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    posted a message on Archon Duplication

    @fortunate1: Go

    The "beam" as in the lightning bolt when the Archon attacks?

    I've tried reproducing your problem but my Archon works fine. I think you might have mis-duplicated something. I only duplicated two things: the Archon Unit and the Archon Unit Actor. If you do that, the Archon animates fine. If you didn't duplicate the Unit Actor, you'd have had to hook up all the animations from the original Archon Unit actor to your new (duplicated) unit through the Actor's Event - Events + field. Maybe you missed a couple concerning the attack animation?


    Hey, what happened to the original post?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Am I missing something?

    @batchprogram: Go

    The "Salvage Bunker" ability is a little more complex than it looks. There's actually TWO abilities that go into salvaging a bunker, and I think your problem is you don't have the second one.

    When you hit Salvage, the Ability applies the Behavior Salvage - Bunker. That behavior lasts 5 seconds, the applies the Effect Salvage - Bunker. That effect is actually an "Issue Order", and it 's ordering the casting unit to use the Ability "Salvage - Bunker (Refund)". THAT is the ability that actually kills the unit and gives you 100 minerals.

    Therefore, if you didn't give your salvaging unit the Salvage - Bunker (Refund) ability also, when that ability is ordered by the Effect, the ability isn't there and therefore the unit is not killed. To fix this, simply add the Salvage - Bunker (Refund) ability to your unit's Ability - Abilities + field the same as you presumably did for your duplicated "normal" Salvage ability.

    Remember that if you instead duplicate the Salvage - Bunker (Refund) ability, you'll have to reference the duplicate version in the Effect Salvage - Bunker in the Ability - Ability field. Be sure to add the duplicate ability to the unit also!

    Hope this helps!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Attaching Graviton Prison beam to Kerrigan's hands?

    @Marikh7: Go

    Lol, that's the first time I've gotten a prize for helping someone a forum...

    Actually, I've checked both Graviton Prison and Razor Swarm on Hybrid Maar and Kerrigan (respectively), and on both you can get that "slides towards enemies" thing if you immediately move the unit (or the unit sees an enemy to attack and moves towards it) after the ability shoots off. There doesn't appear to be any blending capability between the use-ability and move animations, which gives the slide (it's more pronounced on Kerrigan because she has a walking animation, whereas Maar just floats).

    There's no way to make the Graviton Prison, Razor Swarm, or any other action immediate and be able to move afterword immediately afterword without the sliding animation - it's just going to happen. Unless of course, you edit the Kerrigan model itself and make a new blending animation.

    Or if you remove one of those "immediate"s -

    Go to the HybridC - Graviton Prison Ability and change two fields:

    • Ability - Uninterruptable: Check Prepare, Cast, Channel, and Finish
    • Stats - Cast Finish Time: (1.0000)

    The Uninterruptable field means the unit using the ability cannot preform other actions, like moving, during those ability phases. The Cast Finish Time field is how long it takes after the ability fires off until the ability is actually "over"... note that by making Finish "Uninterruptable" this means the time in this box is how much time the unit won't respond to commands during that phase. The time should be 1 second because that's exactly how long Kerrigan's "lift" animation takes.

    This will fix your problem. You can do the same thing to the Razor Swarm ability to fix that slide, too.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Attaching Graviton Prison beam to Kerrigan's hands?

    @Marikh7: Go

    Well I checked out Kerrigan's model and I have some good news and bad news.

