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    posted a message on Reinstalled SC2, no editor

    For people having this problem. Visit http://forums.battle.net/thread.html?topicId=24702265260&sid=5000 and look at post 5. Manual Patching (Advanced).

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Threat/Aggro System

    Thanks for your continued help!

    To give you more of an idea of what I am hoping to do: I am aiming for a wc3 warchasers style map with 4 players and only one unit each. The map would then be filled with NPC controlled units.

    I would like to be able to have groups of NPC units that work with their own individual threat system. Correct me if I am wrong but I think you're suggestion would mean the player's units having one value for threat at any time.

    Example: Player 1 unit attacks NPC X and builds 100 threat then attacks NPC Y and builds 100 threat. Overall threat is now 200 and attacking X represtents 200 threat on X.

    I had hoped to make it possible for player to attack more than one NPC unit and have individual threat for each. Or maybe this is hoping too much?

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Threat/Aggro System
    Quote from A1win: Go

    Why not just issue an attack order on the unit with the highest threat? Counting the threat itself is just numbers so that shouldn't be a problem.

    Counting the threat is ok but distinguishing where the threat came from is the part I am struggling with. You can make a trigger for "Unit is damaged" and then save "triggering damage amount" as a local or global variable. But distinguishing between the sources of the damage and then issuing an attack order for the highest source is the difficult part.

    If anyone has any ideas they would be much appreciated!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Threat/Aggro System

    Has anyone had any luck with a threat/aggro system at all?

    I have been trying to develop something with little luck so far. What I've been aiming to achieve is a trigger that makes units always attack the unit that has done the most damage to it. I know there were one or two custom scripts used to achieve it in Wc3 but I wondered if anyone had had any more success in the new editor?

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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