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    posted a message on Wolt's Wyverns I: Fist of the UED [Release]
    Never hesitate making something too easy. Easy = user-frendly. Indeed if it's too easy, there's no challenge, but something too hard can provoke a alt+f4 from the user, considering non-blizzard maps shouldn't be hard (yeah people are rude ^^) Yeah by Typical americans I meant It feel that way (the good old grayed hair colonel with a good black soldier, kinda look like the common hollywood molting pot stereotype - or at least that's what comes to my mind. I meantwhen I think of the UED, I think of something similar to what USA think of EUROPE nowaday : exagerated accent and traits, charismatic characters and somewhat elegant. We do know they have advanced technology, so I've always imagined crazy einstein-ish russian scientists to be behind this ^^. If you like those portraits of dirty civilians, I understand. But if I were you I would have used the numerous Marines portrait models (there must be a bit more than twenty of those) to better fit Starcraft ambiance. Your actual portraits works too in their way, it's just me ^^ By the way, I'm soon uploading my map that will feature some UED leftovers. You'll see how I depict them if you want to see what I mean. Anyway if you upload a second map, count me in !
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Cancel morph button is a blank square.
    @Lucavious: There is a cancel command for each steps (cancel morph, cancel construction, cancel scanner etc). My advise would be to right click the pannel command fields and reset them. If you need it, you can edit them again from here.
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Wolt's Wyverns I: Fist of the UED [Release]
    @Foxhound1: Hi there, so I've took some time to test your maps. Don't take any following comments as anything but my opinion ! Briefing - The overall ambiance made me more think of second war movies like Band of Brothers than Starcraft's. I prefer Starcraft's and I'm not a big fan of army shows, but it's just me. (Due probably to characters with dirty face full of dust and dusty background) - The starcraft bw-like briefing with 4 portraits slots was kinda good. - Mouth-moving portraits are possible, yet kinda tricky & annoying to make it works. Look at this topic, and if you have any further question you can pm me. http://forums.sc2mapster.com/development/map-development/9297-can-you-make-a-portraits-mouth-move-in-a-transmission/ Starting the game - The starting cinematics is kinda long and previsible, but was funny. Though I think you should make it faster. - I tried playing with my army to move forward, spidermines all over the place. Now I find it not very smart of you to make the player for their final tier unit (science vessel) to come out before being able to do anything with your troops. - Overall unbalanced attack waves. First attack was pushed back, Second attack left me with 1 marine and 1 medic. Third attack get raped off by my only tank. It was very hard at start as Wraiths and sieged mode tank keeped attacking me at the same time. Problem is, in the whole game the waves are of the same consistency, making it really hard at start and boringly easy at the end. Attacking ennemy bases - Terrain was close to Blizzard-maps quality, except at the center and bottom cliffs that were too square. - Ennemy Bases were too dense. - Making tons of defense, siege tanks + turrets + bunkers + small corridors sticked to each other didn't make the game any funnier, since it forces the player to charge with a tons of units to only destroy 2 tanks and 1 bunkers instead of tactically defeating the ennemies, it was really frustating. - I was pleased that some surprise came at the end. In certains campaign-like maps I've played, you just complete your objective and it's a victory pannel, yay. Scenario and Gameplay - It's Blizzard background but it's a nice idea to do a campaign about UED domination over the Dominion. - I love the UED faction, but you have a strange idea of who they are. I don't think of them as brave soliders coming from earth to conquer the bad guys. As said in the Starcraft I manual, the Earth became communist since 5 centuries or something, so I wouldn't see them as a modern american squadron-like happily getting themselves in combat. In Brood War, the UED personnalities are Dugalle (obviously a french guy, deformation of Degaulle) and Stukov (russian, seen as typical communists since cold war). That's why I don't see them as typical americans. But that's just me ! - I'd have like to see something special in this map that just a standart blizzard campaign-like crush all enemies. Overall a good map, a bit too hard but a unique ambiance style. I'm sure you put a lot of efforts into this map. It's kinda bothering me though cuz I don't see the UED the same way you do !
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Using the "Achievement unlocked" sparky model
    Am I doing something wrong ? I answered several questions on this forum and asked a couple ; I never got answered.
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Using the "Achievement unlocked" sparky model
    Hi, I've been trying to make some custom achievements in my map. I've found a model called "Achievement unlocked" in the data editor, and it's basically the "sparkly" reflection that goes when the achievement pannel appears briefly. Now I have no experience whatsoever in dialogs or ui modifications, but I'm trying to attach this model to a dialog when I make it pop-up. I can't use normal "play animation" or any triggers using normal models since it would act like something in the terrain and not attached to player's screen. Do you guys have any idea how to attach a animated model to a dialog or to the center of a player's screen ?
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Air unit that can be targeted by ground attacks
    Hi, We all know how to do a ground unit attacked by aerial weapons, we just have to look at colossus' plane aray that is both ground and air. My problem is, I'd ike to make a large air unit attackable by both ground and air attacks without modifying attacker's weapons. Do you have any idea how to do that ? EDIT : Apparently you just have to do the exact same thing that with colossus' plane array. I deleted some triggers before and I thought it didn't worked. I feel kinda stupid, but I'll let this topic in case anyone wonder.
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on RPG Map with Dungeon
    @glomby: Nicely done ! I hope you find your programmers so you can make some wow maps (and interesting one not most of wow)
    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Creating a shield recharge aura
    No problems :)
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Creating a shield recharge aura
    @Wolf1322: What's your behavior type ? Change it to buff, and check the modifications fields, you'll find it !
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Forcing the Computer's wave to make a Drop using AI
    @Yaos01: Last bump before giving up drops in that map ...
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Launch Attachment Query and Stone Zealot
    The problem is probably that you're asking a single actor effect to shoot from both eyes. You can make it shoot from one, but not from both, you need to add a visual effect. Check any weapon doing two visual effects (colossus weapon, mothership beam) to see how to add one.
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Team map
    Well, the only way I know could be separating TERRAIN, TRIGGERS and DATA EDITOR. Someone can make the terraining part, and I believe triggers of another map could be easily copied from a map to another. Someone good with the data editor can work in a .SC2MOD file and when done, import it in the terrain map as a dependency. I wouldn't do it thought as the Dependencies seems to have some issues, but that's just me !
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Infestor - Infested Terran
    I haven't checked this ability yet but I intend to do something similar. I'm guessing you should find the effect that summon infested marines in the effect tab, and replace it by a search area effect linking a damage effect ! I'll keep your informed.
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Creating a shield recharge aura
    @Wolf1322: You should check out in your behavior's modifications "Vital regeneration" and put shield to 3 (3 per seconds)
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to get changelings not to die in one hit?
    If there's something bothering you in the data editor, then it's probably actors :) Just joking, but knowing the tab's functions can help you find what you need. Units are life/energy, name, statistics. Models is the appareance of that unit, while actors is the way those models behave.
    Posted in: Data
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