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    posted a message on Presenting: The Fractalisk (1000x more epic than the Uberlisk)


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on 3ds max put keys automatically every # frames

    What he said. Not sure if you have to put each 10 degs. But I think you should use TCB controllers for bones. Coz I think SC2 is using 'em. Same as wc3 did...

    There is K button to set keys where your marker is on timeline/keyline.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Wow, 60 bucks just for this game.

    IMO, its not worth 60 bucks. Soon it will be(due to patching). But at release point it wasnt.

    Campaign and multiplayer was 5/5. Now Custom games, Battle net and Editor... that was just weak... Things are improving, but very slowly. Currently key feature for custom games (coz only thing I am playing is Melee with my friend, and that is all) that allows us to pick and search for custom games is almost not there... Support for custom gaming is bad...

    IMO, for me release price should have been something like 40$(it was 80$). Now its maybe 50$. Until they "fix" battle net...

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Live Stream

    Sry for posting this stupid question... but when I live stream (same technique as ModCraft is using) how can I turn incoming sound ? I mean I dont want to hear myself when streaming video.

    Cant figure it out..

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on [Coming Soon!] Marine HD "With New Rifle"

    What kind of problem you have ?

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on DotA 2 by Valve

    Yes, Valve is better developer than Blizzard. IMO Blizzard will fail soon. Since all old good people have left, most.

    Only thing what Blizzard is keeping alive is recycling old games. But, even Diablo III looks worse than D2... Bnet 2 looks worse than Bnet 1...

    Valve is more like funbase developers. Only think I dislike there is how they took DotA trademark what I find unfair...

    Valve is known for creating games from mods. Since Counter Strike.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on IK Animation

    Only by baking animations yes. But that takes a lot more space...

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on DotA 2 by Valve

    I have nothing against DotA here. Or valve creating DotA game.

    But I am against Valve taking DotA trademark from Eul and Guinsoo. Since they are not allowing that. They said so. Well I just find this unfair. That's all.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on DotA 2 by Valve

    Actually Eul and Guinsoo are mad are they are currently fighting for DotA trademark. They want it to be free name, but Valve wants to trademark the name. Riot, Guinsoo and Pendragon or whatever he is called is against them.

    I love Valve, and I dislike LoL game. But I would stand on the side of Riot. Coz its their idea. They cant make money by saying its their idea or name coz its not. If they trademark DotA. That means that they invented it.

    Even Blizzard can sue them, tho they probbly wont. At least HoN is using their own name...

    Its not about ramake, its about taking credits for something that isnt yours...

    BTW, the thing is, that it will sell great will you love it or not.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SC: Survivors Models Modder Wanted

    Actually one guy showed me dragoon model he made. >Partially< what you said. Dunno if he revealed it to the public.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Nexus Word Wars was banned

    You got the point there. Also, funky avatar lol.

    Y, I really hope Blizz will try to send a notice BEFORE banning the map, giving like, 24 days notice.
    But I wont bother suggesting that on their forums...

    But well eh, nothing to do here. That wont be changed, I mean their rule. They HAVE to removed that kind of content or its on their asses. They will be sued and shit...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Nexus Word Wars was banned


    I can only laugh on things like this.

    It always funny to see things getting banned fro swastika also.

    "The word swastika is derived from the Sanskrit word svastika (in Devanagari स्वस्तिक), meaning any lucky or auspicious object, and in particular a mark made on persons and things to denote good luck"

    So if I lets say take, Christ on cross a necklace (as my lucky charm) and try to conquer the world it would represent evil mark. lol

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Hi, I'm Korean and information steel map

    Woah, Korean :D . Welcome.

    But... safe link ? Its strange... blog Oo.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Release] Catalyst

    Well... I cant find map in the list... If I host nobody joins. So basically bnet is at the time being Bnet is useless for custom maps. Editor is so so. Only melee multiplayer and campaign is worth playing.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Help with edit textures

    Well, ok I'll edit model for you then seems like nobody knows/wants to help, as usual...

    Posted in: Data
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