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    posted a message on Using terrain/doodads to block ranged attacks(stop them from going through things)

    Hello, I'm trying to make it so that ranged attacks (including beams) are blocked by terrain with the missile/beam death animation activated on contact. Right now I'm feeling like the best option is to create an invisible point defense drone, but if I were to use this how could I remove the laser that destroys missiles, have it work against beams, and cause the missile/beam to explode on contact with this invisible point defense drone's coverage.

    I'd also like to add this ability to the mass of all units (or less for small ranged infantry such as marines or sentries so that they can still be effective) so that they are unable to attack through one another. If I do that, I'd like to have it only block ground vs ground attacks and air vs air attacks since shooting up doesn't go through anything. Although if I did this I'd like for the unit that activated it's defense drone ability to take the damage of the attack. I feel like I could do that with a trigger.

    Furthermore, I'd also like to if at all possible create stray fire that hits near a unit and explodes rather than hitting it directly 100% of the time, and if these stray projectiles "hit" another unit (activate their ability) for them to take the damage. How can I reduce accuracy? One thing I saw that might help with this was the primal zerg projectiles that worked like warcraft 3's old catapults. I want to use that with all ranged units, but I'd also like to add stray to it rather than the projectile moving to the exact location of it's target upon firing.

    As something extra, I'd also like to have these point defense drones range to include vertical range so it works as a sphere rather than a vertical cylinder that goes on forever. I think I can work the doodads and terrain to incorporate this subtly, however I don't have enough knowledge on ability modification to know what to do. One solution to this I think could have something to do with differentiating between ground and air attacks.

    I also wanted to create a new type of attack besides ground and air called "orbital" attacks that come from higher up air units. Since my map has a series of "caverns" with a bunch of archways and roofs, I'd like these to block these attacks to make orbital bombardment less effective in these regions.

    And fuck while I'm at it how do I prevent air units from clustering up?


    Thanks for reading!

    Posted in: Data
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