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    posted a message on Sixen, Curse, Sc2mapster and IE9

    Sixen you need to have a talk with your employer, Curse, about compatibility with IE9.

    I even reset to defaults with IE9 and it still wouldn't work. I'm using Chrome right now but you should probably send a support ticket (or w/e you use at Curse) to your employer about it.

    Edit forgot the bug info: Ya I couldn't reach your login page, but I could reach every other page on sc2mapster. And no other website was having the issue.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Map Marketplace? Whos Waiting
    Quote from Forge_User_20974461: Go

    @FockeWulf: Go

    Does it seems a blizzard guy to you? :D I really don't believe they can ask for money in advance, we mappers are so few that blizzard would not earn any money from that.

    BTW I don't see any game going over 10$, the max will probably be 5$.

    Nah I kinda figured it was a troll but just to cover all bases. I've been burned before :)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Map Marketplace? Whos Waiting

    @michaelknives: Go

    Hahaha a $100+ members fee? We're college students we don't have that kind of money lying around for something that is uncertain.

    And if they are in any way modeling this after the Apple App market then they shouldn't even bother. No one is going to buy a map outright when they already payed $60 for the origional game.

    I hope that wasn't a Blizzard guy because that was about as stupid as it gets.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Map Marketplace? Whos Waiting
    Quote from Triceron: Go

    Do you think Valve, Microsoft and Apple don't take a cut out of Steam, XBLA and Itunes? And as for going full indie, marketting is a huge part of why these venues are used. People get exposure to the products when there's a place for them to be displayed.

    So far it seems you are the only guy who gets it. YOU DON'T HAVE TO SELL THE MAP OUTRIGHT.

    The same freemium or free with item shop concept that many games are going towards can also work here... Paying outright for a video game on an engine like SC2 can and will fail. Allowing people to pay for "extra content" has already been proven to work. Case is point: Mafia.

    On top of it battle.net provides one of the biggest video game playerbases out there. And being able to download straight off bnet is just a bonus.

    Simply: Free download, Free to play, You have the option to pay for EXTRA CONTENT...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on creating a water vehicle + air vtol


    This is Fate of the Empire's. Great Lakes Diplomacy uses a WarCraft 3 style system.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Map Marketplace? Whos Waiting

    Here is my take on it.

    The map market is an attempt to get a piece of the indie market. There is some sound justification for this. Although steam has their halflife 2 engine and there is the unreal 3 and 4 engines there is very little in the ways of free (as in you pay no initial cost they just get a cut of the profits) strategy engines.

    At the moment, to my knowledge, Blizzard has the only strategy engine of any capability or modability. Many games have them but they are not nearly as developed or refined as WC3/SC2 map editors.

    There is a distinct difference between the steam and the map market though. SC2 has an initial cost. But people will still pay. I mean look at mafia, people spent a lot of money donating for items and privlages. Dark got in trouble because it was exclusive content but I think thats mostly because Blizzard wasn't getting a cut of it.

    So if its formalized into a number of payment options, left mostly up to the map maker then I think it has a chance.

    Personally I am all for the item shop concept. It is essentially donations for exclusive content except Blizzard gets a cut and the prices are set. That way people can play the game or chose to get a little extra. It would be completely optional. Personally I think this would be ideal. DotA and Mafia have proven that donations alone can make quite a bit of money. Formalize it into an official item shop and there are serious possibilities here, I think.

    Anyways my 2 cents.

    Edit: Additonally there is another possibility. Adds built into the game. Blizzard can sell add space built into the UI in custom maps.

    I mean lets take the following example. The guy has a 22" widescreen. Well if you reduce the resolution such that there is about a 1.2-2.0 inch border around the edge of the screen then that is all sellable add space. An example that sits in my mind is Anarki Online. As soon as a new player spawns into the game the first thing they see on the far wall is that McDonalds add. And it has been there forever in different forms. And then there are still fresh adds in mission areas.

    A lot of custom maps have billboards built into the terrain itself. That is all potential add space. I am working on a racing game and one of the things that I am thinking is that, just like a real race track, all the billboards around the track are all potential add space. If it can sell for a game thats been round for a decade like Anarki Online, then I think there is a fair chance it can sell for games that draw on the huge playerbase Blizzard does.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on creating a water vehicle + air vtol

    There are better ways to do this.

