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    posted a message on Good Role Playing Games?

    Hello, SC2 community.

    I'm here to ask a question about Role Playing Game maps.
    To begin with, I'm in the Latin American server. Although we cleared the "problem" we had at launch (only two custom maps) more and more people have been uploading maps to the server. They are stolen, mostly. But still, we can play!

    But that is not the point. I've been increasingly wondering if there are custom maps that are perhaps not uploaded to sc2 mapster, or curse or nibbits? I mean, with the fact that the game is no longer P2P Map makers have pretty much no reason to upload it to third party servers, thus, I feel I might be missing out on a lot.

    Anyhow, I wonder if there are any good Role Playing Games yet? I'm talking both of the branches, such as SotDPR, and stuff like Waugriff ORPG.

    These maps and many others just MADE my Warcraft experience. In fact, I bought Starcraft II because of the custom games, sadly I am a bit stuck.

    So, are there any good Role Playing Maps?? Maybe they are on this site, or in others and I can try them out. Or maybe they are just uploaded to the map list, never to be seen by me.

    But is there any particularly good games that you would recommend? (On this site, or otherwise.)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Noobie Needs Help

    @ajilejay: Go

    Okay, I don't know anything about mapping, BUT, I can point you in the right direction. Here you can probably find an answer to most of your questions, if you are okay with reading a bit.

    Good luck!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Install a SC2 map

    Alright. Be happy, for I have decided to reply.

    I was actually looking for this answer for a long time, so well, I'll explain it to the best of my abilities.

    First of all, the map management system changed a LOT on Battle.net 2.0. To begin with, it no longer revolves around peer to peer (Downloading the map from other players.) The maps are in fact, hosted by battle.net, and uploaded by the original map creator.

    So the map creator uploads the map to Battle.net, and then you see it on the menu, download it and are able to play it.

    If you select "Create game" and have played it before you should be able to play it. However, I am assuming that you are not from the United States (Or don't have the US Version) since that is my situation. I play on the Latin American server and there's only two custom games, so I suppose you are wondering how to PLAY them when they haven't been hosted.

    First of all, there's various options you can try. The easiest one is double clicking the map (Thus, opening the editor) and once it's open pressing ctrl+f9 thus, opening the map in Single Player. That way you can play it by yourself.

    In case you want to play it with your friends, I am kind of as stuck as you are, but here are some ways you can (I haven't been able to do it though) do it: 1. contact the map creator and ask him for permission to upload his map on your realm. 2. upload it 3. ??? 4. Profit!

    The other option, would be using an application which swaps the map, they used these in BETA.

    An example of it would be Map Craft This application lets you host a game first, and then you swap it for the custom one in-lobby. However, I have no idea if it works outside of the BETA, as my cache files are different.

    Anyhow, I know it's a bit sloppy, but I hope this small "Guide" helped you! Godspeed.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Are you against your maps being reuploaded? [On other realms]

    Hello, first of all, let me clear up the title.

    What I mean is, are you against people reuploading your maps, in other realms. Such as Asia, Europe, and in my personal case: Latin America.

    I'm asking because I've considered seriously uploading some maps, since at the moment (I'm not even kidding) in the Latin America server there are TWO custom games. Red Circle TD And Storm of the Imperial Sanctum.

    Now, for some that's fine, but I personally (pretty much) bought Starcraft II purely for the Custom Game value, like Warcraft III before it, not that I don't enjoy a good Melee game.

    So to conclude quickly, would you be against people uploading your maps on these kind of realms where, to begin with, they would have never seen the light of day otherwise? If so, why? And if you were fine with people uploading it, what would be your conditions? (Example: Description saying how it isn't my map, and a link to the original project?)

    Thanks a lot for taking your time to read this thread!

    Posted in: General Chat
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