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    posted a message on [WIP] Win the Crowd

    @BuuGhost: Go

    By law in the US, i believe anyone can use 2:00 minutes worth of music from an artists track without exclusive permission. Still, that never stopped me from making music videos for my classes in high school comprising of full songs. Since I wasn't distributing it or selling it, I was supposedly okay O.o;

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on SotIS Unlocked

    @SouLCarveRR: Go

    I hate this topic, yet feel so strongly for it.

    In my War3 days, I used other maps extensively to make my own. I made some really proud projects by learning from others maps. Reluctantly, there were about 3 or 4 that I HAD to unlock, because they were the only maps that used something similar to what I needed at the time. I blame this on people locking maps because those 3 or 4? we're unique maps. Part of that elite that shuffled all their first hand knowledge under the carpet for their own gain. All other map makers were mainly releasing DotAs, Footie Warz and other lame bullshit. During my BW days, I messed around with one map in particular to learn from it. That one map alone let me create one of my most successful maps I thought I created.

    So, yes, I was aware that this was obviously against the wishes of the creators. Yes, I was aware that in cases, I was tampering with code that really, was most likely wrong to tamper with.

    But seriously... 2 things always were in my head when faced with unlocking a map.

    If you make a project, and post it on the god damned internet (for the internet is truly, a damned place people): PEOPLE ARE GOING TO TAKE IT. Lock it, seal it, I don't care. You're still going to have some one unlock it for their own purposes or malicious intent. Wanna' really lock it? DONT POST IT ON THE F*ING INTERNET. Simple.

    Second. Are you people really that proud of yourselves? You're going to make this map, and then say "my coding is so precious that I don't want people to steal it" ? Are you that arrogant? When I look at just simple living, I try to consider "treating others as how I would like to treated" as a rule of thumb to any socially related contact. I will never, ever, lock one of my maps. Why? Because I'm willing to admit that no matter how brilliant my coding might some how make me look smart? There is some other dude, truly desperate and thirsting for either a challenge in hacking? or the knowledge to create, smarter than me, more determined - than me - who is absolutely GOING to Unlock my map.

    In my honest opinion? Locking maps shouldn't be possible. Blizzard should not have implemented it. If you're so worried about your respect, ego, image, popularity, dues, or whatever you think you should earn by being the first to release what you think is an "awesome" map, than honestly, being the first to post it online? Shows record of who and when. Blizzard could've enhanced that, so that if anyone had any dispute? A simple record could be pulled? Proof read? And the traitorous theft map could be banned along with the A-hole who stole it.

    I realize what I've said is rather offensive to most who are on the other side of this topic, but I can really do no more but express my concerns of I think this does nothing but destroy communities. All it does is divide lines, separate masses of talent and create unworthy egos.

    If some one unlocking your map is such a horrible, horrible thing, and if it is supposedly not a tool that anyone learns from... than I guess, for the 2 colleges I went to? All those exercises of copying another artist's work? We're wrong? It made me a WAY, WAY better artist. If not for those classes, for those professors? I would've never developed my own style. As my favorite professor told me "It's how the evolution of art evolves". You're not copying, you're learning. Believe it or not? I think we can all closely consider MAP MAKING, an art.

    edit - And no SouLcarver, this isn't directly only to you. It... decided to add you as what supposedly replied too. Oops.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Do any of these sound like fun?

    @Keyeszx: Go

    lol its kind'a sad, but true. People see something new and go either "OMG!? WTF IS THAT! EW!" or "psh, it'll never work."

    I want to see basic melee game modes for SC2 itself. I really thought Blizzard would add them automatically, but... no. They did not. Simple triggers can make these things comparable with any map in the ladder pool or custom.

    Team Melee - Exactly like the BW mode. Could be customized quite a bit for SC2.

    Fortress - Your starting CC/Nex/Hatch is your life line. Lose it and you're defeated. Most likely need the starting buildings to have a buff that makes them tougher than others.

    Greed - Instead of using minerals or gas in fear of unbalances, create a third resource (such as terrazine) and use that instead.

    Capture the Flag - Many mode wthin this one mode; Team, Team Melee, FFA, ect.

    King of the Hill - Hold a center beacon for an extended amount of time. After an elapsed amount of time, he who held the hill longest, wins.

    Hold the Line - Similiar to King of the Hill in that you hold beacon areas. However, instead they are revolved around points captures. Points are scored the longer you hold a beacon. Once the limit is reach (like in Greed), game ends. There would be several points to hold, not just one like in KotH.

    Monobattles - Not really needed. maps are released now with this in mind. You choose one primary combat unit from your faction to mass through out the entire game, and that unit only. Only works for team games. Credit I believe goes to Day[9]; not quite sure though.

