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    posted a message on Researching hardened shield.

    Triggering a behavior after an upgrade is tricky, since you can't edit it directly in the upgrades.

    One way of handling it is to give the units that can get the upgrade a behavior which periodically calls an apply behavior effect to apply the upgrade behavior. Except by default the behavior count is 0, and then the upgrade can set the behavior count to 1 so it'll actually be applied.

    Another possibility is to have the upgrade behavior's default duration be something like 0.01 seconds, and have the upgrade set the duration to 0. With this technique you need a trigger that fires when the upgrade is researched that will reapply the behavior to any existing units, but that only needs to be done once since new units will spawn with the behavior having the duration of 0 (i.e. forever.) This is a little easier but requires using triggers in addition to the data editor.

    Hope that helps.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on % Based Armor

    Indeed, set the damage response chance to 1 and modify fraction to whatever you want the damage to be reduced by.

    Getting that working is the easy part, getting the right tooltip for the unit's armor icon is the hard part :) Fortunately, that's just cosmetic.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How to check if a unit is effected by an ability?

    Yes, but first get used to the correct nomenclature: an ability is an action a unit takes, a behavior is a status attached to a unit. Abilities can apply behaviors - for example, the Corruption ability applies a Corrupted behavior. Knowing the right terms is important because if you know what you're looking for when you type "behavior" in the trigger function search box, "Stack Count of Behaviors On Unit" is one of the results. Hope that helps :)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Custom Event Definitions

    I may be missing something basic here, but if I make a custom event, is there any way for a trigger to get what the event parameters were? For example, with native events you can use functions like (Triggering Player). The workaround I'm using for now is to use global variables to store info, but that's ugly and I'm a little worried about race conditions.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Need help with "Linear missile trajectory"

    @Koronis: Go

    Create a Persistent effect, set the periodic offset to (0, -x) (where x is the range of the projectile) then have the periodic effect be whatever launches your missile, make sure the missile launch effect has impact location set to target point. Then set the ability or weapon's effect to the persistent.

    The tricky part is collision detection, the best way to handle this is to give the projectile unit a behavior that periodically triggers a search effect looking for nearby targets and if it finds one, triggers an effect that does aoe damage and kills the projectile.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Data] Unit duplication checklist
    Quote from BrotherLaz: Go

    There is one reason in the entire game (other than Blizzard paranoia): building placement graphics in abilities are a model and there is no way to set its scale in the ability. If your building has its scale set in its actor (as it should), then the placement graphic will have the original size. So you duplicate it and change its size there.

    You can do that, or you can make a custom placement actor. That also lets you do other effects to the placement image like tint it or whatever.

    In my TD map, to get consistency with towers based on all three races (and some based on units) instead of using the placement models I use the regular models with a custom placement actor that sets the opacity at 30% and tints them green, for example.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Teamwide Upgrades

    @7MM3: Go

    Create a trigger activated by the research ability's complete phase being finished, then give that upgrade to all players allied with the player who researched it.

    As far as the missile turret thing goes, it appears to be a bug associated with morphing. I'm guessing you have an upgrade ability that morph the turrets into the next upgrade level, and the turret stops working after that?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Data] Unit duplication checklist

    Good list, the only thing I'd note is that there's no real reason to duplicate the model 90% of the time. I'm up to hundreds of actors in my TD map and only 2 of them needed customized models.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Trigger Condition: Player has Upgrade XYZ Completed, possible?

    @ErrorAsh: Go

    Unit Uses Ability is for setting up a trigger that will be fired as soon as the research is complete. I thought that was what you were asking about :) Upgrade Count for Player works fine if you just want to check if an upgrade has been researched.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Creating Hard Points

    Adding attachment points requires editing the actual model file. I hear the MD3 exporter for 3DS Max is coming along well, so it might be possible at this point.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Fetch Damage Amount of Effect


    There's a problem with this though, if the effect has any bonus damage applied for whatever reason (attribute bonus, buff on the unit, whatever) it won't register. What exactly is your use case, maybe we can suggest a better approach?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on No Attachment Points on Doodad

    In Launch Site Operations, in the Operations field, add "SOpHigherBy5". Though you will probably want to duplicate the SOpHigherBy5 actor and adjust the offset to match the model you're using.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on button greyed out

    @Etravex: Go

    Use an Or node.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on button greyed out

    Count Behavior is an option for requirements. Put it under the Use node if you want the button to be greyed out when the requirement is not met, and the Show node if you want the button to disappear when the requirement is not met.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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