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    posted a message on Using "Mod" instead of "Map" for a modified melee mod
    Quote from DirtyDevious: Go

    @Yaos01: Go No idea on that, but however there is indeed a import button in the editor.

    I can't find it. Are you talking about the import window ? If that is so, how to export sc2components then ?

    Quote from KratsAU: Go

    Yeah it should work, basically you create your mod with custom and/or modified units, then you create all of your maps and add the mod to the dependencies.

    Now when you look at the dependencies screen you can actually control the priority, so you will need to have them in the correct order so that your mod file changes override the defaults.

    So from what I have found - create your mod and publish it - create your maps, add the battle.net dependency - publish your maps.

    Now I have noticed an issue in that testing your maps is a bit of a pain, you need to login to your bnet account in the editor so that it can actually use the published mod file as a dependency.

    Anyhow I'm still testing things out, but the above seems to roughly work, not sure if there is a better way to do it.

    Thanks for the infos

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Using "Mod" instead of "Map" for a modified melee mod
    Hi, I have a question that I think is pretty simple. I'm planning on making a modified melee tech tree using campaign units and other custom units. Thing is, I'd like to use it on multiple maps and then upload them on Battle.net. Since I didn't find an "import" button on data editor, I figured out I needed to use the "mod" feature. So I clicked on "Open" and created a "mod" type file. I did some stuff then I added this .SC2MOD file to my map. Will the mod feature work on Battle.net ? I mean, I feel that this whole feature is only for local files like campaigns.
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Voice of The Great Destroyer 2.1 Alpha

    Hi, nice stuff I actually prefer this over most protoss voices of Wings' campaign.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on [Trigger, Data] Leveling your Heroes with Attribute increase
    Quote from Shnayed: Go

    @Yaos01: Go

    sorry i never answerd sooner, I never actually gave you a full answer to your question before. To make the attributes show up next to wireframe, make a behavior for each(make the type Attribute). Then under your "buff" that is used by the triggers click the modifcation field and click the behaviors tab and under attributes click the green x and add your attribute(the tutorial uses agility as example) make sure you set it to add 1. Remember you will need 4 seperate buffs and 4 seperate attributes. so each buff will add to each attribute. now make sure you add the "attribute" behaviours to your unit. Now in the trigger when it adds the behaviour "buff" to the unit it will modify your attribute by the wireframe.

    hope this helps

    Thanks for your answer ! I'll test it when I got the time but it should work.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [Help?] New Question: Marine's Bunker Fire visual effect when custom bunker tower attacks?

    @Code7477: Go

    I think you might check in the validator, I remind seeing something including cliffs. As for the weapon not working anymore, be sure to check on the unit tab if the weapon is correctly linked. In an old map this link was broken, I just had to click on unit tab and link its weapon again and it worked well.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How to find triggering player number

    I haven't seen it either, it's cuz for some reason it is grayed out, but it works fine.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Working with Persistent offset (colossus beam trajectory)

    Hi, I think for some my question might be a bit clumsy. I tried to modify the colossus thermal lances' trajectory.

    The offset shown in the "Create persistent" effect is originally designed to make a line. I modified it to make a circle so that the laser beam draw a circle.

    Here are my Offsets coordinates :

    3;0 / 2,5;0,5 / 2;1 / 1,5;1,5 / 1;2 / 0,5;2,5 / 0;3 / -0,5;2,5 / -1;2 / -1,5;1,5 / -2;1 / -2,5;0,5 / -3;0 / -2,5;-0,5 / -2;-1 / -1,5;-1,5 / -1;-2 / -0,5;-2,5 / 0;-3

    I modified my "perodic offset" to 19 to match the number of offset, but when I test my map the beam follow an odd trajectory, starting slightly off to the north and going far away from the caster and disappear shortly. I've noticed that the beam last the same duration that the default colossus attack.

    If the don't take into consideration that X,Y are width and length of the map, how does it work ? Thanks for reading

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on trigger help?

    Make a player array variable called "LASTATTACKER" and set its index to the maximum you want (according to what you said, 11 should be enough)

    You can then make so that when an enemy attack a zealot, set "LASTATTACKER[owning the attacked zealot] = Owner of Attacking Zealot For example, if the player 4 use your special ability on player 6's zealot : "LASTATTACKER[6] = Player 4"

    To do so you'll have to use an event detecing the use of your ability and to store ATTACKING UNITS and ATTACKED UNITS. Then you can do a global "LASTATTACKER[Attacked Unit] = Owner of Attacking unit"

    Then you can reuse LASTATTACKER variable to determine who get the reward.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Casting bar
    Hi, I've been searching a way to show a casting bar over units' models ingame. So I've tried to search for the "On construction" bar that show a progress bar just down to health and energy bar when a building is being built, and haven't found anything. Do you guys know where this bar can be edited or any other idea to make a casting bar specific to each units and visible to all players ?
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Solved] Colossus Actors (removing beam attacks when complete)

    Glad I could help :)

    You should probably edit the thread name and add [Solved] before its name

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How to make a suppl depo look like it got supply dropped

    OR you can be lazy and make an invisible unit to use the ability on your supply depot. Just sayin'.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Launch Effect/Actor Events

    Like he said, the best way to find out about it is to take a deep look at the Data editor and everything that Blizzard employees already set up.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Two Things

    I finally found out what's wrong.

    In the events of our actors there is some informations that are not shown in the overview.

    Be sure to check in your copied "COLOSSUSATTACKBEAM" of the "MoverMove" line and "COLOSSUSATTACKIMPACTSITE" Signal*Arrival.

    You'll know what to do when you see the told lines !

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Solved] Colossus Actors (removing beam attacks when complete)

    @Yaos01: Go

    I finally found out what's wrong.

    In the events of our actors there is some informations that are not shown in the overview.

    Be sure to check in your copied "COLOSSUSATTACKBEAM" of the "MoverMove" line and "COLOSSUSATTACKIMPACTSITE" Signal*Arrival.

    You'll know what to do when you do that !

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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