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    posted a message on Using a Doodad Model For a Unit

    Hi, everyone, I'm trying to make it so that my duplicate of Vespene Geyser (Mana Vortex) has Redstone - Flame Geyser as its model. Unfortunately, the moment I do that it starts to behave like a unit-doodad hybrid or something, in the sense that I can't move it in the editor (like all other units) besides cut-paste, and I can't select it in Test Document mode at all.

    I tried doing it two ways: 1. I set the Mana Vortex's actor copy to have Redstone - Flame Geyser as its model. 2. I made a model, set it as a unit, Not Doodad etc., gave one of Flame Geyser's variations as the .m3, and then had Mana Vortex's actor copy use the new model.

    Giving the unit a doodad model, or changing the .m3 for the custom model both makes it unmovable/unclickable immediately disregarding pretty much all other options and I fiddled with all options that I could think of and it still doesn't work. The moment I change the .m3 to that of a unit it works fine. Anyone had experience with this?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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