    Sandbox - A battle where players can vote and set custom parameters on certain core game-play variables such as, resource node amounts, gather amounts, Production speeds, research speeds, cost %s, health %, damage %, population cap size, ect.

    I feel all these modes can be created to all work within the map at startup. Similar to how the new Phantom Mode maps have several settings to choose from at start, each one of these modes can be deployed via start up triggers and dialogs. It could totally work. It's obviously not far out there in originality, but it does act like the jack of all trades. Look how high phantom mode stays up on the popularity list for example. Also, 2v2s and 3v3s in the custom lists are quite high. A map pool featuring these modes would offer a lot of variation from the normal game, without straying so far as to branch into either unknown territory, or completely copy a not-so-new sub genre (as in TD or AoS) and worry of it never reaching the already set standards.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [MOVIE] Battlecruiser Operational (Blizzcon Entry)

    I approve of this message. Join the Dominion. Why? Because it's bad ass.

    The style in this video is almost a Hollywood inspiration from what I can see. The Battle Cruiser's targeting cam shots were very reminiscent of District 9's style (in which the director is a fan of; because his Halo short film used it as well). The Scale seen is also a very shocking effect, but made personal with so many dynamic close ups. I feel this video is more on the realistic representation of the Starcraft universe. As such, the only thing I'd do different is add more cannon types to the BC to really flesh it out. Add the guns on the Hyperion, which almost act like Vulcan Point Defense guns to gun down the targets that get real close, and have the actual laser batteries act as heavy weapon platforms that would resemble the power of an artillery shell.

    A real nitpick is that the Mothership should've been Gigantic. It's massive. Real, real massive. I would've nuked the base and then at the end, the MS would've appeared, warping in more crap and ended it right there, simply because a single nuke wouldn't destroy it and the fact that I love leaving action shots on endings that intend the action to continue. Thats just my opinion though. I loved it how it was.

    The voice acting was actually pretty good and I noticed the subtle changes in voice to try and fit unit archetypes. At the beginning when the Marines were calling for Air Support, it sounded a little rugged, and dialog contained notions of how the Marine is a less disciplined individual (also shitting his pants in fear). The BC sounded like the crew, is seriously not seeing much with their real eyes, but their ship's "sensor" eyes. To operate these things, they are highly trained, and educated. They are also in a state where they still feel some what separated from the carnage below. Despite the comments on the Voice Acting, I'd say it was well done; and while it does not entirely fit what we usually see in the games stereotypes, I'd like to say that if SC was more realistic? This is how I'd imagine it.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [HD] Starcraft 2 Cursors for windows!

    @HeroLief: Go

    Coupled with a high resolution screen shot with the game and my task bar on minimized? It always looks like I'm playing SC2 O.o

    Warning: These cursors have a l33t hack that makes user have SC2 gaming impulses. In other words; these cursors are Bad Ass for my SC2 themed desktop.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Halo Wars, anybody?

    @zeldarules28: Go

    I never played the game, but I did look closely at it for the simple sake that the Halo franchise originally was an RTS before it became an FPS. Also, Halo Mods, like the one for CnC Generals, were very promising until they were shut down.

    Halo Wars had a central base theme which, was not iconic to itself. Battle for Middle Earth 1 (A game, in fact, designed by our own Dustin Browder) used central base themes with slots.

    I for one liked that theme in some ways. Much like your army composition, you also had base compositions. It put more tech choices in strategic complexes than what you have now with SC where you could tech to anything. It's limit was that, it was... well. Limited, very. However, if you had access to multiple basses to capture, the limit is no different than that of forcing players to expo or suffer to a fate of attrition.

    The other thing I believe Halo Wars featured was a cover system where infantry could run up to specific "doodads" that provided a cover function. Units hiding behind them took less damage in combat. The game did not feature ballistics functions, like CoH or MoW, so the cover system was much more generic, acting like an armor buff.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on GTA inspired Free Roam Map

    Has anyone done one like this yet? A city life map?

    I'm seriously thinking about it myself, complete with player driven objectives and everything (so that it's not so free roam as to lead to hours of aimless wandering).

    The the play style Idea in my head is an almost, Arcade like - GTA sort've element, only with RTS flare. Arcade meaning, that I don't want the world to be utterly 3D (as in, TPS or FPS), but more like "top down fighters".

    I've got a slew to write down for it if anyone has anything to say about it. Maybe join up?