    Check out Great Lakes Diplomacy and Fate of the Empire they both have working Amphibious systems.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on [Model Showcase] Greed Models

    Hey all, I started a project a month ago called Greed and I'd like to show you guys a model from it and see what you think.

    Please bear in mind that im incredibly novice at modeling :)


    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Aeon of Storms LFM

    Considering how you guys have treated about a dozen different map makers I'm not sure you would be the wisest asking for help.

    "Assistant Data Specialist Function: Responsible for investigating and documenting new technology in Galaxy Editor."

    Does this mean you can't figure a few things out? You should ask for help... Oh wait thats right you guys had to go and be dicks to a bunch of really skilled mappers.

    You survived because the popularity system killed all the competition. Given what I've seen of some of the buried and canceled maps if 1.5 had been out from square one you would have had a 6 month run at best.

    Edit: I hear that you even told one of the developers of the original and true Aeon of Storms to "go yourself" when he offered to balance your game. Smooth move.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Can't publish mods? (Or maps)

    I manged to upload both a mod and a map just now.

    Here is what I did:

    -I went to my appdata folder and removed all cache data and deleted the SC2 1.5 beta folder completely.

    1. I removed all of the maps and mods on my account.

    2. I opened my mod and made sure that it had an icon and a new patch note.

    3. I restarted the Editor

    3. I then tried to upload and was successful.

    4. I opened my map. I did the same as step 2 for the arcade info.

    5. I restarted the editor.

    6. I opened the map and removed the old bnet dependecy.

    7. Restarted editor.

    8. I opened the map and added the newly uploaded dependency.

    9. Restarted editor.

    10. Uploaded and was successful.

    Note: this was a map and mod that was never on the main servers but still had the same issue you guys had.

    Hope it helps!

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on New RPG project starting (come leave suggestions!)

    Hey DarkRippa,

    Looks like a cool project that my friends and I could enjoy!

    I happen to have done before almost everything on you rlist (minus unit attributes but I think I could figure it out).

    If you need some know-how on this or that you are welcome to contact me :)

    FYI just in case you don't know. You will need to constuct a good bank system to share the data between maps.

    I'm not expert on Banks but at least I made them work. When I was looking into it there was almost no info on how to make banks work.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Transferring old maps to 1.5 galaxy editor.

    About 20 out of 500+ actors broke in WW2 Diplo/Fate of the Empire.

    If you have any custom models be sure you throughly test them first they made changes to how their game handles models and its much stricter about how they are made.

    Are they going to purge the list? I think it would be a good thing since if they don't we might have a fair amount of broken maps who's makers left a year ago.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Weekly Data Exercise #23 - It came from the vents

    Actor Events:

    UnitMovementUpdate.Stop -Animation Pause All

    UnitMovementUpdate.Move -Animation Play 'Move'

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on SoaFB
    Quote from Karawasa: Go

    @Taintedwisp: Go

    Haha had to like your post.

    @xcorbo: Go

    I don't think there is anything else to say so closing the topic is unnecessary.

    @Deadzergling: Go

    I hope TOFU blows SotIS out of the water and gives us something fun to play on BNET. But you got to release it mate.

    Yes I think its about time someone buried SotIS. That dev team has been complete dicks to both their fans and other developers.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Using TFT/WoW models

    Pretty much its a case of this:

    They won't give a perfect legal ok, cause especailly with Activision in the picture now they need to do some serious CYA .

    But they won't take any action against you or the map as long as its a "Fully - released asset".

    There are some I've seen that have HotS assets (like the new 'semi-zerg kerrigan-ghost on sterriods-nova you are soo screwed' model) that you can use. They will take action against use of that until HotS is actually released.

    Which brings me to my next point. KERRIGAN IS A FREAKING REDHEAD. REDHEADS DON'T TAN THEY BURN...

    Shes got waaaay darker complexion in the actual game than she does in the cinamatic scene in WoL...

    Posted in: General Chat
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