• 0

    posted a message on [Solved] Attachement point with dynamical rotation?
    Quote from abvdzh: Go

    Look in my map from this thread: http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/development/data/65664-help-request-heroes-of-koprulu/

    Jezzes, this video with archons custom weapons so dam' good. Psi Shells r awesome.

    U r rly worthy for "Actor/Data Boss" title xD

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on [Weapon / Effect / Behavior] Weapon swapping cycle

    @abvdzh: Go

    1) http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/development/data/57360-critical-strike-in-2-0-10/. Lol, i already have this map on my PC, just hands did not reach to look into it =)

    2) I found a big bunch of his maps there: http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/resources/data-assets/46733-the-assets-of-evil/ Thx for pointing it.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Disable highlight flag?

    @Sherlia: Go

    U can alter these flags via behavior: - Modification - Behavior - State Flags.

    U can add behavior via effect or trigger.

    Or u can manually alter these flags via trigger.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on [Weapon / Effect / Behavior] Weapon swapping cycle
    Quote from FunkyUserName: Go

    it is able to copy current commands of a unit

    Sorry but how?)) I mean which flags and parameters i need? These dont works:

        <CEffectModifyUnit id="WeapSwapSaveTarget">
            <EditorCategories value=""/>
            <LaunchUnit Value="Caster"/>
            <ImpactUnit Value="Caster"/>
            <CopyOrderCount value="3"/>
    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on [Weapon / Effect / Behavior] Weapon swapping cycle

    Okay, i guess it's a set of 2 questions:

    1) How to make special effect on the each N-th attack?
    The one way i found: is making effect set which adds 1 stack to invisible buff with each attack and another effect set which checks amount of stacks, if stack-count evaluates N - then we removing all of them and performing this special effect. Sounds pretty complicated, but i don't sure if there a easier way.

    2) How to make weapon swap effect?
    For example i wanna to give my unit 2 different weapons: 1 basic and 1 special which can be used only once per 6 seconds.
    Yeah I know - I can just set period for this special weapon to 6 secs. But I wanna that both of this weapons will be in one slot. And another issue - is broken animation when both attacks performed at one short period.

    So at this moment I made it like this:

     [-] Unit with no weapons, but with Behavior_basic
     [+] Behavior_basic
      |  - - Weapons added: Weapon_basic
      |  - - Duration: 6 sec // it's period of basic weapon x 5
      // if i'll add this shit with stacking buffs to count attacks - it will be even more complicated =(
      |  - - Final effect: Adds Behavior_special
     [+] Behavior_special
      |  - - Weapons added: Weapon_special
      |  - - Duration: permanent
      |  - - Final effect: Adds Behavior_basic
     [+] Weapon_special
      |  - - Effect: Weapon_special_Effect_set
     [+] Weapon_special_Effect_set
      |  - - Effect 1: Remove Behavior_special from Caster
      |  - - Effect 2: Dealing splash damage... etc.

    Good news: this method works. Bad news: every time weapon swap performs - unit stops attacking, or changes target =(
    And I don't sure bout performance: I mean it's basically just 1 weapon for my TD, and it consists from 2 weapons, 7 effects and 2 behaviors.

    I'll apreciate any help or advices.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Defining standard SC2 texture in 3dMax

    Thanks, but it only works if i have a real texture-file with the same name.

    Is there a way to specify abstract path in 3dsMax? It will be easier to preview model with standard textures than exporting them first.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
  • 0

    posted a message on Defining standard SC2 texture in 3dMax

    How I can define some standard SC2 texture in 3dsMax? I mean I can only select a real file, but i need to specify some abstract path like "Assets\Textures\pylon_diffuse.dds"

    I have an idea to rename it after export via hex editor, but i guess there r some easier way =)

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
  • 0

    posted a message on Importing .m3 model to 3dsMax2011 fails

    mseverns, can u clarify a bit more on these "conversion errors"?

