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    posted a message on Question : How to add Ability Charges?

    Hi again, maybe i am stupid, but i can´t get this t work :

    Simple Task, i want to regenerate 1 Charge of a special skill ever 60 seconds of gametime. The Skill itself has 5 starting Charges, and removes 1 for every use. So far, soo good

    But nothing seems to work when i want to ADD a charge. i tired Add Charg Regen for unit / Add Charge Regen for unit ability / Add Charge used for unit / add charge used for unit ability , but nothing seems to work, my unit is not gettign any charges back for its Skill....

    Can anybody help, its driving me nuts :D

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Question about attacking without automatic movement
    Quote from Milkakuh02: Go

    Depends on what the timer is needed for ;)

    For the line of Sight problem: Maybe u could start a Loop, which checks the height of every point Between Unit and Target. Maybe for every 0.3 Scale unit thing.(Btw, what is the measure named?)

    hmmm i have no idea how to do that :D

    PS : i think that won´t work, because then i can never ever again attack a Unit on a cliff.... i think its impossible

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    posted a message on Question about attacking without automatic movement

    i made it so, that the timer pauses. Same effect, works as intended :D

    any idea for the Line of Sight problem? Thats my biggest worry for now...

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Question about attacking without automatic movement
    Quote from Docablo: Go

    In the data editor in the abilities range you can uncheck the approach flag and then it won't move to use the ability.

    i thought of that too, but you can´t turn of it with the "attack" ability. And i definitly need that, otherwise i can´t use different Weapons via items. (or at least i don´t know how i could use them)


    Just get Timers Remaining time, and start it new with this time+2 Something like :Timer - Start timer as a One Shot timer that will expire in ((Remaining time of timer) + 2.0) Game Time seconds

    Hmmm i guess that won´t work, because as soon as the new timer starts, the old one is expired, and that would trigger some events...

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    posted a message on Question about attacking without automatic movement

    Hi again

    Thx for the idea, but i solved it myself, without the need of a trillion triggers :D (Simply remove the "move" ability when it is not needed, and add it when the unit moves.. ) Easy, doh! :D

    But now i have a nother big Problem, maybe someone knows the answer : Line of Sight. What i want is the following : A unit shouldonly be able to use an attack or ability if it has a direct Line of Sight to the target. As it is for now, as long as the enemy is visible, you can attack it. For example : Snipe, my Sniper can hit the target even behind a huge mountain, as long as it is visible...

    Oh, and another thing : Can you add Tiem to a Timer? Lets say something like : Event :A Unit kills any unit Action : add 2 seconds to Timer

    i can´t find a add funktion, and Set Variable doesn´t have this option either...

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Question about attacking without automatic movement

    Hi there

    I am working on a turn based mode, and now i am standing infront of a little problem: i can´t find a way to block the movment before an attack. What i mean is the following : Your heros weapon(standard Attack) /ability (for example Snipe) has a Range of 5, and the enemy is standing 7 away. If you use the ability on the enemy, the hero will move closer to him and fire, which is bad. I want him to stay where he is, and maybe a message saying : to far away...

    Is there any "easy" way to do this?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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