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    posted a message on Creating Triggers on the fly
    how about toggling the trigger on/off when you need it?
    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on [Codename: Underworld] Closed Beta Signups!
    @Bounty_98: I'm up for some testing, check your PM.
    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Naruto Hokage Battle
    @morphman220: This is an interesting concept, but never played the original maps. SC2 is a great platform for making arena combat maps, but you're gonna have to learn how to make most of this map on your own. Just to get the project off the ground. And breed faith in people that can potentially help you. Search the forum, skim tutorials, ask questions. Show us a demo soon? ;]
    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on Question about 3rd party graphics in maps
    If you're not stealing their actual content through illegal means, and you're doing this for educational and non-profit purposes, what are they gonna do to you? They can't sue you for money, because you didn't make any. Even if the company is dumb enough to go after an avid fan of their work, they stand to be ridiculed to no end. Not worth it, and they'll lose for sure. Just don't make any profit for it, and even make it into a promotion for their work, they might even praise you for doing it. xD
    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on The Texture Shop (request icons and textures)

    @onisagi: Go

    I made these awhile ago, hopefully someone will find them useful

    Posted in: Art Assets
  • 0

    posted a message on The Texture Shop (request icons and textures)
    This thread is for:
    • Requests for icons, wireframes, portraits, or just general textures to complete your mapping projects.
    • Artists to come and help create texture assets for SC2.
    • General discussion of texture work for SC2.


    For Requests:
    • If you have specific resources (models, pre-existing graphics) that you would like to use, include them in your request post, even if its just the fullname of a certain dds file inside SC2. It'll help immensely.
    • Please give credit where its due, even if you weren't the original requester.
    • Private requests should be done privately through PM system, this is a public repository.
    For Artists:
    • Artists, feel free to let people know you'll be taking a specific request, unless you don't mind having duplicate work.
    • Whether you wanna include a preview image, is up to you. I will make a preview image when I compile it into the list under your name.
    • All Artists will be sorted alphabetically by first initial, and icons will currently be displayed in no particular order, until the need arises.
    • PM me any specific needs/recommendations regarding this thread or questions.

    Instructions for DDS/TGA importing and exporting

    DDS exporting can be done using Photoshop, GIMP, or Paint.net.

    Using Photoshop:

    Assuming you already have Photoshop, download and install NVIDIA Plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop (homepage) (Note: The plug-in only works under Windows, and under 32-bit version of PS) If the newest version won't work for your version of Photoshop, try the legacy version. After installing, you should be able to "Open" or "Save As" D3D/DDS files through Photoshop. WTV is also a very useful Windows application for quick previewing of DDS files. Just drag and drop onto the executable, on the WTV window, or open through GUI.
    Opening a *.dds:
    • A pop-up window will display asking for DDS Read Properties. Just use the default settings.
    Saving a *.dds:
    • If your texture has alpha/transparency, keep "Alpha Channels" checked in the Save As menu.
    • Find a location, name the file, save it.
    • Under the "dds Format window" select:
      1. Under the drop-down select your compression type:
        • "DXT3 ARGB 8 bpp | explicit alpha" for general icons with alpha/transparency channel
        • "DXT1 RGB 4bpp | no alpha" for icons without alpha transparency (reduced filesize over DXT3).
        • [more on compression types later]
      2. Select "No MIP maps" radio button under "MIP Map Generation".
      3. Leave the rest default, and press Save
    • Alternatively, you could always save as TGA under 32 bits/pixel setting, but you get better compression results with DDS.

