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    posted a message on Model Request

    Its coz, if guyz above wanted to help you. Since this thread is moved and there is no option to track your post he is unable to find this thread again. Same as I wont be able.

    Posted in: Requests
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    posted a message on [Release] Shape Wars - BlizzCon Contest Map


    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [UMS] Zillion Zerglings

    He's right.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [UMS] Zillion Zerglings

    Latest version is a bit improved but still.

    2 players can beat this game, Terran + Zerg. Tho you have to leave your PC over night...

    The game is full with bugs and glitches. I mean why spawning so many zerglings so everyone pc will lagg ? Is that your way of calling it fun ? Its not.

    Tons of units are useless like siege tanks, that will area attack and game will kick you. Even if you didnt damage your ally on purpose. Really friendly system.

    People are usually short with their resources. Its not fun to them. Trading should be allowed, resource management should be changed. All buildings and units should be rework so all units can have some purpose.

    Placing buildings on each others can be ok, buts its plain messy...

    I admit, this map is really fun, it really is. But its sad that you have to go AFK to beat it. Or tab into windows coz game laggs.

    Adding some more units besides zerglings and overlords would be ok also. You can notice that popularity dropped down from few last updates, as I said. Now its a bit improved, but still. I see some major glitches that arent fixed from patch to patch, and I wont be posting the on Team Liquid.

    I hope this map improves.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [UMS] Zillion Zerglings

    Well, I'm off this map. Since update it aint fun anymore.

    Upgrades are now permanent. So everyone keeps upgrading armor. At some point you will deal 1 damage. And that TAKES LONG TIME = boring. If you take attack speed, then its gets just plain stupid how fast they attack, same for damage. So its frustrating.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Baloon Fighter

    Its better to use some Development Kit Engine instead crappy game map editor for what you want to do...

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [UMS] Zillion Zerglings

    Actually its Protoss with his Mom. Then Terran with PF. And most fair is Terran PF + Uerg ultas. Or Zerg crawlers protoss sentry. <= most fun tactics.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [UMS] Zillion Zerglings

    Fun map, and one of most popular ones. But its broken xD . Excellent idea, not the best execution.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Chrono Agents (Official Thread)

    Played this map once and I'll tell you my first impressions. I will also thing good about what kind of first impression new players will experience.

    Its teamplay map, that is good. You have to go around and do things. That's quite interesting. Sadly there is not enough of that. Voice should be improved and additional to that, information what you have to do isnt explained very well. I mean I had to follow others to understand what is going on. I WAS LISTENING TO MY OWN MUSIC ! (Get it ?)

    You have to add blinks on the map, and SHORT TEXT hints.

    Spells and all is quite good. Another problem is that difficulty can change quite fast from easy into difficult.

    Add more variety with tasks. Look at half life games. Try to give some kind of story trough gameplay. Not with cinematics!

    I hope I helped.

    I would rate this map 4/5 as WIP. Very good, or has high potential in this case; for work in progress.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Where did everyone go?

    Forums sucks, popularity sucks, community sucks.

    I mean, I see tons of team requests in team recruitment forum, but I dont see much people applying. Everyone have their own ideas that they are unable to complete.

    And still I dont see almost single good map on bnet. Some have epic systems(made by good galaxy coders) but are plain boring...

    Best maps are STILL, overrun and retribution TD. That co-op rpg, Agents something else is also really good map. But its too dark on some areas, sometimes a bit slow, and balance between hard and easy changes too fast.
    Ragnor Party is also not bad map.
    Generally, seen few good maps but I can say that 95% of customs are bullshit.

    SC2 has good multiplayer, excluding custom maps. But bnet's lack of features isnt really helping....

    I play Sc2 like 2 hours a week probbly. Sometimes none. I play something around 4 hours a week MWLL(Crysis mod). That's it.

    Its sad how games are shit today coz of marketing.
    In my history games that I played constantly were:
    Half Life and HL Deathmatch
    Diablo 1
    Counter Strike
    Warcraft 3 and WC3 modding
    Diablo 2
    Rainbow Six Vegas 2
    Mechwarrior 4 MekTek Street Fighter 4 (PC); until I broke 2 gamepads..

    I dont know If I forgot to add few.

    Looking forward to new Mortal Combat, Little Big Planet 2, and Donkey Kong. Where I might buy Wii and PS3.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Chrono Agents (Official Thread)

    Finally some map with smart concept.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Model Editing

    Y PM me. I cant know when you reply since this forum doesnt have FEATURE to do so. I PMd admins few times but they dont care, or they dont have time to play with this.

    So just PM me... and we'll see.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Sorceress needs animating! Open source files here!

    I might be up to work. Can you give me the screenshot of model ? I wont dl before I see what this looks like.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on [Showcase] Protoss Dragoon

    Make that ball a bit brighter.

    And for attach animation, not sure if there is.. but. Make some glowing plane inside that ball. Emissive map. Light blue. Make attack animation open that ball. I think photon cannons act like that.

    My suggestion.

    Overall, Its good.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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