have a model where im just trying to swap one texture out with a differnt texture i made. WHen i load the model in 3ds max of course it doesnt find the texture and i get a notice about that. Then when i try to apply a texture i imported into 3ds max the texture shows up on the model and everything seems fine. But when i load it into game the texture is missing any idea? Even when i load the model back up into max i get no error and the new texture loads fine.

    Another option would be if i could import the texture file under the same name as the one ti replaced, which i have done but both buildings pick up the same texture instead of one picking up the other, is there a way with the file hierarchy i can assure that one file is picked up by one model and the other model picks up the other file.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on WoW Unit M3 Modeling

    @ZombieZasz: Go

    Thanks very much. Wish i had known this eariler.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on WoW Unit M3 Modeling

    Hi, ive been trying to load up wow units into 3DS Max so that i can apply team colors and attach items that the wow model viewer does not export. As it stands right now there is no working M3 plugin for the current version of 3ds Max, and i do not have $5,000 for the 2011 version. Ive also had problems with the blender plugins aside from blender itself being more difficult to use given tehre are no tutorials on using it as it pretains to what im trying to do.

    So my question is, is there literally any software or any ability right now for this kind of model editing to exist that i don't have to shell out thousands for?

    Im trying to do this btw. http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/resources/tutorials/31795-tutorial-wow-models-into-sc2-with-team-colors/

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Black mess at the edge of the map

    No you cannot remove it, the only thing that you could do aside from using appropriate bounds is to put in a skybox, so youve got the skybox there instead of the blackness. There are plenty of skyboxes that fit your space theme. Theres a guide around here to do it if u dont know how.

    Posted in: General Chat
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