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    posted a message on Myth II Game Types as StarCraft II mods


    Does anyone remember Myth II: Soulblighter? Some of those multiplayer game types where amazing. I would love to recreate them in StarCraft II. For those of you who have not played or seen them (or maybe you just need a reminder) here is a link to the Myth II manual: http://www.orderofhpak.com/Manuals/Guides/Myth_II_Manual.pdf

    I would like to start with something as "simple" as flag rally and then continue on to other types increasing in complexity. Below is a bit more explanation of the first game type.


    There are up to nine flags on the battlefield.The winner is the first player
    to capture all of them. It is not necessary to defend a flag after it has been
    captured; touch it and move on.

    The teams can be a maximum of 3 players. The game will consist of two phases. The planning phase and the game phase.
    Planning Phase:
    The team lead (chosen by top slot of team in b.net lobby) will have one minute to select a limited number of units and share them with their teammates.
    Game Phase:
    The teams begin on opposite ends of the map, much like a chess match. Using the limited units, the teams must tag all the flags on the map. It is not necessary to defend a flag after it has been captured. It is simply a tally that has to reach 9 to win. Units will be allowed to attack and destruction of a unit is permanent.

    Main Tasks:
    Unit selection dialog
    This is the dialog that must appear during the planning phase that allows the team lead to select units. There will be a total number of points a team lead has to spend, each unit will cost a certain number of points. For example, the team lead will be given 100 points. They will then be able buy 10 marines for 10 points each or two Thors for 50 points each or any combination thereof. (Perhaps this is easier done with a "store" system like in WC3, rather than a dialog.)
    Switch control buttons
    This is the additional buttons needed for each unit to allow control to be exchanged between players.
    Flag tag tally
    The counter and display for the total number of flags touched by the team
    Flag tag conditions
    This is the condition that increments the tally when a team's unit has touched a flag that has not been previously touched by their team.
    Win conditions
    The team tally hit 9...win/lose

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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