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    posted a message on Dialog item image question
    Yeah I got it first time in fact, altought I was not sure. So it's gonna need some clumsy calaculations before I get this to work... I almost want to design my own icons and import them instead of doing this crazy workaround. Thanks you very much all of you !
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Dialog item image question
    @Helral: okay thanks you both. I'll be waiting
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Dialog item image question
    So, if I get this right, I need to create the image icon palet in such that the icon "A" I want get right where my dialog is moved to, like in step 1 and 2. So basically if I willing to complete my achievement menu, I need to do multiple calculations like step 3 to make it looks like in-game icons are next to eachothers like in step 4. It means for instance that if I need a bottom right icon and want it to appear on top left of the screen, I'm basically f-ed for you cannot create dialogs offscreen. Do I get it right ? If so I'll start working on it, I just want to be sure I get it allright.
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Dialog item image question
    Hi, First thanks you for your answer, I was starting to loose hope on getting answers on this forums, maybe my questions are too hards. I don't think I understood fully your answer. Did you meant "Change the position of this dialog (and not dialog item) so that the correct image is visible." I'll look into it, thanks again.
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Dialog item image question
    @Yaos01: bump
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Simple beam does not work
    What does not work ? Behavior apply, beam model, or both ?
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on "Kill any unit in entire map" Simple but OMG!!!! Others too.
    Makes me want to facepalm actually. Sure doing this kind of actions were quite simple in starcraft 1, except you could do only those. As a kid, while I was doing maps on starcraft1, I'd have given a leg to have half of what the galaxy editor does today ^^ Sure it's not user-friendly, but think of the possibilites man. I know Galaxy is sometime frustrating but imo its kinda rude to complain while asking for help Well anyway, to do group every units in player 1, you must use "pick every unit in unit group" and choose a group that get all units owned by player 1. Then you can order "picked units" to attack specified region.
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Giving a Unit a certain Ability
    I have trouble understanding what you're writing, but I think the issue come from here : Unit - Show the Evolution Chamber - Research (Evolution Chamber) ability for (Unit attached to Region) Why don't you put all your heroes in a group at map initialization (or when the hydralisks are created) so that you can use it in this trigger ?
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Dialog item image question
    Hi, I'm making a map using custom achievements. I'd like to use existing achievements icons, but they're regrouped as a palet of multiple icons. Does anybody know if there is some way to center an image on a particular point IN that "palet-achievement-icon" image ? A link so you can see what I mean with "icon palet" : http://forums.sc2mapster.com/general/general-chat/4859-spoiler-campaign-achievement-icon/
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Setting an actor's model variation
    Quote from Yaos01: I never looked into it, but I can point you in the right direction. Why don't you look on actor tab on doodads and civilians to see how variations works ?
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Setting an actor's model variation
    Informing us with what you found/what you didn't found based on the directions I gave you would be much more useful to further the research for you and the community than wanting encyclopedic answers out of this forum.
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Campaign Mission Ideas?
    @ItsPawl: Hmm here's some ideas, directly inspired by Blizzard campaigns : - Typical seek & destroy map with base building - Skirmish with a small force - Defend a base for a limited time. - Accumulate X type of ressource. And you can mix them together. For instance : you start as a small force, and get to a point where you need to build a base.
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Play Animation Forever
    Have you tried "Start Animation Bracket" instead of PlayAnimation ?
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [General\Dependencies] Copying a Campaign Unit
    @TheSkunk2: I think you can't use campaign models if the campaign dependecy don't override the others dependencies. It's sad but this whole dependency thing seems bugged atm
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Ghost echo portrait
    @small502: Yes.
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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