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    posted a message on Few questions on trigger AI

    So far my ai is coming among but I've ran into a minor hiccup. Im trying to figure out away to find out whats the closest unit to my ai unit thats a ally. I used the closest unit to a point an converted the ai units position to a point an search by radius from where the ai unit is. My problem is it seems the point picks up the ai unit instead of finding allies in a radius. Any idea how to fix or a work around? I need a method to find position of allied units without including itself.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Few questions on trigger AI

    I know it's a trigger. I was referring to the overhead as far as slowing other triggers and the game down. I know sc2 is a lot more stressful than sc1 and wc3 so I want this to run on low end systems pretty well.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Few questions on trigger AI

    I'm making my own Ai to use in my maps. I'm in the process of drawing it on paper of everything I want it to do. I was thinking about starting the Ai off the trigger, a unit acquires a target. My questions are is this a good way to trigger it? I plan on having 100s of units using the ai to attack and retreat.

    My next question is would I need to have functions for ai ordering units run on their own thread (I think, not near editor to verify)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers

    @Pimpmunkeh: Go

    Yes I plan to have the skinnies, I was thinking of the raid in first chapter as a tutorial mission. I will let there be different types of controls for people to choose. I'm trying to think of a good way to do the jumpjets and being able to shoot while using. I'm mainly concerned about the basics with controls and and energy first then Ill move on.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers

    I'm working on making a starship troopers map. The difference with mine is it will be based on the real starship troopers straight from the book. I've been planning everything out so far. Haven't started in map editor yet but will soon. I'm open to anyone thats serious about this and would like to join. So far heres what ive planned and organized:

    Unit & Weapons:

    Player will have a choice between 3 suit types with 2 Classes each making a total of 6 units. Command, Maurauder, and Scout with each suit being 1st or 2nd Class All suits are armed with the basic jump jets, and rockets while the rest of the loadout will differ on suit type. Each class is the same unit but has more armor and stronger versions of weapons. Total suit capable weapons will be: Rockets, flamethrower, Machine gun, chain gun, micro rockets, and HE bombs

    Each suit will have limited amount of Ammo, Power, and jump juice which will have to be replenished at certain points. You can stay in your suit unless you die or run out of power. If you die you will be ejected and have a weak weapon and low health. If your suit is out of power you can't do nothing but leave it behind.


    I'm either going to have standard controls or maybe have keyboard movment with spacebar for jumpjets. Targeting will be done by either clicking on the unit or just having the standard sc function.


    Bugs will be 4 caste: soldier, worker, command, special

    Soldier-I plan on using the roach as it fits the description of bugs in the book, also they will have a laser beam that they shoot. (the movie bugs are BS)

    Longterm Plan:

    After all mechanics are established and a save system I hope to have a series of maps where you save and take your character to each map which will be a campaign or series of missions and use it there getting upgrades and weapons that arent accessible in one map and can bring them back to previously played missions with the tech.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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