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    posted a message on Randomizing Enemy Spawns

    No new thoughts on this, I'm still kinda lost as to whether or not what s3rius offered up was what I needed.

    This is what I have so far. Most of the stuff s3rius posted confused me so I just made my own random loop thing. I just need to figure out how to set something up to create the units. I thought about it turning on or running triggers. But that means I would need 18 scenarios x4 quadrants x 3 levels. It would also mean that I couldn't have duplicate scenarios since you can't turn a trigger on twice. I thought the function might work, but all the variables would need the card pick variable to work properly and thats a local variable. I'm stuck.

    I can't seem to get a clear image of this. It looks fine on my computer but when I get it on the threads it looks smaller and distorted.


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Randomizing Enemy Spawns

    @s3rius: Go

    Thanks for all the work you've put into this. A great deal of the stuff was confusing to me, but I think that you might have given me something a little different than I wanted. I only say this because of your use of the term "round".The game would be separated into chunks but only 3 or so. The main difference between the chunks is that the difficulty rating max would be higher, like 42 instead of 21 and the cards would become harder, like a roach or ultralisk instead of zerglings. Each portion of the game would be about a third of the game.

    I think I'm just going to describe a few parts of the game to describe what I want. If this is what you described to me than I clearly understood less than I thought I did.

    • Game begins
    • A minute into the game the base load enemies begin.
    • A minute later the first card is chosen. The card for the north quadrant is 1 zergling every 1 sec. The difficulty rating is 1 and the total rating for the NQ is now 1. The 1 zergling every 1 sec is now running and stays running for the entire game or round The next card is chosen in 30(1) sec
    • 30 seconds later the next card is chosen The card for the NQ is 1 pygalisk every 10 sec. The difficulty rating is 4 and the total for the NQ is now 5. The 1 zergling every 1 sec is running with the 1 pygalisk every 10 sec. The next card is chosen in 30(4) sec
    • 2 min later the next card is chosen
    • ect.
    • ect.
    • ect.
    • 2min 30 seconds later the next card is chosen The card for NQ is 2 banelings every 15 sec. The difficulty rating is 6 and the total for NQ is now 17. All previous cards are now running with this one as well. the next card is chosen in 30(6) sec
    • 3 min later the next card is chosen. The card is 2 roaches every 10-15 sec The difficulty is 5 and the total for NQ is 22. The difficulty is too high so the card is not used and another is immediately chosen. This continues unitl it is between 18 and 21
    • All quadrant reach the accepted range.
    • special event occurs and next round starts difficulty rating is increased to 42. Same process continues from above with different cards for the 21-42 portion of the game. The cards more difficult but the rating are still around 1-6 because you still only have 21 points to work with.

    That is kind of what I was going for.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Randomizing Enemy Spawns

    @s3rius: Go

    If the total is over 21 you don't use that scenario. You discard that one and choose another until you get on that between 18 and 21.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Randomizing Enemy Spawns

    I've found a way to do it. But I have a problem related to it. Its at the bottom of this post or in a post further down. ----------- --------- First off, I'd like to say that I've been away from making my map for a awhile, so I'm pretty rusty on the editor. I haven't really tried this myself, but I know that it is likely beyond my limits, sense I have no idea where to start. I became frustrated with a map I was making and I've recently decided to change the direction of the map to something that would be more multi-player friendly.

    P.S. Sorry if this is long winded

    Randomizing Enemy Spawns

    I'm trying to create a map that allows people to have different experience against a computer opponent every time they play. One way I've decided to do this is by randomizing enemy spawns. Each quadrant of the base and each game experience will differ in the type of enemy units, the number and the spawning time. Before I get into this I think I better explain some things about the map in general first.

    basic map info

    • The map is at heart a base survival. (starship troopers, castle defense)
    • The base is divided into 4 quadrants; the north, east, south and west. (Not physically divided)
    • Each quadrant need to have a separate enemy spawning system.

    How the System Works in theory

    Think Black Jack

    The game starts with each quadrant having a base load of enemy units. This is a very small amount of weak enemies. At a certain time in the game each quadrant randomly picks a new scenario or "card". An example of a scenario could be, "create 1 zergling every 1 sec at location x" (note not in editor language, cooldown) or "create 10 zerglings every 10-15 seconds at location x" or "create 1 pygalisk every 7 seconds at location x). Each scenario has a difficulty rating represented by a real number, much like a card would in black jack. The difficulty ratings for the examples above could be 1,3,4 respectively. Once the scenario is picked the system checks to see if the total points of the quadrant is equal to or higher than 18 and equal to or lower than 21. If it is lower than 18 it will wait XY seconds to pick the next scenario, where X is the difficulty rating and Y is a constant number. If it is higher than 21, it will pick another card until it is picks one that is under 21. If it is in the acceptable range it stops picking cards and waits for the other quadrant to catch up before moving to the next phase of the game.

    The reason for making the draw time for the cards dependent on the difficulty rating is to balance out the quadrant's excitement levels. If your quadrant got a crappy card like "1 zergling every 1 sec" and another got a cool or hard one like "10 zerglings every 10-15 sec" it would be unfair to have them each have to endure 2 mins before the next card. The first quadrant in this example would only have to wait 30 seconds before another card was chosen while the second would have to wait 90.

