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    posted a message on Saving Map States

    Conceivably someone could make a library that would serialize the state of every unit on the map and save it to a bank. This might be prohibitively large given the limited size available for banks though.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on What to change in the Galaxy Editor
    1. 1 QoL improvement: whenever you're editing search/target filters, a "use default" filters button. Really getting tired of manually excluding dead, hidden, invulnerable, missile, stasis again and again and again.
    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Publishing limits are absurd!
    Quote from AlexO6: Go

    @RileyStarcraft: Go

    Actually, they could've made the editor in both advanced and standard modes. Advanced mode would be like now and standard would be closer to WC3 TFT's editor, but it would lack some of the freedom of the advanced mode. That could've made things easier.

    Some features are there in a certain way, but they could always work to make them easier to use. (In example, you can always have a raw data editor, but if you add tooltips, sections, etc., it becomes easier to use it and learn from it than if you were on a text editor like notepad.) In that sense, being complicated is not absolutely the correct expression, it's rather "less user-friendly" that would fit. I picked up the WC3 FT editor and made a small mod quick and painlessly on it, but with SC2, it's not as easy to understand what to do.

    So you're saying that should basically make an entire 2nd editor for people who don't want to invest the time to learn how the game engine works, so those people can spit out tons of crappy maps.

    If it makes me elitist then fine I'm an elitist for thinking a quality map takes hundreds upon hundreds of hours of work and if you aren't willing to spend a small amount of time learning the editor then you clearly aren't going to spend the time to make something worthwhile anyway. Really this is like going onto a forum for Photoshop or 3d studio and complaining that it's too powerful and hard to use and not catered for your personal level of (dis)interest.

    If you want a real list of stuff the editor needs here's a good place to start: http://forums.sc2mapster.com/mapping-utilities/editor-bugs-and-feedback/5279-what-to-change-in-the-galaxy-editor/?page=3#p41

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Minimap = Broken O.o

    This bug (or a similar one) can be caused when the minimap area is not a multiple of a certain number (I believe 8.)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How do i make a group of allied units enter a neutral dropship?

    Order Dropship to Stop (Replace Existing Orders)

    Pick each unit in (your unit group)

    Order Dropshop to Load (Picked Unit) (After Existing Orders)

    Make sure the load command you specify is linked to the same transport ability the dropship has.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on First TD,having problems

    Looks like you a) didn't specify a model for the missile unit's actor (hence the white ball), b) didn't specify a mover for the missile unit (hence not going anywhere) and c) didn't make an attack actor (hence no launch sound.)

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Death Animation

    So if I understand it you want the unit not to die, but to teleport to the spawn point, while leaving behind a death model - so it looks like the unit dies but at the same time instantly respawns?

    You will want to make a custom actor of type model based on Model Style Animation One Shot, for the model use the death variant of the unit, and then change the BSD animation to "Ignore Death Ignore." Then you can create that actor at the death site using triggers or by linking it to an effect.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Death Animation

    Death animations are generally not part of the main model but are a separate model (and actor) created when the unit dies.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Publishing limits are absurd!

    If you think there's no reason why the editor is more complicated than WC3's you really do not know what you're talking about.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Gain Energy from killing

    Based on damage done: Leech Vitals in the Damage Effect.

    Set amount per kill: Behavior for the unit, Damage Response chance 1, check Fatal, location Attacker, Handled effect Modify Unit to add the energy.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Publishing limits are absurd!
    Quote from AlexO6: Go

    They also removed most unused assets (Reaver, Dragoon, Predator (the air unit), etc.), (they literally threw all that work out the window!) and made it so that it is really long and hard to try and copy a unit from campaign (say, the Spectre) into a multiplayer mod. They really are shooting us modders and mapmakers in the foot. It's as if they said "there you go, you can do all this stuff with the editor, but we still want you to make maps like you did with SC1; no custom art and no campaign stuff in multi."

    Jesus christ calm down and stop with the "Blizzard made everything deliberately hard and removed units out of spite!" shit. There are no reaver and dragoon models because they were cut when the models were still placeholders. There are plenty of models in the data files that aren't used in the game but were left in for custom maps to use. And using campaign units in a custom map is fucking trivial and if you can't figure out how to do it maybe mapmaking isn't for you (hint: there's about 30 threads on this very forum on how to do it.)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Where are the SC2 Maps stored

    They're stored in %LOCALAPPDATA%/Blizzard Entertainment/Battle.net/Cache. (On Windows 7, it's %PROGRAMDATA% instead of %LOCALAPPDATA%.) The file names are hashed, look for ones with the ".s2ma" extension. They must be renamed to ".sc2map" to be opened with the editor.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How to use morph ability?

    If you duped the actor then you will need to edit the actor events and change all references to the original objects to your new objects. Morph abilities typically involve a number of extra actor events which need to be manually edited.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Vexal Tower Defense; Popularity System

    By the way OneTwo I tried your map as well, please for the love of god change it so you don't have to press a key at the loading screen, with 14 (or however many it is) players the odds of some asshat afking for 5 minutes approach 100%.

    This pretty much goes for every map out there; if you want to make it so the game won't start til everyone is ready add a title screen within the map. That way the people in the map can at least chat with each other and see who is afk, etc. Just sitting at a loading screen for 15 minutes you dont know if your client has crashed or what's going on and you have to alt+f4 out if you want to quit.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Vexal Tower Defense; Popularity System

    I tried your map the other day. Not sure if you're interested in feedback, but the major problem I had is that you have 5 different kinds of enemies but the towers to attack certain kinds of enemies are MUCH MUCH more expensive than others, and money is EXTREMELY low at the beginning. Meaning for the first few rounds you don't get enough money to build a tower unless it's the cheapest one, but if you spam those the second the first massive round comes along all of them get through unscathed.

    So basically every time I've tried you map everyone dies at the first massive round because there's no alternative to the super cheap ones that you can build in reasonable quantities at the beginning of the map.

    This probably isn't an issue if you know exactly what's coming but given that its a coop map you can't really rely on your teammates to know everything, so when the most intuitive response (build turrets, because it's a TD so you should build towers and they're the only ones you can afford) results in failure, you are not going to get very far. Also, because the income is very low there's not a lot of gameplay going on. TDs are light on gameplay anyway but when you literally get enough money to build MAYBE one tower per round (more like zero if you want to build anything but turrets) the map is, frankly, pretty boring.

    I played it three times and all three times it was game over on the first massive round.

    Posted in: General Chat
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