    Using GIMP:

    Download and install GIMP for Windows or Mac, visit gimp.org for other OS choices. When you have GIMP installed, get the zip file for the gimp-dds plug-in (homepage). Extract "dds.exe" into your "plug-ins" as stated in the provided readme file. [This section is WIP]

    Using Paint.net:

    For those that don't want to deal with installing plug-ins, I heard that Paint.net has built-in support for DDS format. If you want to give it a try, start here -> http://www.getpaint.net [This section is WIP]

    Compilation of Completed Assets

    Saving instructions: Right-Click -> Save As



    by Demonette


    Reaper Nitro Packs - off

    Nitro Packs - Closed (re-shadow)

    Nitro Packs - Overheat



    by draconis137


    Razor Swarm

    T82 Missile Pods 1 (mirrored)

    T82 Missile Pods 2 (mirrored)

    Napalm Burninators Blue

    Napalm Burninators Blue LW

    Force Field Red

    Demo. Charge



    by jaxter184


    T82 Missile Pod 1

    T82 Missile Pod 2

    Napalm Burninators

    Psionic Shockwave

    Bone Pincers

    Punisher Grenade (Flipped)

    Demo. Charge

    Demo. Charge 2

    Flaming Betty (red)

    Land (Red) (fin. by draconis137)

    Liftoff (Green) (fin. by draconis137)

    Marine Squad

    Extractor (Red)

    Extractor (Blue)








    by onisagi


    Blink (Red)

    Hallucination (Red)

    Psi-Storm (Red)

    Archon (Red)

    Strike Turret


    Creep Colony

    Sunken Colony

    Spore Colony

    Human Kerrigan

    Nitro Boost (Closed)

    Nitro Boost/Pack (Closed fixed)


    Crawling Hand









    by VoidPotato


    Fatty btn






    by Demonette






    by draconis137






    by jaxter184


    zeratul1|zeratul2|zeratul3|zeratul4 (fin. by draconis137)





    by Onisagi


    Strike Turret

    Strike Turret (Thick)










    by Demonette






    by draconis137






    by jaxter184


    Kerrigan (w/ Team Colors)

    Extractor (Blue)

    Extractor (Red)

    Hybrid Protoss (w/ Team Colors)


    Any requests?
    Posted in: Art Assets
  • 0

    posted a message on Making Icons for requests

    @yukaboy: Go Edit: Hi, hows the weather? Deleted my offtopic stuff, thought you left for good, Adelios xD Good to see you're back.

    Posted in: Art Assets
  • 0

    posted a message on Making Icons for requests

    @jaxter184: Go Edit: Deleted previous offtopic, should've used PMs. xD

    Posted in: Art Assets
  • 0

    posted a message on Hive Keeper - Dungeon Keeper Mod

    @zeldarules28: Go

    make sure you set a User Path to your Asset/Textures/ folder in 3DSMax too

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on [Tutorial] Load Screen for all monitor types

    @Genopath: Go

    Keep your crazy ideas to yourself geno. lol, j/p.

    Hope this actually helps people, or at least gets exposure. Too many problematic loading screens i see on Bnet becuz of my 4:3 aspect resolution. Or people just don't care about how ther loading screen looks on anything other than their own monitors....

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
  • 0

    posted a message on [Tutorial] Load Screen for all monitor types

    I've noticed some people have problems with their loading screen displaying properly. White bars, warped image, etc. I'm not here to say this is the best method to do your loading screen to your own liking, but it will generally make your loading screen look nice for nearly every monitor resolution.


    • "aspect scaled" setting forces top/bottom of image to conform with top/bottom of user screen
    • Image protruding off sides will be cut off
    • Lack of image to fill areas will become pure white (a method to changing this color is currently unknown)

    Like this -> darken areas are cutoff for 4:3.

    Example shot of what happens to a 16:9 image on a 4:3 screen, darkened parts are cut off

    Solution: We are going to add in a border knowing that it may or may not be cut off. See below image for example of how it works.


    • By creating an image at 16:9 aspect ratio, you will account for all widescreen users (17:9 is wider, but very uncommon)
    • The border on the sides is made aesthetically pleasing, but won't take away from your loading screen if removed.
    • You want your loading screen to work perfectly well with all users ranging from 16:9 to 4:3 aspect (5:4 is not common).

