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    posted a message on Cant use custom abilities with dependencies!

    Hey guys, im currently working on my map and it seems without loading campaign dependencies i can add abilities to units etc and even my own custom abilities, but once i load campaign dependencies the only abilities i can add to a unit is the command card selection abilities, but i can no longer add custom abilities, they just dont show.

    So for example if i load new map now, i can go to the marine, add abilities, ill add Medivacs heal and then ill go to command card - buttons - abilities and add heal by adding heal button, then Command Type ability command, then in Ability...Medivac - Heal shows up and i can give him the ability. Then it works ingame no problems.

    But now if i start a new map with dependencies and do the EXACT same thing, i can add medivac heal to marines abilities, but when i add Command Card Abilities and add a button and make the Command Type and Ability Command, if i go down and add an ability Medivac - Heal no longer shows up.

    The same is for custom abilities, without dependencies i can add them and they show up, but if i add dependencies they no longer show.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Gaining resources through heals/repairs?

    Is there anyway to make it so whenever say i use "Heal" with a medic, or any ability, i would gain X Minerals and even if say i put an SCV to repair something, for every tick of repair, he gets x minerals also?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on 3rd person hero system

    @Milkakuh02: Go

    Ok ive got most of it down, but you wrote here

    "(Stalker - Blink targeting ((Position of YourHero)"

    How do i get the position of my hero?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on 3rd person hero system

    @Adrilath: Go


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on 3rd person hero system

    Hey guys, so i've started reading all of the tutorials and stuff and can currently make a 3rd person view game and it seems to work ok. But what i wanted for my map is every player starts off with the same hero to begin, and as you fight you gain minerals to buy new heroes, but what i wanted to know was how do i set it up so

    -In 3rd person, you walk up to different buildings and press "e" (or any button), then the UI command card where you buy units pops up and you can buy a new hero, while in buying mode though the mouse look system works like an RTS so you can hover over each hero and see their abilities and such.

    -How do i set up a camera system for all the new units, or change hero character. (So i can change camera height for bigger heroes like colossus)

    -And lastly is their anyway to make some certain abilities work in a 3rd person, what i mean by that is say give a hero the Stalkers Blink ability and if you use that ability it teleports you so many feet in front of you (similar to WoWs Mages Blink spell) or even to give a hero the Reapers nitro ability where if you use it, it kind of works like Blink but instead of instant port so many yards, instead your character kinda uses the reapers nitro packs and launches into the air and kinda flies to their destination (same as how the Reapers use nitro in SC2, but instead of over cliffs its just to travel from ground to X many yards infront of you.


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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