Compatibility problem between locales versions (in my case: enGB and frFR)
If you use triggers to display text on the screen like Objectives, Timer Windows, Dialog Buttons, etc. with enGB version for example, when you test the map with frFR version, it won't display the text but Param/Value/Random_Number.
Pictures are better than words, you can look the bug here: (the text is in french but it's not very important, you just need to compare)
Compatibility problem between locales versions (in my case: enGB and frFR)
If you use triggers to display text on the screen like Objectives, Timer Windows, Dialog Buttons, etc. with enGB version for example, when you test the map with frFR version, it won't display the text but Param/Value/Random_Number.
Pictures are better than words, you can look the bug here: (the text is in french but it's not very important, you just need to compare)
As you can see, objectives, timer window and button are not displayed in frFR version.
It can be a problem to test maps if you don't have the same locale version than the map's creator.