    I just haveno lots of skills in 3D modelling, im similar with some basic stuff, but i know almost nothing bout rigid bodies, texturing, UV-mapping, specular/emissive textures and all that stuff.

    I just wanted to alter a bit some of the standard SC2 models - like altering scale of different model parts, adding attachement points, particle emitters and some simple animation edits.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
  • 0

    posted a message on Importing .m3 model to 3dsMax2011 fails

    I have 3dsMax 2011 installed, i have SC2 Art Tools and it works fine.

    But I have problems with import:

    1) after .M3 plugins (http://www.sc2mapster.com/assets/m3-export-plugin-3ds-max/) install it was throwing error like "Can't change const value SC2ribbons" or something similar, I replaced "sc2ribbon" strings with "sc2_ribbon" in all related files, so this error gone.

    2) now when i try to import Pylon model with all checkboxes checked it shows error: Unknown property "matind" in undefined
    console shows:

    ====== Import Starting ======
    Opening xxx\PylonXPReward.m3...
    Reading Model Header...
    Model Type: MD34
    Reading Model Data...
    Model Name: PylonXPReward
    Reading Animations...
    nAnims: 1
    Animations read
    Reading bones...
    nBones: 25
    Bones read
    Reading mesh data...
    nVerts: 2117
    nFaces: 7152
    nSubmeshes: 2
    Mesh data read
    Current position: 224
    Reading Lights...
    Lights read.
    Current position: 248
    Reading cameras...
    Cameras read
    Reading materials...
    Materials read
    Reading ribbons...
    Ribbons read.
    Reading projections...
    Projections read.
    Reading forces...
    Forces read...
    Reading tight hit test...
    Tight hit test read.
    Reading fuzzy hit tests...
    Fuzzy hit tests read.

    3) after unchecking "Import Materials" it shows: Unable to convert undefined to type <node>
    console shows:

    ====== Import Starting ======
    Opening xxx\PylonXPReward.m3...
    Reading Model Header...
    Model Type: MD34
    Reading Model Data...
    Model Name: PylonXPReward
    Reading Animations...
    nAnims: 1
    Animations read
    Reading bones...
    nBones: 25
    Bones read
    Reading mesh data...
    nVerts: 2117
    nFaces: 7152
    nSubmeshes: 2
    Mesh data read
    Current position: 224
    Reading Lights...
    Lights read.
    Current position: 248
    Reading cameras...
    Cameras read
    Reading ribbons...
    Ribbons read.
    Reading projections...
    Projections read.
    Reading forces...
    Forces read...
    Reading tight hit test...
    Tight hit test read.
    Reading fuzzy hit tests...
    Fuzzy hit tests read.
    Creating Scene objects...
    Creating bounding sphere...
    Storing Animation Data in Scene...
    Animating bounding sphere...
    Creating bones...
    ERROR# Bone import failed!
    ****-- No ""get"" function for undefined****
    Creating tight hit tests...

    but now it creates Scene Root sphere
    after this step it throws same error while "Import Bones" checked

    4) after unchecking "Import Bones" it shows: Unknown property "count" in undefined
    console shows:

    ====== Import Starting ======
    Opening xxx\PylonXPReward.m3...
    Reading Model Header...
    Model Type: MD34
    Reading Model Data...
    Model Name: PylonXPReward
    Reading mesh data...
    nVerts: 2117
    nFaces: 7152
    nSubmeshes: 2
    Mesh data read
    Current position: 224
    Reading Lights...
    Lights read.
    Current position: 248
    Reading cameras...
    Cameras read
    Reading ribbons...
    Ribbons read.
    Reading projections...
    Projections read.
    Reading forces...
    Forces read...
    Reading tight hit test...
    Tight hit test read.
    Reading fuzzy hit tests...
    Fuzzy hit tests read.
    Creating Scene objects...
    Creating bounding sphere...
    Storing Animation Data in Scene...

    it creates nothing new in the Scene

    5) after unchecking "Animate Objects" it imports mesh as intended =)
    console shows:

