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    posted a message on Weapon Attack Mechanic

    @RileyStarcraft: Go Thanks for the info. The random delay also makes sense for two identical units encountering each other, now that I think about it.

    Assume a Marine is on a leisure stroll across the map. Suddenly a Zealot appears at 6 range, so the Marine begins to attack. Since the Marine's damage point value is 0.05, the damage effect would appear on the Zealot 0.05 seconds after the encounter/attack begins. Depending on what the random delay comes out to (lets use 0.1), that would be added to the overall period of attack (which is 0.8608), making the attack period longer or shorter (in this case longer, making it 0.9608).

    After that time has expired, a new attack period begins.. repeat until someone is dead.

    I still am curious about the backswing value, though.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Weapon Attack Mechanic

    Also, what about units like Zealots or Banshees that have multiple attacks per period? I'd really like to understand how it all works :D

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Weapon Attack Mechanic

    I'm hoping someone can give me some more clarity about the game's weapon attack mechanic. After looking at the map editor, I'm pretty confused about what point in time each event happens and what certain things mean.

    For instance, what do the "Backswing" and "Damage Point" values indicate? Which events are fired throughout the duration of the attack period? Do units really have a random delay that causes them attack sooner or later, and how is this calculated?

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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