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    posted a message on Last of four commanders = victory

    I am somewhat new to the editor and have taught myself a lot. It's been a lot of fun and very satisfying. I am almost ready to test my first map, but I am having problems getting the victory triggers right. Basically each of four people have their own Commanders. The goal is to kill all of your opponents Commanders. The player with the last Commander alive wins. Any help that could get me thru this would be very much appriciated. Thanks ahead of time. :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Toss Air upgrade buttons not showing

    It had been a while since I worked on my map. Recently had the urge to finish it but I am stuck on something. I have it so the Nexus has the abilities of all the research buildings. Everything is done at the Nexus. The problem is I can't figure out why the air armor and weapon upgrade buttons wont show. All of the other upgrades and research work fine except for the Colossi range upgrade. This one will not show up either. I even did a test map where I did the same thing. Gave the Nexus all the buildings abilities and put a button for the air upgrade on command card 1 and it worked fine. I think its some dumb little thing im overlooking or something. From what I see the settings are the same as all the other buttons. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on setting starting amount of custom resources and showing count ingame

    The trigger for starting amount is great, thanks. As for showing resource count I dont know what might have happened but its just not working. Ive been in Data Editor > Races and ive changed them all one at a time and tested and it shows no mineral count only food. I try my best when using the editor not to change anything without doing it for a reason, but I think this may be what happened. If anyone knows what I could have dont please let me know. Thanks a ton for the help everyone.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Making builders appear out of their respective base building, build, and disappear back inside?

    I've been kinda ignoring the triggers but i guess its about time i try to learn them. Thanks much. :D

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Making builders appear out of their respective base building, build, and disappear back inside?

    First off thank you for everyone here who contributes. I've been kinda getting addicted to the Galaxy Edit and thanks to everyone here it has been a lot easier to learn this stuff than trying to figure it out myself. It is appreciated. My question is: I don't want the players to have actually control over the builders (scv probe etc). I want to make it so the building itself has the list of structures to make and when one is selected a builder spawns from the CCenter or whatever, goes and builds the structure where the player chose, and walk over and disappear back into the CCenter. Is there a simple/convienent way to do this? Is this too much to ask for? :P Anyway thanks a ton in advance. :)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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