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    posted a message on Make one unit orbit another?

    Well, is it for visual effect or does it serve a purpose?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Data, Undocumented fields.

    Placeholder 2

    Posted in: Wiki Discussion
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    posted a message on Data, Undocumented fields.


    Posted in: Wiki Discussion
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    posted a message on Data, Undocumented fields.

    Weapon (Legacy)

    • Arc Slop
      • Threshold an acquired unit can move outside the weapon arc.
    • Backswing
    • Damage Point
      • The delay between the attack starts and the effect is executed.
    • Reload Duration
      • The minimum time after an attack a new one can start.
    • Range Slop
      • Threshold an acquired unit can move outside the weapon range.
    • Options
      • Can Initiate Attack
      • Only Fire At Attack Target
      • Only Fire While Attacking
    Posted in: Wiki Discussion
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    posted a message on Enter/leave unit range issue
    Enter Button Show
            Unit - Any Unit Enters a distance of 1.0 from My Marine
        Local Variables
            (Unit type of (Triggering unit)) == Command Center
    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on guided missile

    Everything except the user interface aspects can be done in the data editor. Do the launch missile, guide search, collision search etc as effects.

    Then all that remains for triggers is the user interface tidbits.

    Guide Move
            UI - Player Any Player moves mouse.
        Local Variables
            Group = (Guide Object units in (Entire map) owned by player (Triggering player) matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount) <Unit Group>
            (Number of Living units in Group) > 0
            Unit - Move (Unit 1 from Group) instantly to (Point((Mouse X position in the world), (Mouse Y position in the world))) (No Blend)
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Basic Unit Recolors

    Set the actor tint on creation.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on removing units from a unit group

    No, unless you are doing something stupid like infinite recursion.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Effect Target, Transient.

    Aye it was due to the arc as previously implied.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Effect Target, Transient.

    @Builder_Bob: Go

    Ah doh, didn't think of that thought it was broken in patch as-well. Thanks.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Effect Target, Transient.

    Well i'd call that a bug, since it's just really counter intuitive.

    A work-around is to separate the ability into two abilities. Ability A is just a public dummy, which does an issue order effect to cast the real ability. Ability B is the real ability, is not exposed on a command card.

    But still, such an unnecessary work-around.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Effect Target, Transient.

    Making an Effect - Target ability transient, makes it so that the effect never takes place. Is this due to something down the effect hierarchy or can targeted abilities simply not be transient?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Syntax Highlighter Bugged?

    Aye just noticed, it's pretty much completely broken with 1.2.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Create Unit, Issue Order.

    Thanks :-)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Create Unit, Issue Order.

    Just a quickie, basically i want to convert the two liner script to data.

    UnitCreate(1, "HelperPoint", c_unitCreateIgnorePlacement, UnitGetOwner(EventUnit()), EventUnitTargetPoint(), 0.0);
    UnitIssueOrder(EventUnit(), OrderTargetingUnit(AbilityCommand("attack", 0), UnitLastCreated()), c_orderQueueAddToEnd);

    Which i suppose translates into the effects, Create Unit and Issue Order. However am not sure how to make Issue Order target the previously created unit.

    Any takers?

    Posted in: Data
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