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    posted a message on Attack and Move animations combined?
    @Bounty_98: Affirmative.
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on CommandCard-Like Buttons in Custom Dialogs
    @Mandrilx: I have a question though, does this library allow keybiding without using triggers ? Edit : nvm the description says no.
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Is it possible to change the background color?
    @FraindorX: Wait.. what ? What is black ? You're still not telling us what background you want to change.
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Attack and Move animations combined?
    No it's not, both animations can't be mixed. Kindof a problem right now for FPS-like maps.
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Problem with making weapon fire appear every time
    @Vlardez: I think you should take a good look at the events. When he's casting the autoturret, play the animation. When he's done, reset the animation (so he'll get back to stand animation). For your weapon issue, I'm not sure but it must be something similar. Tell me if you don't succeed
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Best way to display countdown separately for players?
    @KratsAU: Hmm I think you can with "move timer", setting X to dialog's X and Y to dialog's Y. If the dialog is anchored to center, there's no reason it shouldn't work !
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Feedback] Xel'naga Relics
    Nice. What I meant with the shockwave is that it stuns for like, 5 seconds, which is definitivly overpowered against any kind of heroes. Thing is, I was marauder against another marauder, and there is absolutley nothing I could do as he was level 10 and I was 9. I know he had higher level, but that shouldn't mean he has absolute power over me ! Second, it is not a good choice for an ultimate ability imho. Ultimate abilities should be more something like a channeling AOE spell or a morphing spell, but this shockwave ability sounds more like a basic spell a hero could use as part of his gameplay : a little stunning/damage ability that last 1 second or something. Finally, I couldn't see any fancy effect. In fact maybe there was, but it was too fast and we couldn't see any impact effect going on ! Keep up the goodwork.
    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Best way to display countdown separately for players?
    @KratsAU: Edit : Woops I misread the whole thing. If you want a nice customisable timer in the center of the screen, I recommand using dialog functions. Timer is just a setup Blizzard put but it's not very convenient. You'll have to create a dialog and set the text to actualize every seconds so that the countdown is shown. Now if you're fine with the timer Blizzard gave us, you can create a dialog at center, hide its background and anchor the timer to it. If you want your player to see it, just use this function "show/hide dialog" (in both cases) If you want differents timers to show for differents player, make a timer array variable so the index is the player's number.
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Combined Upgrades
    @Polantaris: This will check if the upgrade is complete when it starts, so it won't work. I think there's an upgrade event or something, you need to check it out, I can't access to editor right now !
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Combined Upgrades
    @Polantaris: There's a type of ability to choose from. You certainly choosed one that doesn't imply research/train. Just copy a "Research ability" and modify anything you want. Then add this ability to your scv in unit tab. You can then add research buttons in the command pannel (still unit tab)
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Feedback] Xel'naga Relics
    I've tested the map. Pros : - Nice background ! I really like the idea of playing a mercenary and searching relics like Raynor did. Really into starcraft background. - I didn't understood the way the ending worked, I think its kinda bugged. But things get heavy and that's cool. - Quests were an original idea and it worked fine. There are several cons however. - General relic capturing was a nice idea but kinda buggy : if many units are in the capturing zone, the capturing doesn't stop. It's not very logical ! - The map lacks balance, but that you can expect of a beta. - Another problem would be the abilities. I tested as a Marauder, and the spells were not really good. I mean, it could be cool that you change the spell a lil bit so they are more interesting. Concussive shells should definitivly have an additionnal effect like slowing down attack rate. Spells like the final marauder one were bad and overpowered. - mobs are just mobs spread throught the maps. Maybe making differents factions for zerg, protoss and terran, givin them a story, and make them walk around slowly could make it a little less like you're farming exp. Bugs : - When you die spawning a mercenary, the medivak bugs. Suggestions : - More mercenaries to choose from, (some will be better for some heroes depending on their weakness) - Cheaper mercenaries - Mercenaries supply limit to 3 or something ! - Make mercenaries gain life over time like the hero do. - More hp, less damage for mercenaries !
    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Combined Upgrades
    @Polantaris: Well in the upgrade tab in data editor, you'll have to modify the field of your custom global upgrade to every single fields of the upgrade zergs. So since its gonna take you a couple hours to do this, I'd suggest something simplier : make a trigger that detect when your global research is done, and modify upgrades you want for player 1. It's gonna do the exact result you want. When you add an ability to an unit, make sure you add neural parasite to the pannel command !
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Tired of hackers.
    Wow, just wow. I intended - and finished 70% - to do a custom achievements system that works between all of my maps and that are visible through the game to all players, but now that I've read through this, everything seems just hopeless ...
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on (Problem) Custom Abilities deal 0 damage
    @animaga: No, he's asking if the "search area effect "links to the "damage effect". If it's an AOE around the hero, it doesn't need any launch missiles. Launch missile is an effect used to delay an effect until a projectile hits. How it should be done : Make a "Target-Instant" ability. Set up ability's effect to your "Search Area" effect Link your "Search Area" to your "Damage" effect (the field to do that should be next to radius parameters)
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Avoiding friendly-fire splash damage: Possible?
    edit : woops misread. If you want the hydralisk to be considered a larger threath to enemy units, just check unit tab and search for "priority" or something similar. Then compare both zerglings and hydralisk's fields and put a higher number in hydralisk's.
    Posted in: Data
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