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    posted a message on Project VECTOR (TPS)

    This. Is. Amazing.

    The trailer is so damn good, I liked most of all that... thing that was standing infront of blue light and then disappeared.

    A little advice, in my opinion, the last shot where the light was turning down was way too long, the dymanic was lost.

    Anyways. Keep on working, looks like the map is gonna be one of the best things in SC2 modding so far :)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Are people already getting burnt out on mapping?

    Most questions were asked, most thoughts about campaign and lore were discussed, lot of tutorials are available. Thats the reason of lesser amount of forum posts I think :)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Do map makers play their maps?

    It is the same for movies you do. I am working in the film industry and when I watch release version of a film most of the time I look at technical aspects and other related stuff and can't enjoy the movie itself :)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Creating a map and copyright infringement

    Indeed. When you do stuff based on a movie or something, it kills your own ability to produce fresh and juicy ideas. And by the way those ideas give you lot of inspiration to work with by themselves. The campaign I am working at right now was originally based on a movie, but after all I have decided that it limits my creativity immensely! So... now I AM the one who makes copyrighted stuff :D

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Making SC2mapster contests more casual friendly?

    If you don't have like a 1-2 hours per day as a student, then you should look whats wrong with your time management, because it seems that there is something not important at all you waste time for and you could switch that time for something more useful :) I work more often then not 10-12 hours per day and still have time to develop my own fairly big SC2 campaign at mornings/evenings and at the weekends.

    Just a side note concerning time management. Every day I have around a hour when I am sitting in a train in the subway. Some time ago it was such a waste of time but now I use my pocket PC to write down my ideas and stuff for my campaign's design document. Actually, half of around 20.000 words it has was written during that "useless" time.

    Posted in: General Chat
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