    ====== Import Starting ======
    Opening xxx\PylonXPReward.m3...
    Reading Model Header...
    Model Type: MD34
    Reading Model Data...
    Model Name: PylonXPReward
    Reading mesh data...
    nVerts: 2117
    nFaces: 7152
    nSubmeshes: 2
    Mesh data read
    Current position: 224
    Reading Lights...
    Lights read.
    Current position: 248
    Reading cameras...
    Cameras read
    Reading ribbons...
    Ribbons read.
    Reading projections...
    Projections read.
    Reading forces...
    Forces read...
    Reading tight hit test...
    Tight hit test read.
    Reading fuzzy hit tests...
    Fuzzy hit tests read.
    Creating Scene objects...
    Creating bounding sphere...
    Creating submeshes...
    Creating submesh PylonXPReward_0...done!
    Creating submesh PylonXPReward_1...done!
    Submeshes done
    Import took 6.018 seconds seconds
    ====== Import Successful ======

    But u know what... i dont need this import plugin just for getting this f*ken bunch of polygons!
    I tried different FPS values from 10 to 1k but it seems that there's no problem with it.
    Also I tried to import another models, I tried to import models from different folders (even from root directory) - but nothing works.

    What am i doing wrong???

    P.S. this Creole formatting without spoilers is pure crap.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
  • 0

    posted a message on Back To SC2, Veterancy Problem

    Well I never had that problem with veterancy. But I had problem with "white" armor and weapon icons. In my case this problem appeared after my own morph ability, just cuz i made childhood unit-type and i forgot to link the actor with it. When i linked actor to childhood unit-type morph worked as expected, and weapon/armor icons were the same as on the old-one unit.

    P.S. veterancy itself just changes panel format, it doesn't alters icons.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on [Solved] Attachement point with dynamical rotation?

    Is it possible to make ModelAddition actor to rotate around required AttachementPoint? I mean not the altering of it's placement, but real animated rotation.

    For example: Im trying to make a weapon with missiles rotated around the caster, like BloodMage hero had in WC3. But I can't find anything bout dynamical rotation of ModelAddition actors.

    UPD: Actually main problem is that i can't alter the center point of rotation. I can attach my actor to point with offset, and i can add rotation, but it rotates actor only around it's own axis. So i'm looking for possibility to make actor rotating around the attachement-point with specified radius.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Create unit on top of another unit (ignore placement)

    The main problem with geyser style placement - it's error message, cuz u can change the text, but u can't change the sound.

    I prefer to make an actor with attachement to original unit. Basically your "Unit creation on top" ability will be just dummy spell with no target, all the stuff will be in actor parameters, which must be linked to this ability via Events.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Full data import for campaign units

    @Eimtr: Go

    Thx, i will try it, i just didnt knew bout multi-copying...

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Full data import for campaign units
    Quote from DaFunk86:

    I believe you have to make the Map an Arcade Map Then you get the Options of What Dependencies Standard either * Wings Of Liberty or * Heart of the Swarm and Check Include Campaign Data.

    Yep but it breaks lot of standard units, for example terran racks have mercenary units after that, and a lot of other changes.

    Quote from DaFunk86:

    If you're hoping to have your Custom Melee map show up in the Melee Map section and Not the Arcade Section I'm not sure if or how you can do that

    Ofc I know that it's impossible. I just need map with standard HotS melee tech trees for all races, and then I wanna to add some additional units to that trees. But it's kinda unefficent to copy each campaign unit that I need in 20 turns: copying unit, than actor, than model, than sounds and so on =//

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Full data import for campaign units

    Hi there, and already sorry if such question has been here =) I just not found it.

    Im trying to make melee HotS map with additional units from campaign. First I've tried to add Swarm.SC2Campaign to Resource Library list - but in this way lot of standard melee units changing =\ Now I'm trying to copy needed units from map with Campaign Library to my current melee map - but its copying just unit data without all assigned Agents, Models, Sounds, etc...

    How I should to import whole unit data? If for example I wanna add Wraith terran unit what I need to do?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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