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    posted a message on Actor and upgrades

    @Jooon: Go

    Bump, still haven't found a way. Tried with actorcreation and a some others, guess i could make it update when it moves but that would but it's not the best solution.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Broken popularity system, let's fight back?

    @Colt556: Go

    You're french?:p

    And I doubt they would ban anyone, for example look at some maps with the descrption "Completely devoid of any description whatsoever." Not much more into these maps either, and they aren't banned.

    And since you went on the wc3 map topic, played a map named Attack of the Niggers, great stuff lol. Didn't see the creator of that banned.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Dropships carrying vehicles

    Just ignore this validator idea until further. I looked into the editor and didn't see a way to validate unit type in the transport. Sorry :(

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Dropships carrying vehicles

    @Colt556: Go

    Don't have the editor here, but hm, try looking at the default made validators. Like "Bunker is Empty" i think it was and "target is (unit type)." Make sure to set the correct unit type you want to validate, if you want to validate 6 rangers for example, it would be target. If you want to validate the transport slots use source. And to combine them use the "combine" validator.

    Actually, when i think about it, I'm not sure if you can validate the carried unit. Let's hope for some input:p

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Dropships carrying vehicles

    @Colt556: Go

    Could be done with validators i guess, without using two transport abilities. Make one for each and combine them:

    • (Target is Marine)
    • (Target isnt carrying more than 6 Marines)
    • * Combine those with "and"
    • (Target is tank)
    • (Target isnt carrying more than 1 tank)
    • * Combine those with "and"
    • Combine those both those with "or" and put that in the load validator.

    Have fun making validators!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Gas Footprint -> Minerals Footprint?

    @KimmysCurse: Go

    I did it, can probably be done better ways but, I duplicated the vespene geysir and a refinery and changed their models to raw mineral field and the building i wanted to be built on the mineral field. Then i changed some values i can't remember, just some simple so it would give minerals in stead of gas and so on. Shouldn't be to hard, since I figured it out by meself;) Good Luck

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Actor and upgrades

    Trying to add a flashlight to a unit here, but experiencing some problems, not sure if it's a bug or whatever. I made a custom modeladdition to my unit, a flashlight who requires an upgrade. Here's my actor events:




    -ValidatePlayer HasFlashlight (validator for having the upgrade)




    + some extra animations and stuff.

    But when i research my upgrade and have any current VCS's on the map none of them get the addition. However, all the new ones i make have it. Did i miss something or is it bugged?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Weapon Doubletap Delay

    @Kueken531: Go

    Thank you! That worked like a charm.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Weapon Doubletap Delay

    Hey, I've made a weapon with a possible upgrade to fire 2 shots. This is how i set it up:

    Weapon -> Effect Set -> Launch Missile and Launch Missile Extra-> Effect Damage (both launch missile triggers same damage)

    Evereything works well and all, but when the Extra Missile triggers, you can't notice it because the are sent out exactly at the same time. Any idea how i could add a little delay before Launch Missile Extra Trigger? Or maybe add something that resets the cooldown when it hits? I have no idea sadly.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Duplicate Object vs Copy/Paste Object

    @zenasprime: Go

    Yeah, you'll get around with it after a while when working with it. Just feel it, you know:p When i started i was also looking around trying to link the actor to a unit, but i tryed to make random stuff and it helped me understand it, and i went from novice to not completely novice.

    And I personally think the object explorer is, well, shit. After duplicating a unit with turret's and so on, you find out that it's missing loads of objects and have to look around manually, without really knowing what you're looking for, to find and duplicate all those small pesky objects. Hope they will improve it in the future, there's room for that.

    And thanks for that copy tip, didn't know that;)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Duplicate Object vs Copy/Paste Object

    @zenasprime: Go

    About the duplication of unchecked items, you don't duplicate them, you just set them to be reused in the new unit. That means less stuff to configure and fewer options about those things unticket, but easier to set up.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Transport Units - Enables Weapons

    @Ultimaswc3: Go

    Yeah, there was a validator with cargo space used. Thanks. Gonna work with that for a while;)

    edit: Got it working now. added 2 weapons and 2 behaviors on the transport unit. each behavior enables 1 weapon each and the first behavior requires 1 marine and the second requires 2 marines inside.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Transport Units - Enables Weapons

    Sorry, didn't explain myself good enough.

    I i was trying to say was that each marine enables the weapon on the transport carrier, think of it as the marine is controlling the weapon.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Transport Units - Enables Weapons


    I've made myself a transport unit who can carry two marines. I would like it to enable 1 weapon for each marine it transports.

    Basicaly, transport has 1 marine -> enable wep 1. Transport has 2 marines -> enable wep 1 and 2

    Could anyone point me in any direction?


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on CAbilBuild Problem

    @DivinoZarathos: Go

    Copy the models "Supply Depot" and "Supply Depot Placement" and change the scale on the model instead. Then you dont have to worry about the actor scaling the model correctly.

    Not sure about your #2 though.

    Posted in: Data
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