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    posted a message on How to duplicate objects properly?

    When duplicating a model "One time" its enough to keep all the actors to default and just assign them to the new unit. However, keep in mind. You ALWAYS have to assign the normal Actor AND the attack actor. In this case. Marine and Marine Attack. Otherwise you wouldn't have any sounds or attack effect.

    If you want to make two duplicates. Lets say. Super Marine and Uber marine. Each would need their own weapon, model actor, attack actor and effect model. This is because you can adjust weapon damage on the effect, weapon speed on the weapon model. And both actors need to be bound to one unit as you can not bind them to several. However, sounds and such do not need to be duplicated as there is no need to change those you can just edit the attack for alternate sounds.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Trigger] Dynamic Tower Sell

    Working on it. Just got most bugs and kinks fixed, now I have to buckle down and create all the waves and towers and upgrades. I have 40 waves and 12 towers with an upgrade on each planned. Just need to work out all their stats.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [Trigger] Dynamic Tower Sell

    I'm going to assume you know your way around the editor so I don't need to go into detail on how to create new buttons/units/etc. So the first part is going to very simple.

    Part 1:

    Duplicate, edit or use the ability Salvage Bunker. (I personally duplicated it and renamed it to Sell Tower and said in the tooltip the tower would refund 75%) Add the Salvage Bunker/Sell Tower button to the command card of your tower (All the towers of course). You do not need to edit the rewards, cast or whatever of the ability as it will not have time to finish. Though if you want, edit it to your liking but make sure to add a "wait" trigger that corresponds with the cast on the ability (though 0.1 seconds earlier as we want to destroy the tower so the 100 minerals return for a normal bunker does not go into effect).

    Now that we got that set up its time for the actual trigger

    Part 2:

    Create a new trigger anywhere you want with the following details.

            Unit - Any Unit uses Sell Tower at Generic6 - Complete stage (Ignore shared abilities)
            (Owner of (Triggering unit)) == 1
            General - Wait 0.5 Game Time seconds (I added a small time frame to not make it feel out of place (to instant))
            Player - Modify player 1 Minerals: Add (Minerals cost of (Unit type of (Triggering unit)))
            Unit - Kill (Triggering unit)

    Part 3:

    Now all you have to do is go back to the data editor and edit the (None) - Repair Resource field to whatever you want the tower to sell for. I personally made all the towers sell for about 75% as that is what my sell tooltip said.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Beta Key Contest PT2 - Loading Screen

    I take it as you have made it as a .dds already thats what it'l take to include it in the map. Is there a guide here to how to add the loading screen? and also how do I make it as a .dds? :)

    • EDIT* I can upload it as a .dds if needed. And send you the .psd if you want to edit it. I still cant figure out how to add one to my own maps though. Do I need to have an mpq editor?
    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Beta Key Contest PT2 - Loading Screen

    I remember that map. It was awesome. I'll get started on it right now. Taking a break from my Tower Defense Map :)

    Update: Let me know if you need anything changed.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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