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    posted a message on Brick wall? (Strings and Text)

    Not sure exactly what you're trying to do, but there's a "Unit Type From String" function, and may be similar functions for other game link types.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Making a cool idea work...

    @ezbeats: Go

    Once the model starts animating, the fact that it's attached to a fix center point instead of one of the animating bones is going to ruin the whole effect.

    I mean that works well for adding stuff to buildings or places where it looks okay for the model to be fixed, like sticking a rider on the back of a zergling. But try attaching something to a bone that's heavily animated like a shoulder without a real attachment point and it's going to look awful in motion.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Making a cool idea work...
    Quote from XYZMuffin: Go

    ti would probably be easier to do that in 3dmax.

    Not just easier, necessary - you have to edit the m3 file to add attachment points.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Data Editor] Help! Flavor Text, Spells, and Other!
    Quote from Bobo6969: Go

    Problem 1: I think the after image thing is an actual animation model, you wud have to remake the model in a modeling program like 3dsmax or sumthin, you can change it to something else and its quite simple, go to Data Type>>Actors search blink and ull find 3 things and theres 3 things we are interested in "Blink Origin Model" and "Blink Stop Model" which are pretty self explanitory, click on one and near the bottom ull find "Model" and change that to w/e and tada!

    There's actually a bunch of assets that don't have Model objects associated with them, and one of them is called "Effects/Protoss/ProtossUnitWarpIn.m3" or something like that. It's basically the stalker blink animation without the stalker model.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Colossus Attack Air

    You're going to have to seriously rework how the Colossus attacks. Think about what it does: it doesn't attack a unit directly, it attacks points on the ground on either side of the unit and then sweeps the laser across. So how is that going to work against air units?

    Anyway the colossus attack is extremely complicated, it uses Site actors to calculate the beam targets, and the site actors reference the target unit. So when you set it to Target Point instead of Target Unit, the Site actors break, and without them, there's nothing to attach the beams to. That's why the attack disappears.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Referring to a unit's health

    @BanelingAspect: Go

    There's a "Set Boss Bar Unit" action or something like that which will automatically update the boss bar whenever the unit's health changes.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Contest] Unit Spells

    gh0st00, I like your effect, but I'm curious - the marauder's attack normally doesn't splash but in that video the reflected projectiles are doing splash damage. Does your shield spell reflect ALL projectiles and you just modified the marauders attack, or does it only reflect that one particular projectile?

    kii064, is the orbiting path done via triggers, or via data editor?

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on "Is Not a Negative Buff" Validator? Is it possible to create?

    Buff alignment is purely a cosmetic thing, it just sets the tint color of the buff icon and nothing else. That's why you can't validate by alignment - it's not intended to be a gameplay thing at all.

    Buff categories (temporary, permanent, restorable) on the other hand are gameplay settings and can be referenced in several places, so you might want to investigate those further. If your map is all custom then you could probably set all negative debuffs to temporary and then have the Remove Behavior effect remove all temporary buffs, for example.

    Sorry I can't be more specific, I don't have the editor on this computer, but that's the direction I'd look.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Tutorial Request
    Quote from ctccromer: Go

    I need a tutorial for creating a "Chain Lightning" weapon with an archon weapon. I'm almost done with my tower defense, but have yet to make the weapon for the Chain Tower, and i just can't seem to find one in the tutorial section

    Take a look at the lightning spire in this map:


    If you have any questions about specifics shoot me a PM, there's a lot of little details involved in the fine tuning.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Curse vs. SC2mapster.com: What's the deal w/ maps?

    The mapmaker misspelled it "Poker Defence." Hope that helps.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Help with artillery ability

    Create Persistent effect, have the explosion triggered as a periodic effect, use the periodic offset to vary the position if you want. (Random Offset is one of the flags.)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Trigger]Changing Command Card via Triggers

    It should be possible to change the command card via triggers by writing to the catalog, although I haven't tested it and certain catalog values can't be written so no confirmation yet.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Validator 'is moving'

    @kaji2: Go

    Unit Speed is a validator type. Greater than zero to make a "Unit Is Moving" validator, equal to zero to make a "Unit Is Stationary" validator.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Powerup

    @ralme360: Go

    I gave the powerup a weapon that had Heroic marked as required in its target filters, and the weapon effect was a set that applied the powerup behavior to the target and then suicided the powerup.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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