    I'll spill the beans if anyone is interested.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Trouble making custom units

    @godofrndmobjcts: Go

    IF I am not mistaken, this is because you didn't duplicate EVERYTHING. EVERY SINGLE object is duplicated EXACTLY. So, all the objects you did NOT duplicate? Still are forced to being used because the ones you DID duplicate, are used by the ones you DID! Does that make sense? It's like, you duping Unit X. Unit X uses assets A,B and C. You only Duped Asset C. Well, Asset C is linked to A and B, so when Asset C is duped and becomes Asset C+? It still has A and B linked under the Unit. The easiest way to get around this is by duping everything in my opinion. I don't understand a lot about Data Edit either, but I understand you're confusion I ran into it a few times before I realized what it was. For a little reassurance, I have a 64bit system as well, so believe me, I don't think this is a bug.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on So, Who played/plays WoW?

    played it casually since the Beta. IMO, Vanilla days were the best days, when patch 1.3 cane out. The old Honor system was funky, but I liked it. I also loved the Title system that came with it.

    Leveling wasn't as slow as other old school MMOs but compared to now? Was a snails pace. Several months to get a nice geared 60 was considered fucking fast. Every level from beyond level 20 felt amazing. Every bracket in PvP felt worthy. And, for the most part, every instance was complex because they were so large and daunting. But, there rewards for your endurance was well worth it. There were also old hat tricks, like, rumors that your warrior could level weapon skill faster if he was using Intell gear. Each stat had a use by ALL classes back then. I remember having an Agi Warrior back in the day. That crap wouldn't work now. No individuality anymore. Back then, you could be pretty different, mix a spec up, get some crazy gear types and still be formidable and unique. The leveling experience grew you into your character. Now? You just rush to 80 as quick as possible or else you quit. You skip all that growing, and all the exploring. The different brackets of PvP adventures, the social friendships formed while WALKING, yes WALKING to BRD or Wailing Caverns.

    As time went on, WoW got easier and easier. IDC what you all say, but WoW is very little skill, at least now; for the simple purpose of Blizzard trying to attract more and more players. WoW is an Everyone's game, almost like it's the Wii of MMOs. Everyone can play it, even the fucking retards (which now a days there are just so many of them). BC was an absolute horrible expansion. With it's release, Metzen had to cough up apologies for the loop holes and misdirections of the Lore and Storyline we had been following since Orcs and Humans. The Instances got small, dainty and easier. There were rewards every where that were easy to achieve so any sense of accomplishment was only felt by one rare ass drop? Or Black Temple raids. Then, Enter Wrath. Good expansion but so many game changes made the game even easier. By then, in PvP, you had throngs of what we all called "Welfare" gear. To get your mounts, all the newbies only had to pay a couple hundred gold where back in the day it cost thousands (all the vets wished we could have a refund since auction houses are so recently inflated). With so much free shit? It's like, wtf? why try? While the instances and shite were overall, a little better and at least, prettier, they were still easy as shit.

    Over all, Raiding wasn't all that appealing to me. I'm a competitive player, thus PvP is the only real "skill" show I believe in. Raiding did nothing for your PvP. I could beat your T10.5 ass with arena gear rather handedly, just because that's how it's supposed to be I guess. Raiding is like playing a solo game with many people, and it still suffers the same effects as such. What is it that was said in an old strat guide for Brood War? "Once you figure out how to beat the computer, it's just over. But versus another human? Another player? It's totally different". The only complicated thing about raids is the IQ range of your Raid group.

    The lasting promise of WoW was it's PvP, which did take skill. Actual Arena combat, with real players is exhilarating, but due to whining involved, and the fact that Characters need to be balanced both Raid wise and PvP wise, Blizzard has never been able to balance all the class types. There's is a lot of injustice with each class. Still, I've got a lot of respect for the Arena guys/gals. Despite the complications with the game design, they still find the skill and prowess to combat very well in-game, no matter the Nerf.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Blizzard's loophole in map editing that allows hacking

    @Molsterr: Go

    I wonder if we're missing Progammer's point here.

    Damn the Hacker. It's shitty that Blizzard didn't remove assets right the first time but people, that player (and those who use it) are technically cheating, which I highly frown upon and give little thought to recognizing them. You should too.

    The point of this thread I gathered from the OP was how this can be used cleverly in custom maps. Many maps have "secret" discoveries or options that can be fun (as long as they are not hampering the enjoyment of the game play) and this method here can be a new thing to add to your maps! For example: Some Defense VS map is made or something. Player X is sucking horridly bad. Game whispers a code to him that allows him to spawn a secret unit that you could not see in the command card! Player Y does amazingly well and unlocks an Map made achievement! A random code is whispered to him only that allows him to summon an avatar in game that does really nothing by flaunt how bad ass player Y is!

    Forget the cheaters, think of how this oops could be use creatively for some interesting maps!

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Whats your sad story?

    @KiwiWarrior: Go

    I currently live in a state I don't wanna' be in, in a county with a 24% unemployment rate, working at a dead end job that I've now capped out on salary on; with no friends around me (as they are all in Dallas TX, or in LA So Cal) which, where I'm at? Is over 1k miles away. Bummer. Is there any hope?