    The relationship of how the game treats your image is determined by the following ->

    width - height * (aspectRatio) = total_cutoff_Width
    // (divide by 2 to know how much it cuts off on each side)

    Where Width and Height is that of your loading screen, and AspectRatio = 4/3 (or 5/4 for more support range, but the cutoff for 4:3 will have slight remaining borders.

    The Solution

    • If your loading screen is not widescreen (16:9), then transform it into widescreen (16:9) using:
    current_imageHeight x (16/9) = new_imageWidth

    Then scale your image canvas to that width, and create your border as desired in the new space.

    • If your loading screen is already done and is at 16:9, then you must first expand it into a 4:3 aspect image, then expand again into a 16:9 image with borders all around using the following process:
    // first determine new height
    current_imageWidth x (3/4) = new_imageHeight
    // then use the image height to get the new width
    new_imageHeight x (16/9) = new_imageWidth

    After adjusting your canvas to the new height and width, you just put in borders in the new spaces as desired.

    What if i don't like borders?

    Then all you have to do is extend your load screen graphics past the cutoff areas, and make sure that anything that is inside a cutoff area is expendable. Like a blur effect applied to the borders areas, or just landscape/planet-scape you don't mind losing.


    Here's a quickly made example of the result, which keeps nearly all the details of the original image. White lines signify the cuttoff point for 4:3 users.

    Sample resulting image

    Border ideas:

    • Fill it with color that matches your current graphics
    • Black/white out
    • Use Blizzard style borders
    • Design your own border

    Note: The aspect ratios can be replaced to expand this solution for resolutions outside of 16:9 and 4:3 range.

    How Blizzard does it:

    They do something similar with high resolution images that don't contain important material in outer rims. As shown in the first image.

    For reference, Blizzard's loading screen size is 2048x1160, very close to 16:9, but still conforming with good dds resolutions (factorable by 2) for compression.

    Edit: Factorable by 2 or 4 depending on how strict your compression is. Attached image with general monitor resolutions/aspect ratios.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
  • 0

    posted a message on Sc2Mapster Data Assets

    is this stickied?

    I think the thing that is holding back this section is the dysfunctional state of mod files. When someone writes a method to do an effect, they automatically think its more of a tutorial than an actual asset, because there is no easy way to "inject" it into other peoples maps automatically.

    When the next patch comes, and mod files actually work, then we may start seeing this forum active again, and this post will be leading the way. Thanks Aenigma.

    Posted in: Data Assets
  • 0

    posted a message on Java Programming

    format the code correctly -> http://java.sun.com/docs/codeconv/CodeConventions.pdf

    like this:

    class javamath {
        public static void main(String [] args) {
            int number = 123;
            if (number == 123) {
                System.out.println("The square root of "
                    + number
                    + " is "
                    + Math.sqrt(number));

    I need to know what you were trying to do when it didn't work, did you try to do another

    int number = 225;

    inside the else statement? Try just number = 225; by itself, then have the print function for it.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Attack ground where mouse is clicked / aiming system

    @ST4RKiLL3R: Go

    wait for patch 1.2, mousemove function.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Blocking Bittorent

    @FuzzYD: Go "I've tried setting QOS"

    Tried implies you failed right? QoS should be your solution, other than preventing him from using internet completely..

    I've had friends with this problem, they just moved the hell away from a person like that. If he never opens the door or attempts to communicate, you dunno if hes gonna just kill you one day in your sleep... lol

    You said "we", so you can just get a unanimous decision with your other housemates to kick the person out, especially if they continue to be this unreasonable. Have you ever tried asking him/her to limit DL/UL speed? Like cap download at 1/2-1/3 of the max download speed, and have less than 4KB/s upload.


    Also how is your components connected? Where is the router/modem/pcs with respect to each other? If the modem comes out of your room, you can stick another router inside your room as your actual DHCP and QoS management, and then disable those on your old router. He won't know for sure if you set any limits or blocks on him, and no matter how many times he resets the old router, it won't do anything.

    But of course none of this prevents him from finding a way into your room and doing wutever he needs to do... the best solution if hes that annoying in every way, is to get him to leave or leave yourself...

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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