    The bad news is that it seems Kerrigan's hands aren't actually the "weapons". If you've messed around with her normal attacks you know what I mean: she shoots out a ball of energy for an attack right in front of her chest, and THAT area is the "weapon"... which is why when you have SOpAttachWeapon set like you do, it's attaching to that area, where her hands would be when she's attacking normally. Further, I unfortunately can't find (or there simply isn't) a point on the Kerrigan model that corresponds to the hand areas. :-(

    The good news is that there are always solutions... I came up with one here:

    Keep the SOpAttachWeapon where it is and simply give Kerrigan an animation that lines up with where the ability Launch site is... go to Kerrigan's unit actor (it's "Queen of Blades (Valerian 03)"), go to Event - Events + and add the following anywhere (right-click on the list and select "Add Event"):


    • Msg Type: Ability
    • Source Name: Hybrid C - Graviton Prison
    • Sub Name: Source Cast Start


    • Msg Type: Animation Play
    • Name: (whatever you want here, I customized a new one called "Spell")
    • Animation Properties: Spell
    • Flags: (check the "Non Looping" checkbox in here)

    leave the rest alone (blend in, blend out...).

    This will make Kerrigan do the put-your-hands-together attack animation when she casts Graviton Prison, which makes it look better.


    you can do the same thing except change Animation Properties to "Stand Work" (you'll have to put "Stand" in the first drop-down box and "Work" in the second. Then go to the "GravitonPrisonBeam (Unnamed)" actor, go to Event - Events +, then remove the Effect.GravitonPrisonCreatePersistent.Start event entirely (it's the event in Blue text).

    This will make Kerrigan do a cool one-hand lift animation and remove the beam... it makes it look like she's using the Force to lift up the target, which I think is pretty cool.

    Bear in mind that removing the beam means that if you want to use that same HybridC - Graviton ability with someone else, the beam won't be there either... you'll have to put it back in or duplicate and rename the "GravitonPrisonBeam (Unnamed)" actor to get two different sets.

    Give these methods a try and see which ones you like better. I hope this helps, good luck in your mapping!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Triggers not recognizing Data-created units?

    Hey guys.

    I noticed that for Triggers "Last Created Unit" says in the fine print "This function ignores units created by other triggers". I assume this also means that it ignores units created by Data Editor "Effect - Create Unit" also?

    Is there any way for a unit created by a Data Editor effect to get picked up by a Trigger?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Quick Effects Question

    @nolliepoper: Go

    nevjmac's right, you gotta be a little more specific - there may be a lot of solutions to this problem based on what your ability actually is.

    That being said, the way I would think to do this is to just "hack" it and fabricate a prepare phase by having your ability's effect be "Create Persistent". The effect you want in the 'prepare" phase can happen right away in the Persistent, then at the end of the Persistent you can have your other effect(s) fire off. Bear in mind that this doesn't strictly give effects to the "prepare" phase (the prepare phase will happen in the background before the Persistent is made), but it will look like the length of the Persistent effect IS your prepare phase.

    Hopefully this makes sense, good luck ;)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Attaching Graviton Prison beam to Kerrigan's hands?

    @Marikh7: Go

    You'll need to attach the Actor for the Graviton Prison to Kerrigan's "weapon". Check the Actor "GravitonPrisonBeamLaunchSite (Unnamed)" actor for reference:

    "Hosting - Host Site Operations +" should be modified to SOpAttachWeapon:Disabled:Disabled. So for whatever actor you have taking care of the launch site for Kerrigan's similar ability (I'm assuming you have a different actor, otherwise you probably wouldn't have this problem), you need to set the Host Site for the Weapons also (since Kerrigan's "weapons" are her hands).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Deactivate behavior with ability?
    Quote from o3210: Go

    You will also need 2 validators - Unit Compare Validator Count.

    I think this should be Unit Compare Behavior Count.

    @SpaceKookie: Go

    A validator is basically a check to see if certain conditions are met - sort of like an "if statement" condition if you're familiar with programming. Or if you're not, take football. Game state checks to see if the ball is over the endzone line (this is the validator). If it is, it's a touchdown. If it's not, other stuff happens.

    To create your own validator, pull down the little "Data Type" drop-down box in the top left corner of the data editor, select "Validators", when right-click -> Add Object. Set the name and ID to something that makes sense, and the Validator type to Unit Compare Validator Count. Set the Validator - Behavior to the Behavior you want to check for. This means the validator, when activated, will check to see if you have a certain number of instances of the selected behavior running (in your case, sounds like you need Equals 0, meaning it's not on the unit).

