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    posted a message on How to clone/copy-paste Pathing?

    @MaskedImposter: Go

    Well, it's still pretty hard if your map rly big, and u just wanna to clone tiny 2x2 rectangle over much bigger area.

    Anyways I found "PaintedPathingLayer" file inside map (it's ez to open it via MPQ editor), and i figured out how pathing data saved inside this file. So mine problem is solved. But if there will be interest i can make a program for manual editing/copy-pasting of pathing data.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on How to clone/copy-paste Pathing?

    How to clone/copy-paste Pathing? Copying works fine with Terrain, but it seems unavailable for Pathing layer.

    I have a very special need for my map: 2x2 pathing rectangle needs to be propagated for much more bigger area.

    Any suggestions?

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Health Transfer Healing

    @EntityEnigma: Go

    Resaved for WoL. Effects r same anyways.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Health Transfer Healing

    @EntityEnigma: Go

    Open your eyes, turn on your brain and look into map provided to u by abvdzh. And don't listen to FunkyUserName.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Auto cast morph effect

    @Sherlia: Go

    Well, i see 2 most simple ways here:

    1) Check attached map: Ability in this map uses switch effect as u wanted, it autocasts via "Life Not Full" validator, it copies order queue, but it's not a morph actually, it simply replaces unit with a new one.

    2) Make different morph abilities for every unit type.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Severe Data Issues - Missing / Morphing Data

    Make a backup copy, and try to experiment with dependencies. I dont know what exactly u have in your mod. And i don't know what dependencies u need and which order will be correct in your case.

    Quote from Venrez: Go

    This still doesnt explain why some things (Such as the Oracle laser or Phoenix upgrade at the Fleet Beacon) do not exist whatsoever in the Editor.

    Dependencies bug explains it.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Severe Data Issues - Missing / Morphing Data

    Simple advice: create your mod from scratch for HotS. There r a lot of changes between WoL and HotS. And i also recommend u: don't use Campaign dependencies for melee-related mods - these dependencies fukups a lot of melee data.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Tower dont facing targets

    @BioBecker2: Go

    Well, just check unit, weapon, turret, actors and how they connected to each other inside map, which Ahli uploaded for u.

    You can't make good map without spending some time to learning data-editor =)

    I guess i'll make you upset, but this turret stuff isn't that hard, there r a lot of stuff harder. Basically, u just need to connect actor (if it has no Ref_TurretZ) which represents turret in game with basement via invisible model actor, which has TurretZ attachement point. Anyways nobody can explain it for u better than u can learn by yourself. And when u get the basic conceptual knowledge, u will learn how to absorb information provided by other people. It's based on my own experience.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] adding effect to weapon via behavior

    @abvdzh: Go Thx again =) This editor makes me mad, so easy ways to do stuff, but not obvious if u dont know where to look. Dont sure, maybe i lack of english knowledge, but when i read field hints it's purpose still remains unclear for me in most cases =(

    P.S. i found another way - just disable damage kind: Spell/Splash but Ranged/Melee should be enabled. So u don't need to specify every weapon effect in "Require Effect Array".

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] adding effect to weapon via behavior

    I try to make behavior which will add a specific impact effect to weapon which unit already has. But i can't make it universal.
    The one way i found - is adding effect to every weapon initially but make it restricted via validator, and it rly sucks =(
    Is there a way to ADD effect to weapon via behavior?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Back To SC2, Veterancy Problem

    @Reul123: Go

    Well I didn't found any data problems in your map, but i tell u - it can work. Definitely.

    Currently i work on TD map. On my map every tower has veterancy and UI works fine. But in my case i add weapons to turrets via complicated system of built-ons, morph abilities or behavior buffs. Try to add at via some effect or even trigger.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Disable highlight flag?
    Quote from abvdzh: Go

    Morph approach is bad idea (overkill) in case you want just prevent player from trap selection, and nothing more. You can use two easy ways:

    I made it with morph just for visual aspect and pathblocking.

    Anyways highlight blocking i made via this:

    Quote from abvdzh: Go

    2) Open buff modification+ go to "behaviour" tab, scroll down to state flag and do as Spoolofwhool said (flags Untargetable and Unselectable)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Back To SC2, Veterancy Problem

    @Reul123: Go

    Maybe u will show ur map? Feel free to create new one and copy problematic units/actors into it.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Attachement point with dynamical rotation?
    Quote from abvdzh: Go

    No, i just opened sc2 editor in 2011 and focused on learning actors in my sparetime :}.

    I opened sc2 editor in 2009 i guess =) And I worked in WC3 editor as well, mostly on triggers and jass-spells. But if speak bout sc2 editor - chain of terrible and horrific events made me forget about it for a couple of years =))

    Quote from abvdzh: Go

    deals 30% of your current health - 20 * nearby enemies + 5* your mom's age

    i lol'd))

    P.S. look into this thread: http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/development/data/67321-disable-highlight-flag/ I wonder how u will make trapping system =)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Disable highlight flag?

    Well it was harder than i expected. But here it is.

    Fell free to alter some aspects or add some visual effects to it.

    Posted in: Data
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