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    posted a message on One big massive Headache...
    You can "turn off (current trigger)" and at the end of your actions, wait 10 seconds and turn it on again, in so that it can be triggered only once every 10 seconds.
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unit - Order triggering point - not working
    @bulletbutter: Well. Your trigger is a bit clumsy. You should store the unit in a local variable. Make the first order a "replace existing orders" and following "after existing order. If that still don't work, you should use "Wait for condition" function and check if the unit is nowhere near the point 1 and if he is, make him go to point 2.
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Editing Irradiate
    @Keyeszx: Click twice on Irridiate from Ability tab, and change its nature from Effect - target to Effect - instant. With some changes on filters and authorized targets, this should do.
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unit - Order triggering point - not working
    Try replacing "Replace existing orders" by "After existing orders".
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Dialog buttons, what am I doing wrong ?
    Quote from Nigle: @Yaos01: Go you can resize easily on this website http://www.picnik.com/
    Yeah I was asking about resizing throught the game. By the way I succeeded, but I have no idea how.
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Released!] General Warfield
    Both models looks really really good !
    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on How to get the size of an array?
    Can you post your trigger so we can help you ? I use a lot of array variable and I think I can help you.
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Dialog buttons, what am I doing wrong ?
    Well, I'm almost done and got what I wanted. One problem persists though, and I'm posting it here so that I don't flood the forum (plus it still concerns dialog buttons). I've changed some dialog images sizes so that it scales the button they are attached to. Problem is, those (statics portraits) are 132x252. When I resize them to 100x100, only the upper right part of the image is shown : they are not stretched or deformed to fit their 100x100 size. My question is : How to resize an image ?
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Duplicating a Hydralisk
    @chanchiem: You must look under the actor tab in the Events. When you're there, replace any field using the original hydralisk weapon with your new weapon. As you do that, be sure to fill the field just as they were (when changing weapon the field just next to the weapon field will be reset).
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Marine Arena Bugged or not???
    @berserk78: I used the Infestor recently, he can't spawn infested folks. You must be using either a very old buggy version or a stolen/hacked version.
    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Dialog buttons, what am I doing wrong ?
    Thanks. I made something similar waiting for an answer : General - For each integer AchievementNumber from 1 to 6 with increment 1, do (Actions) Actions Dialog - Create a button for dialog AchievementMenuSelectAchievement with the dimensions (100, 100) anchored to Top Left with an offset of (((AchievementNumber * 125) - 75), 50) setting the tooltip to "" with button text "" and the hover image set to "" Variable - Set AchievementMenuSelectAchievement_Button[AchievementNumber] = (Last created dialog item) Dialog - Create an image for dialog AchievementMenuSelectAchievement with the dimensions (100, 100) anchored to Top Left with an offset of (((AchievementNumber * 125) - 75), 50) setting the tooltip to "" using the image AchievementIcon[AchievementNumber] as a Normal type with tiled set to false tint color Gray and blend mode Lighten Variable - Set AchievementMenuSelectAchievement_Image[AchievementNumber] = (Last created dialog item) --- So conclusion : don't use anchor to dialog item, you cant use it the way I did.
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Dialog buttons, what am I doing wrong ?
    Hello, I'm actually making a large pannel of buttons next to each others. I made a trigger that I thought would lighten up the work as there are many icons that I need to setup. My objective was to determine automaticly the emplacements of icons depending on previous Icons so that they are created next to each other with an offset. - Variable - Set AchievementNumber = 1 Dialog - Create an image for dialog AchievementMenuSelectAchievement with the dimensions (75, 75) anchored to Top Left with an offset of (50, 50) setting the tooltip to "" using the image AchievementIcon[AchievementNumber] as a Normal type with tiled set to true tint color Gray and blend mode Normal Variable - Set AchievementMenuSelectAchievement_Image[AchievementNumber] = (Last created dialog item) Dialog - Create a button for dialog AchievementMenuSelectAchievement with the dimensions (75, 75) anchored to (Anchor of AchievementMenuSelectAchievement_Image[AchievementNumber] for 1) with an offset of (0, 0) setting the tooltip to "" with button text "" and the hover image set to "" Variable - Set AchievementMenuSelectAchievement_Button[AchievementNumber] = (Last created dialog item) Variable - Set AchievementNumber = (AchievementNumber + 1) Dialog - Create an image for dialog AchievementMenuSelectAchievement with the dimensions (75, 75) anchored to (Anchor of AchievementMenuSelectAchievement_Button[(AchievementNumber - 1)] for 1) with an offset of (75, 0) setting the tooltip to "" using the image AchievementIcon[AchievementNumber] as a Normal type with tiled set to true tint color Gray and blend mode Normal Variable - Set AchievementMenuSelectAchievement_Image[AchievementNumber] = (Last created dialog item) Dialog - Create a button for dialog AchievementMenuSelectAchievement with the dimensions (75, 75) anchored to (Anchor of AchievementMenuSelectAchievement_Image[AchievementNumber] for 1) with an offset of (0, 0) setting the tooltip to "" with button text "" and the hover image set to "" Variable - Set AchievementMenuSelectAchievement_Button[AchievementNumber] = (Last created dialog item) - But this is not working. In fact, all buttons are stacked within each others, and only 3 images appears in random emplacement next to the first. I don't understand, can someone help me throught this ?
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Setting an actor's model variation
    I never looked into it, but I can point you in the right direction. Why don't you look on actor tab on doodads and civilians to see how variations works ?
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How to add stuff to custom objects?
    Actors and units are linked by Events, just look on typical unit like marine. I don't know about [UNITNAME] appearence as it seems buggy.
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on SC1 Remake - Terran Briefing UI [WIP]
    @QMJ3: Hi, I'll be honest, I don't like the fact that there's only one big portrait followed by small one. That mean portraits get switched all the time, where the previous portrait goes ? Does it moves, dislodging others portraits ? I think the major problem is that this interface will make it so that the interlocuters keeps talking to the player. Thing is that they don't, most of the time they discuss between eachother. So yeah I'm more of a "4 portraits of equal size" guy, plus a doodad-made background would be nice.
    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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