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    posted a message on TD map new

    swear its fun.. we almost beat it me and some friends but still need to figure out the maze

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on TD map new

    Naw did alot more than that but yes i started with that map... this is my first map and i have tried to change as much as possable. This is what i have so far and as i learn more i want to make more builders and more towers and more waves plus some other stuff i have in mind i hope i can implement as i learn how to use this editor.

    And... if you had tried it the spawns have all been ajusted to work in a 5 player game and the difficulty increases depending on what defenders are active and ajusted alot of the creeps for what i think is a good difficulty for this new layout. ajusted all the units to make them more maze frendly. original map was sending mobs in a line accross the map so adding all the pathing for ground and flying units was not a easy task(for me). Changing amount of lives to work off the amount of active players was another bonus imo. the list goes on but it did acctualy take all my free time (after work) over the past week to make the map.

    My other inspiration was the best map i ever played "Shopping Maul" on WC3 i tried to set the map up similar to that and hope to add such things as a XP code to store lvl to unlock extra abilitys and diffrent builders with diffrent building and mazing styles. Random Mobs with bonus loot and Low Attack Priority (have to manualy aim towers).

    Anyway sad i am not

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on TD map new

    This popularity system sux try out my new map it's a fun td "-= Jono TD NEW=-" bottom of the list =/ and most of all tell me what you think

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Solved][Data] Add a Build Time to TD Units

    Sweet it works thank you so much spent hours and could not figure that out

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved][Data] Add a Build Time to TD Units

    Damn =/ Well thanks a bunch for trying

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved][Data] Add a Build Time to TD Units

    ok thanks man

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved][Data] Add a Build Time to TD Units

    That Would be awesome i just need to upload it somewhere so i can link it... or you have a email i could send it too?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved][Data] Add a Build Time to TD Units

    Thats what i was trying i ujusted the time to 100.0 and still no effect the unit spawns instanly. i am using alot of someone elses code and data and not sure what is going on that is making it skip this build time.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved][Data] Add a Build Time to TD Units

    Hi I am working on making my first map. Found that useing another tower defence map to start with might make things more easy for me but i ran into a problem... All structures are set to a instant Spawn of structures. I realy want to be able to change some of the build times. I have Tried to ajust the time at the bottom of the ability but seems to have no effect. The type of units are zerg and there is a custom "Overseer-summon" ability in the map. The original map is Spine Lurker Defence X by ProxyTooMuch. I made alot of changes to the map and triggers so far but realy suck at the data editor. Any help would be much appriciated.

    Posted in: Data
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