    To the girl thing? Get over the picky-ness thing. If you think her nails are weird now, wait 'til she grates on your nerves later with strange personality disorders you never knew she had til 5 years down the road. No one is perfect. I'll give you 2 lines to go by. Act on you attraction and just have fun. And yes generally that involves sex but if it's consensual and you're both at least close friends? Then I've always considered it harmless (just for god's sake, be safe about it >.> Also, don't think sex is the only way to have fun either). Just play the game. If she doesn't wanna', she doesn't wanna'. Stay friends and just explore other possibilities. It's cliche, but there are really, plenty of fish in the sea.

    If you're looking for something real? Heh, that's an entirely different card. I'm not kidding about the getting over the picky-ness thing. When I say no one is perfect? It's not in meaning that I'm saying "lower your standards". Pshh, no no. By any means, hold your standards high, but don't be stubborn. In a real, deep, long lasting relationship, it's those picky things, those... ever so annoying, frustrating things, that make that person unique to you. When you 2 grow old? Those are the things that make you cry most when that person is gone. How, maybe, through out 40 years of marriage, she always had this habit of leaving her cup out on the coffee table. never putting up when she was done. You'll look at that coffee table, and want that cup to be there, to remind you of her. It's sad sounding at first, but, really, open up your heart to that thought. Those little things. it's always, those little-lest, tiniest things, that you remember of that one you spend your life with. Remember that. Get over your Picky-ness. Perfection with 'Love'? Would make it less memorable.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Anyone wanna help out?

    @Malkari5662: Go

    So you basically need some one to terrain the map concept you have shown below for ya? Am I correct?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Weapon Projectiles and Accuracy

    The Data Editor is really pissing me off. It's easy to get lost in this thing.

    Anyway, I have a question. Searched for it before posting but either the sites search engine is broken, or there is nothing out there related to this (which would shock me) I want a unit, like a Marine or a Tank, to shoot weapons that have accuracy. There are 2 methods I'm willing to try. 1 - Accuracy Point Method - A method I used in my War3 maps. When a Unit attacks, one that is ranged, the attack will land in an area at or around the target. It was done then with triggers, basically generating a random point starting from the target origin to say, 20 units away at any angle (360). Every attack would land uniquely in it's own place and would do a small AoE, determining the size and effect of the projectile landing. This created an "Accuracy" effect that was also visible. The only flaw I did not like with it was that units in front of the target will still have rounds go through them to reach their point of impacts, but hey; same with SC. Marines can shoot through Command Centers to hit Zerglings on the other side, what's the big deal right? right. 2 - Projectile Point Method - A method in which is more commonly used by trace lines but I'm not sure if that is needed. A unit attacks a target, and is under the same accuracy effects as above, accept the projectiles themselves are the impact event devices (meaning they only impact upon collision search). So in this case, the random point effect only determines the direction of the attack. Because it seems like Projectiles are so close to units in the Data Editor, it happened upon me that they also might be able to have the same EFFECTS as units or, Abilities. Namely, turn the Baneling into a projectile for example as a staple unit. Or the Scourge from the Campaign dependencies. They have suicide effects upon collision search automatically so; it seems perfect. I also noticed a "Projectile Life Timer" thing under the Projectile Mover? I believe? Does this time the projectiles flight time and thus can act as a range inhibitor? Or would using a negative regeneration rate for the projectiles Health be more effective?

    Anyways, yes, I'm asking for kind've a how too as I'm still learning.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Homeworld 2 fighter like attack?

    @Anthius: Go

    working on such a thing myself. The idea is to have the unit attacking A: be edited in the data editor to attack while moving and have the adjusted firing arcs. and then, B, have a trigger that repeats when the unit is in combat. The trigger being a set flight path the unit flies that is constantly re order to the unit like a queue, that is also based off of it's target's position and facing. For instance, a figure 8. The flight path is located at the target origin and is laid out according to the targets facing. Thats, the plan that is. I want a random trigger system using this, so that fighters have multiple flight path options to use. There for dogfights don't end up sterile as each fighter mirrors each other. It is also a planned "stat" that some fighters are more trained and use more moves.

    I've yet to create anything close to that, as I've been side tracked by the car physics map that came up, studying that. If you do get something, do let us know, it'd be neat to see.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Melee Map] Orbital Decay 1v1

    @BoomStevo: Go

    that maps looks pretty neat, i'd like to try it out later on. The only thing so far I see first hand is possibly moving the outer Watch Towers to West and East instead of North and South; so that they can spy the Gold Expos.

    The map middle looks crazy open, especially after those rocks are destroyed.

    Maybe replace Rocks with actual Cliff levels? and some LoS blockers aligned nicely in the middle ground some where would be Real good, since it is so open looking.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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