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    posted a message on vampirism in starcraft 2

    well, i haven't started making the buildings yet.


    • wall (upgrade able)
    • tower (upgrade able)
    • supply depot (more supply per building)
    • command center (2x2 in size and able to build SCV)
    • research center (can upgrade; worker speed, how many minerals a worker can harvest, wall HP, tower range, tower dmg)
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    posted a message on vampirism in starcraft 2

    vitkar: will that many minerals not make the map lag a lot, and the reaver might be more fitting as vamp

    Mogranlocky: i was thinking of a starcraft look, as for the dmg was thinking of something in the middle, depending how much hp the towers get

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    posted a message on vampirism in starcraft 2

    well i only played SC1 campain and haven't had internet that time, so i can't say ether.

    here is a update on the map 002

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    posted a message on [Data] Harvesting gas without building

    Is it possible to have it so harvest gas from vespene geyser without building on it, and so that all players can harvest from the same geyser.

    If so then please tell me.

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    posted a message on vampirism in starcraft 2

    KorvinGump what is you project,

    and right now im just looking for a wiki were i can find tips on how to make scripted maps.

    i already know the basis.

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    posted a message on vampirism in starcraft 2

    hi all

    I am new to making maps, but there's a map idea from warcraft 3 that I want to remake in starcraft 2. the map is called Vampire

    if you don't know the map, i will try to explain:

    • there is 2 sides, the human (5-10 players) and the vampire (only one or two).
    • the humans have to build a base, and try to destroy the vampire with towers.
    • the vampire have to "bite" all the humans to win, when the humans have been bitten they become vampires.
    • the last side standing wins

    here is my ideas for the game The vamprie side;

    • Vampire unit is an ultralisk
    • the vamprie can buy units to scout, attack, and other things.
    • they will have the same abilities as the warcraft 3 map such as farsight, stun, invisibility, and snipe.

    the human side

    • Human unit is a marine
    • The walls start out as pylons and can be upgraded into bunkers, then command centers, and last planetary fortresses where it gains the ability to attack. (it will only have a visible use)
    • the humans also has the ability to make missile turrets(attack ground), flame turrets, and psi disruptors. and other tower
    • Humans make SCV from a command center(not the wall) they can mine Minerals but not gas
    • the marine is the only one there can get gas, the gas is used to make higher tier buildings.
    • there is only one gas refinery on the map, it is in the middle, were the vamp has it base.
    • the Humans will have a building there auto produce gas in the high tire buildings

    please tell me if you want to: be beta tester, help make the map or have some ideas for the map

    here is the map for now vampisme

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    posted a message on vampisme in starcraft 2

    yes it was

    but the last part is not:

    you make the SCV from one of the buildings (command center) they can mine Minerals but not gas the human is the only one there can get gas, the gas is used to make higher tier buildings. there is only one gas refinery on the map, it is in the middle, were the vamp has it base.

    i have began to make the map but haven't scripted anything yet, and like if anyone will help

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    posted a message on vampisme in starcraft 2


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    posted a message on vampisme in starcraft 2

    I am not a very good map scripter, but i enjoy playing the map in warcraft 3 and i would like to see it in starcraft 2.

    here is some idea: vampire ideas the vamp: an ultralisk the vamp can buy units like scouts(burrowed units), the green zerk unit there explode(cant rememper the name) it will have the same abilitys(almost) as in warcraft. show map, stum for x sec, invis(cloack) and a extra you can deside

    human the human: a marine or zealot the wall starts as a pylon, (it chance colur when upgraded) then it will be a bunker, then a mini comandcenter and last a planetary fortress(can attack) for the tower there can be bunkers missil auto and flame turrents, also the slow tower in the campain. the workers will be SUV and there will only be minirals in the base, and a gas depo in the middle(only the human can havest)

    let me know what you think

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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