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    posted a message on Raidcraft[UI Designers]

    A lot of stuff has happened! We currently have three testing heroes that integrates with all the implemented systems, they aren't balanced at all but that is not a pressing issue... yet! The threat system seem real solid, all testing work out like it should and the system has been made more dynamic.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Raidcraft[UI Designers]

    @Charysmatic: Go

    The project is still active to that point that I've done most of what I feel I can do myself. Please pm me for contact information and more information and resources about the project :)


    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Raidcraft[UI Designers]


    Updated the whole thing and updated what I have done this far and added two images.

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    posted a message on Raidcraft[UI Designers]

    @Enexy: Go

    Maybe, I found things are running smoother than I thought - the threat system is in place and there is a rough outline for boss encounters. Date when it is done will depend if I end up doing it alone or not. I am, atm, not nearly good enough with the data editor to quickly create heroes :P

    Date by myself: probably never but then I will upload what I have created this far (if it is of any interst) Else, maybe 2 months or so

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Raidcraft[UI Designers]


    About me

    Hello, I am Swede (GMT+1, EU) developer/programmer and am looking for people willing to help/join my mod. I have studied programming at uni for three years and I have been programming for about eight or nine years starting out with the wc3 editor.

    What is needed

    For this project I am doing most of the concept and triggers. Sancudo is doing Heroes, spells, data editing in general and is involved design Xkiller9000 is doing some raids/instances/boss mechanics At the moment the project needs:

    • A UI artists to help create the interface

    This far

    Most of the code is commented (some internal functions are not) and the code include ways for developers to create new boss encounters with ease by custom events. I have a system where people can create their own instances, it is working (in the test cases I have performed). This include

    • A threat system
    • A Boss System
    • Some standard heroes for testing
    • An ugly UI ;)


    In Game ICustom Trigger I WILL CRUSH YOU

    The mod

    The mod itself should be a mix between AoS/Dota/Moba and the WoW instance/raid/PvE play style. You pick up a hero at the game start and progress from level 1, making it easy to try different roles and make you able to instantly play with new players since no one is ahead (except for mad skillz ;) ) It should introduce a hero pool, item pool, a new UI, threat system, a system to ease the design of boss encounters and an achievement system. The main idea is to create a mod/system that allows people to create their own instances and content. Everything will be made open to the public.

    Hero Roles

    Each hero should be somewhat intuitive and have their niche. One DPS class might use DoT spells and will do better in longer encounters while some do better burst and better in shorter ones. The hero pool size isn't the main focus - the focus is Heroes that has abilities that synaereses which raises the skill cap and makes games more fun.


    The hero role that keeps the mobs(NPC's) attacking him by applying high threat, has high survivability but low damage.


    A role that focuses on dealing high amount of damage to mobs, but are squishy.


    The role that focuses on keeping the others alive, by healing them, crowd controlling mobs (Stuns,disables,slows,force fields, debuffs etc), applying buffs and/or shielding them.


    Dunno yet, mostly stat items. My current idea for the inventory is to have two, active, items with longer cool down (trinkets), 3 stat items and a weapon that applies life steal, mana drain or some other mechanic.


    The ui need to show a lot of things, spell cool downs, the state of the other players' heroes, threat, target HP and boss phases. A UI for selecting heroes will also be implemented, but will possibly end up using an existing one.


    I have chosen to use models created by blizzard them self, no legal crap and they are already finished and look good with the existing sc2 models.


    PM me or comment if you are interested and I will PM you with contact information :). When I'm on line it is usually between 16-22. I study and work hours as a consult so time that I can put into this project may vary, at the moment I got a lot of time on my hands. Beside me Sancudo and Xkiller9000 are working on this project

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Raidcraft

    @TheAlmaity: Go Boy, your post brought a smile to my face and all drinks are on me! :D I started programming TFT about 8 - 9 years ago and only recently started with the sc2 engine but I study computer science at the uni.

    I like your ideas, I should have put support - my first idea would be that only support has crowd control abilities which will be crucial in some encounters. The whole plan is to keep spells and Heroes intuitive but with synergy that brings depth.

    Regarding stats saving I, personally, don't want it - I want a game where you can instantly play with friends that has never been playing before and still be able to play "on the same level" - this is, and was, WoW's biggest draw back imo.

    The idea of bringing challenge to good players are achievements. I, myself, do not know how they work (yet) but I would like to see something like achievements for finishing an instance, finishing an instance in a certain time and downing a boss after he Enrages etc.

    Updating the original post :)

    And thanks a bunch ^^

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Raidcraft


    Hi, I started a sc2 mod and progress will depend on interest from the community and my own schedule :P

    The Mod

    This mod, currently named Raidcraft (might very likely change), will be a platform on which one can create instance and raid encounters, it will have a threat system, several heroes of different roles (Tank, dps and support) and a system that makes designing bosses easy.


    A mod gives the community a way of creating their own content and allows for more people to, easily, be creative and create their own content. Also, programming and modding is fun :)


    You get to choose a Hero when the game loads choosing a Hero that you play for the remainder of the game. Your hero levels up as your team progresses through the instance, gaining new abilities and picking up items. Items can be gained by killing bosses and from the shop where you pay with the money you get from killing mobs.

    Heroes in general

    Every hero should have it's strength and weakness, some DPS might have a high burst damage but are weak in longer fights where mana conservation is crucial. Every Hero should still be valid - a small pool with balanced heroes is a better pool than a big one where some heroes aren't viable.


    A tank is a Hero role that keeps the NPCs at bay, making them attack and cast spells on them instead of the rest of the players. Players playing a tank hero need to have good map awareness as well as good reactions in order to gain aggro on NPCs that comes out of nowhere. aggro should not just be kept by simply smashing the ability buttons.


    The most intuitive role, the job is to deal as much damage as possible but not gain the aggro. Dealing damage should be somewhat easy, but synergy between spells and boss mechanics should make it hard to stay alive even with good support.


    The job of the support is to keep every ones HP up as well as crowd controlling NPCs with slows, spell interrupts etc. The biggest problem should be mana management, heals should not fly out left and right but a bit of thinking should be involved.


    Most items will be basic +stat items, some will add mechanics like life steal, mana burn, cooldown reduction etc. Two item slots on every hero will be saved for trinkets - items that has a nice ability with a longer cooldown.


    Stats will be easy, most likely: Stamina - increases hp and hp regen Damage - Increases damage dealt, healing and threat for tanks. Intellect - increases mana and mana regeneration.


    So far I have only, barely, finished the threat system and now I am working on the first Hero which will probably be Pudge/Devourer


    I just wanted to post this and see if there are interest in this mod, all comments are appreciated :)


    A mod that is a mix between a AoS/Moba and a WoW instance.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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