    What I think I know

    Think very little

    Things I need

    • 20 variables for 20 scenarios that need to have a unit creation trigger and difficulty rating attached to them somehow
    • A way to randomly choose these
    • A way to store and check the total difficulty rating
    • A way to create a cycle that resembles a black jack dealer
    • A way to do this for four quadrants separately
    • Pain killers
    • Help

    I feel like I should add something else, but I can't think at the moment so, I'm done for know. Any help would be appreciated.

    Here's a sample of what I'm looking for.

    • Game begins
    • A minute into the game the base load enemies begin.
    • A minute later the first card is chosen. The card for the north quadrant is 1 zergling every 1 sec. The difficulty rating is 1 and the total rating for the NQ is now 1. The 1 zergling every 1 sec is now running and stays running for the entire game or round The next card is chosen in 30(1) sec
    • 30 seconds later the next card is chosen The card for the NQ is 1 pygalisk every 10 sec. The difficulty rating is 4 and the total for the NQ is now 5. The 1 zergling every 1 sec is running with the 1 pygalisk every 10 sec. The next card is chosen in 30(4) sec
    • 2 min later the next card is chosen
    • ect.
    • ect.
    • ect.
    • 2min 30 seconds later the next card is chosen The card for NQ is 2 banelings every 15 sec. The difficulty rating is 6 and the total for NQ is now 17. All previous cards are now running with this one as well. the next card is chosen in 30(6) sec
    • 3 min later the next card is chosen. The card is 2 roaches every 10-15 sec The difficulty is 5 and the total for NQ is 22. The difficulty is too high so the card is not used and another is immediately chosen. This continues unitl it is between 18 and 21
    • All quadrant reach the accepted range.
    • special event occurs and next round starts difficulty rating is increased to 42. Same process continues from above with different cards for the 21-42 portion of the game. The cards more difficult but the rating are still around 1-6 because you still only have 21 points to work with.

    ---------------- --------------------

    I got it working and I'm having this problem which is copied from a post below:

    Well, I got it working with a trigger and an action definition. The action definition is basically set up like s3rius'es but with a variable check for the condition. I want to be able to pause the spawning though for special events and I tried this:

    While conidion pause=0 create the unit.... order unit to...... wait x seconds...

    When I changed pause to 1 in the game the spawning stopped, but when I changed it back to 0 the old spawns did start up again, but new ones started

    While conidion pause=0 create the unit.... order unit to......

    Then I moved the wait x seconds... outside of the while loop.

    When I tested the map it crashed SC2 until I moved it back to the loop.

    Then I tried making two while loops

    While conidion pause=0 create the unit.... order unit to...... wait x seconds...

    While conidion pause=1 wait x seconds...

    This stopped the spawns but didn't restart the old ones.

    I can't think of something that will work

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on order ally unit to move

    @s3rius: Go

    It's the action can't get them to move.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on order ally unit to move


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on order ally unit to move

    bump again

    For some reason I can target the ground with the ability but I thought that I got rid of it

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Energy Regeneration with Minerals

    Worked a charm, thanks.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Energy Regeneration with Minerals

    No ideas?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on order ally unit to move


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Energy Regeneration with Minerals

    I'm regenerating my command center's energy a little when ever a unit brings minerals to it. I only have one building per player that needs this so it can be a very broad trigger.

    I've been playing around with player property in the event, but that only leads to whether or not it changes. In conditions, it lets you define how much a player has but not by how much it changed or whether it was a positive or negative change.

    I tried looking for something with the mining unit. Maybe, miner returns minerals, but I can't find anything like this. I'm going to try cargo, but I don't know what that does.

    If anybody knows of a way to do this let me know.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on order ally unit to move

    I have this so far but it isn't working

    Unit - Any Unit uses Move soldier at (Triggering ability stage) stage (Ignore shared abilities)

    (Owner of (Target unit for (Triggering order))) == 13

    Unit - Order (Target unit for (Triggering order)) to ( Move targeting (Random point in (Region((Position of (Target unit for (Triggering order))), 3.0)))) (Replace Existing Orders)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Is there a way to turn pathing on/off

    I ended up doing this:

    Unit - Any Unit dies

    (Unit type of (Triggering unit)) == Space Platform DestructibleSpacePlatformBarrier (Unnamed) - Destructible

    Unit - Remove (Closest unit to (Position of (Triggering unit)) in (Dynamic Pathing Blocker 1x1 units in (Entire map) owned by player Any Player matching No Unit Filter, with at most Any Amount)) from the game


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Can't take screenshots of game

    I can't seem to take any print screens of my map in the game. When I test and take a printscreen it turns out black when I paste it in paint. If I change the game display mode to windowed(full screen) and restart the game, the editor wont let me test a map. If I close sc2 and test the map, it reverts back to full screen. How do I take pictures?


    Found screenshot folder.

    This kind of stupidity shouldn't be allowed. Don't go easy on me. ;)

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Is there a way to turn pathing on/off

    Unit - Any Unit dies

    ((Triggering unit) is in barricade 01) == true

    (Unit type of (Triggering unit)) == Space Platform DestructibleSpacePlatformBarrier (Unnamed) - Destructible

    Animation - Kill Doodads In Region(barricade 01, Pathing Blocker 1x1)

    not working

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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