    Once you have an Effect that o3210 is talking about, you can add your new validator under Effect - Validator.This means that any time that Effect is accessed, the game goes through the Validator first, sees if the statements are true, and if they are, the Effect happens. If not, it doesn't.

    I may be able to post more on this issue later, because I've done ability similar to this not long ago.

    One last note, you really should work with the Effects o3210 is talking about. You won't be able to do what you're doing without them, and your Starcraft Data Editor experience is going to be pretty short without them, too ;)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Is it really that hard to change unit's weapon? [SOLVED!]

    @Terhonator: Go

    As long as you've duplicated a unit's actor you shouldn't have this problem. The unit actor controls basic attack animation and is independent from what weapon you're using, or how much damage it's doing. For a Marauder, check under "Actors" and see if you have "Marauder" and "MarauderAttack (Unnamed)" or at least duplicated equivalents referring to your unit.

    Also, don't give up! :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Transfering kill credit / exp?

    @Kueken531: Go

    Awesome, this works perfectly. Thanks!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Transfering kill credit / exp?

    Hello. Wondering if it's possible to do this without triggers:

    I have a hero unit with veterancy. He has an ability that spawns a dude that can fight alongside him. How can I transfer the credit for kills made by the minion to the hero so he can get experience for the kill?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Attacking Force Fields

    @BorgDragon: Go

    This is good to know. Unfortunately, the ability I'm designing requires the shields to be targeted specifically by the player.

    I've so far gotten around this by using a different force field model (it looks like a fence). Still, if anyone can find a fix to the Sentry force field model I'd be good to know, if not for me than for someone else.

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    posted a message on Attacking Force Fields

    @BorgDragon: Go

    It doesn't work!

    I've investigated further and I think that it's something inherent to the actual ForceFieldImpact.m3 file. For example, a Model with the exact same specs (with the connected Unit flag Invulnerable unchecked, of course) but a different .m3 model can be attacked... but not the Force Field model.

    Is this for everyone or just me?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Attacking Force Fields

    This problem seems simple but I can't find the value(s) that control it:

    I'd like to make Sentry Force Field units attackable (and killable). I've tried several things to make it work:

    Modifying Unit - Flags (tried many variations, and also copy-pasted Flags from definitely killable units like the Medic and the Forge) Modifying Movement - Radius and Movement - Inner Radius Movement - Footprint Attacking priority, ect. And of course, unit life.

    Under the Actor I've set up it's unitbar... it definitely has life. So why can't I attack it?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Data] Force Effects (Intermediate Difficulty)



    I have fixed this problem. I will try and post the solution when I have time.


    Sorry to resurrect a semi-dead thread, but I'm having trouble converting these methods into a "grapple-hook" like effect. Maybe you can help?

    I've got a unit that shoots said grappling hook at another unit, intending to pull the target towards the caster. I've tried numerous methods but can't figure out why it's not working. My most recent idea is this:

    Create the persistent "pulling" force at offsets between the caster and target, gradually pulling the target along the distance between them.

    Launch Missile

    Effect - Launch Effect = Create Persistent

    Create Persistent

    Effect - Effect - Initial = Lift

    Effect - Effect - Final = Drop

    Effect - Period Count = 18

    Effect - Period Durations = .1

    Effect - Period Effects = Set*

    Effect - Period Offsets = (0,-4.5)|(0,4.0)|...(0,-0.25)**

    (*) I'm using Set here instead of Search because I just want one unit (the target) to be affected, not units in a splash area.

    ( )As in, the distances between target and caster, counting down from just off the target location I reason if the ability has range 5 these values are between 0 and 5.

    All other effects/behaviors (Lift, Set, Drop, Height) are the same as yours except (Pull) changes from Effect - Amount = 1 to -1 (for the pull instead of push).

    It doesn't work. The missile launches and hits but nothing happens. If you know what's going on here or need more information, please let me know - I'd appreciate any help you can offer.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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