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    posted a message on WoW Model Viewer: Buildings??

    @Daara87: Go

    Converting .wmo's into m3's can be a pain. You have to reapply each texture in 3DS Max. And if you want them to be fully functional in SC2 you have to add attachment points, target volumes, and hit tests.

    Saeris made a video guide how to do the basics.

    It is also useful to remove the insides as they will just increase the file size. I completely gut anything that isn't needed and add doors or windows to hide the empty inside. If you have Startools you can use one of their tutorials to learn how to add attachment points, target volumes, and hit tests.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on WoW Model Viewer: Buildings??

    List the structures you want once you find them in the .wmo section.

    If you have trouble loading certain .wmo files because of crashes, download machinima studio. You can view them there and even export, but the textures are saved as .jpeg and may even be resized.

    Note: Some models are also apart of a larger .wmo file and can only be found in those ( such as some of the structures in Stormwind/Stratholme ).

    Once I finish working on my models I will make them available to the public. However, this may take some time. I'm quite protective of my work thanks to people stealing credit for stuff in SC1 and WC3.

    Here are the screenshots of a bunch of the .wmo's I've done for Humans: http://smotis.deviantart.com/gallery/41925163

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Ok just wondering

    Nope, there are people who make stuffed animals from pictures your children draw for much cheaper. Plus they are hilarious.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on World War Three! (formerly Defcon ONE)

    @sandround: Go

    Well that was weird...I was listening to Imagine Dragons when I started this video...

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on The Collective thread of April's Fool
    Quote from progammer: Go

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    Wow, go an entire day and come back still got no April's Fool stuff for D3, is their CM team really in disarray ???

    I don't blame them, too busy cleaning up the shitfest they left us with.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on PAX East - New Blizzard Game Announcement

    @progammer: Go

    This will easily replace magic for me. No more spending $100's on cards and carrying around boxes upon boxes of decks.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Two issues with WoW Models + 3DS Max

    @strongfoe: Go

    Cloak textures need to have two-sided checked.

    Also if you want to get the death animation to work properly you'll probably need to reduce the scale of those floating bracers to like .00001% until they actually need to appear.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Missing/Leaking Trigger, Remove and Create Units

    @redbean87: Go

    Exakens trigger works perfect. You either did something wrong or don't understand anything about triggers. Sometimes it requires this thing we like to call logic. Try being a little more respectful to people helping you or you'll likely find yourself with no one willing to help you.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on StarTools beta has started

    @println: Go

    So if I create it with 3DS Max's student version which isn't for commercial use wouldn't that void them from owning it?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on StarTools beta has started

    @maverck: Go

    Just a heads up to anyone using WoW models, be prepared to scale them up quite a bit or you won't be able to see them because they will be too tiny.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Sexist Logo?

    @Taintedwisp: Go

    Granted there are a lot of dumb ass men in the world I highly doubt this was the intended message of the logo. Women just have no trouble crying when it comes to "sexism". Yet, the vast majority still expect men to take care of them and perform "manly" tasks such as yard work and heavy lifting. In the eyes of a woman a man without a job is a worthless bum. While it's perfectly acceptable for them to not have a job. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

    We as a society need to accept the fact that men and women ARE NOT EQUAL. We both have different needs and positions to fill. Men do not know what women want because women do not know what women want. It is important that every major position provides both sides so we can fulfill the needs of everyone.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on HoTS Opening Cinematic
    Quote from SoulFilcher: Go

    @Darkillusion95: Go

    Yeah, but the whole discussion only exists because Blizzard recently gave us the stats for the Bucephalus, the biggest battlecruiser ever, and it's only 550m long., which makes it a lot smaller than a city.

    The one in this cinematic looks pretty accurate to me. For the sake of this video I'm going to say those sky scrapers are 70 stories tall. Ok, well that puts them at roughly 875-950 feet tall, about half the length of a the Bucephalus. As we can see from the video over half of the Battlecruiser is show before it actually makes contact with the ground. Blizzard got this right and anyone who says otherwise can't do simple math.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on I won a dota game with 0 kills and 32 deaths

    @Roma420: Go

    So you had teammates that were better than the people on the other team and this is suppose to prove that the game is broken? Also it was a 4v4 with you just giving the other team extra gold. Better team =/= broken game.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on HoTS Opening Cinematic

    @LitePollution9: Go

    Sometimes my delivery isn't great I'll agree with that. But I'm not going to be nice to someone who is clearly being overly critical and rude towards someone elses hard work just for the sake of it. It's hilarious how someone can make such assumptions about a game just from the opening cinematic. I remember in 2004 before World of Warcraft came out there were a ton of people criticizing the graphics saying they wouldn't purchase it because of it. Some of those same people I know of personally still play the game. Some people are way to critical of things before any real conclusion can be made. Also, criticizing the plot of a 2 minute clip? Are we serious?

    Posted in: General Chat
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