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    posted a message on Crouching and editing models

    I would recommend before you make too many plans about abilities to take a look at the models in the previewer and check what animations are available.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How do you upgrade the supply stat for a unit?

    Make multiple behaviors, one for each upgrade level, if there's a relatively small number.

    If you need too many upgrade levels for this to be feasible make a trigger that detects the research ability being completed and adds the correct number of behavior stacks to every unit of that type owned by that player. It also needs to detect units being built and give them the correct number of stacks.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Data editor stumper: transferring damage


    It's not damage reflection, though - it's transferring damage to a 3rd unit which isn't involved in the attack at all.

    I actually have the whole thing working flawlessly with as much done in the data editor as is probably possible. I did change it so it's an aura now - when activated any damage done to allies within the aura radius is redirected to the caster for 20 seconds.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on What causes a missile to "die"?

    What you want to achieve is very simple. Instead of launching the missile at the target unit, use a persistent effect to offset a point past the target unit (take a look at the hellion's attack for an example.) Then give the missile a behavior that constantly searches for units within its radius and damages them.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Data editor stumper: transferring damage

    I've finally run into something I absolutely cannot figure out how to do with the data editor alone. I have an ability that one unit can cast on an ally that causes all damage done to that unit to be transferred back to the caster for a set amount of time. It's implemented with triggers at the moment, because I can't even begin to figure out how to do it with the data editor alone.

    If anyone has any ideas I'll be very impressed :) Even hacky workarounds are probably OK.

    Here's how my trigger implementation works: both the caster and the target get a buff for the duration of the effect, and whenever a unit with the target buff takes damage, the nearest friendly unit with the caster buff is selected to take the damage. While this isn't 100% correct behavior, it's near enough for what I need.

    So far much of that can be done in the data editor but the tricky part is actually transferring the damage, which requires somehow passing the amount of damage done from the damage response behavior to a different effect. This is where I'm stuck at because I am honestly not sure that it's possible.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on SC2 training map wish

    Not possible, sorry.

    For clarification: there's no way to open a replay from within a custom map, the functionality just doesn't exist.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Data] Dynamic Beam Chains (Intermediate Difficulty)


    Alright I see what you're saying now. Good job on going the extra mile then.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [Data] Dynamic Beam Chains (Intermediate Difficulty)


    Okay I think I see what you mean now, you want it so that it'll prioritize units that haven't been hit yet when searching for new targets to bounce to, but if there aren't any than it can bounce to a unit it's already hit. In that case target sorts are a clever way to go but you might want to clarify how the effect works since the sentence I quoted above seems to imply that the attack should never bounce to the same target more than once.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Save data to Bnet account?

    Quote from cavalier3024:
    there was this mod i used to play where your statistics were saved to bnet i think. maybe if u look at it's code u can see how they done it. its called wgx nagrand arena http://www.sc2mapster.com/maps/wgx-nagrand/ and its the best mod ever..

    edit: it seems like there is no download link at their page.. are the maps i play saved to my computer? maybe ill give it a look

    The data isn't saved to b.net. What it does is whenever you play a game, it merges your locally saved high scores list with that of every other player in the game to try to get a more accurate overall high scores list. They combine that with a basic mechanism to prevent players from altering their local data files to prevent falsifying info, although they're hilariously overconfident about how foolproof their system is.

    Basic problem with this approach is that local data is never tamperproof, and due to the data sharing system all you have to do is falsify with your local data and then play a few game online and before long your fake data will be on everyone's high score list.

    It's a clever idea but not very practical.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Line of sight


    Make the player unit cloaked, give the guards detection and set their detection arc to 60 or so, that should prevent them from detecting cloaked units that aren't in front of them. That's by far the simplest way to do it.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Data] Create a missile weapon from scratch

    Quote from Reya:

    Yeah was the Damage Response field, hadn't checked either, thanks for that =)

    As for the Mara, sounds like a pain, but im pretty determined to get a smooth Mara unit going so ill go fiddle till i break something =) Thanks for the tips =)

    Update, Okay redid the whole thing from scratch with a Mara using a photon cannons attack, the attachment linking seems to have worked as the projectiles originate from his alternating arms, however, the marauder still isn't moving his arms like he does when he fires his default weapon, what did i miss?

    Looks like it's a quirk of how the Marauder actor is set up, in order to have him alternate which attack animation is played. Open up the actor events and where it says "Effect.MarauderLM.Start", change MarauderLM to your launch missile effect. There are six events you have to change.

    It worked fine with the marine because the marine actor has the default settings of just playing the standard attack animation whenever any weapon attack is used.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [Data] Dynamic Beam Chains (Intermediate Difficulty)

    Quote from ProzaicMuze:
    So you're able to achieve the following with your Marker IDs?

    Weapon Fires > Hits Target 1 > Hits Target 2 > Hits Target 1 again > Hits Target 3

    Isn't that the opposite of what you're trying to do, i.e. ensure it does not chain to the same unit more than once? If not then I misunderstood what you meant by this statement:

    "These will prevent your search effects from picking units hit earlier in the chain."

    If you just want to make it so it'll always jump to the same unit, but can jump to a unit which was previously hit early in the chain, you don't need target sorts or markers at all, all you have to do is edit the Exclude field in the Search effect and add Target to it.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [Data] Dynamic Beam Chains (Intermediate Difficulty)

    Quote from ProzaicMuze:
     With Marker ID, you can't have two lightning chains hit the same unit .

    That's definitely not true.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [Data] Create a missile weapon from scratch


    #1 is probably that you forgot to check the Notification flag in the damage effect. (Could also be the Damage Response field in the damage effect, check both Acquire and Flee.)

    #2 is a little more complicated and has to do with the way that Marauders attack animation is set up so that it alternates between their left and right arms. You have to edit the Launch Attachment query field in the Attack actor and change it to "PatternMarauder". If you want them alternating like regular marauders do then you need to dupe the PatternMarauder attach method and change the Driver field to the identifier of the Launch Missile effect, then set the Launch Attachment Query to reference your custom attach method. Like I said, a bit more complicated. :)

    Posted in: Tutorials
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