the record idea is something i've thought about but im not sure how i'll get the index of that node...
ok after thinking about it for a minute i've come up with the following idea.
when a node is selected it will inherit adjacent nodes from it's parent. it will then check these if they are within a distance. ones too far away will be removed and overwritten with new nodes that are created.
Pathfinding 2 Documented
Options: Action
Return Type: (None)
Unit = No Unit <Unit>
Source = No Point <Point>
Destination = No Point <Point>
Grammar Text: Pathfinding 2 Documented(Unit, Source, Destination)
Hint Text: (None)
Custom Script Code
Local Variables
path found = false <Boolean>
Picked Node = No Point <Point>
Picked Node Index = 0 <Integer>
New G = 0 <Integer>
Lowest F Node = No Point <Point>
Lowest F Index = 0 <Integer>
new is better = true <Boolean>
------- Create Starting Node and set H and F Values
Create Node(Source, 0)
Variable - Set H[1] = (Get Dist(Nodes[1], Destination))
Variable - Set F[1] = (G[1] + H[1])
Variable - Set Open Nodes Sorted[1] = 1
Variable - Modify Number of Open Nodes: + 1
Variable - Set Picked Node = Source
------- Initiate main loop
General - While (Conditions) are true, do (Actions)
path found == false
------- create 8 nodes around selected node
------- will not create a new node if another node is already present
General - Pick each integer from 1 to 8, and do (Actions)
Create Node(Picked Node, (Picked integer))
------- Binary Heap Sorting - Grabs the variable at the top, removes it from the heap and then resorts
Variable - Set Picked Node = Nodes[Open Nodes Sorted[1]]
Variable - Set Picked Node Index = Open Nodes Sorted[1]
Bubble Down()
------- Closes Selected Node
Variable - Set Open Nodes[Picked Node Index] = false
Variable - Set Closed Nodes[Picked Node Index] = true
------- if selected node is destination (path is found) end the main loop
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
(Picked Node is in (Region(Destination, 1.0))) == true
Variable - Set path found = true
------- creates more nodes around currently selected node (might be redundant, or the first one might be, needs checking)
General - Pick each integer from 1 to 8, and do (Actions)
Create Node(Picked Node, (Picked integer))
------- cause of severe performance loss
------- picks every node and checks if it's adjacent to selected node and not closed
General - Pick each integer from 1 to (Number of Nodes - 1), and do (Actions)
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
(Nodes[(Picked integer)] is in (Region(Picked Node, 1.5))) == true
Closed Nodes[(Picked integer)] == false
------- Set New G
------- this is the G score of the distance to the current node + the G to get from current node to picked node
Variable - Set New G = (G[Picked Node Index] + (Get G(Picked Node, Nodes[(Picked integer)])))
------- Node is not Open or Closed?
------- Open it.
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
Open Nodes[(Picked integer)] == false
Variable - Set Open Nodes[(Picked integer)] = true
Variable - Set new is better = true
------- if this path is better or first time seeing this node
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
G[(Picked integer)] == 0
New G < G[(Picked integer)]
Variable - Set new is better = true
Variable - Set new is better = false
------- path is better, recalculate nodes and set new parent (Parent Node is the node that was used to get to picked node)
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
new is better == true
Variable - Set Nodes Parent[(Picked integer)] = Picked Node
Variable - Set Nodes Parent Index[(Picked integer)] = Picked Node Index
------- H = Distance from picked node to destination
Variable - Set H[(Picked integer)] = (Get Dist(Nodes[(Picked integer)], Destination))
------- G = cost so far to get to this node
Variable - Set G[(Picked integer)] = New G
------- weighted F
------- F typically is G + H, but it's weighted so G + (5 * H)
Variable - Set F[(Picked integer)] = (G[(Picked integer)] + (5 * H[(Picked integer)]))
------- first time seeing this node? add it to the heap and sort
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
Node Seen?[(Picked integer)] == false
Variable - Modify Number of Open Nodes: + 1
Variable - Set Open Nodes Sorted[Number of Open Nodes] = (Picked integer)
Variable - Set Node Seen?[(Picked integer)] = true
Bubble Up()
------- construct path using parent nodes
Reconstruct Path(Unit, Source, Picked Node Index)
Reset Vars()
yea. i intend to.
community helps me i'll help them ;) lol
anyway, i've got it down, but it needs some serious optimization.
the screenshot below hits the trigger runtime limit of 300-400ms and ends prematurely, the example i've been working off is
his maxes at about 20ms
i'm pretty sure i know whats causing mine to take so long to run
General - Pick each integer from 1 to (Number of Nodes - 1), and do (Actions)
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
(Nodes[(Picked integer)] is in (Region(Picked Node, 1.5))) == true
Closed Nodes[(Picked integer)] == false
so this is a nested loop which picks every node created and checks if it's not closed and is adjacent to the currently selected node
any ideas on how to resolve this?
will probably clean up my trigger abit and comment the hell out of it and post it here later today.
gawd, what a learning experience. so
feel like i've got the algorithim done finially.
whats left? well it's super super super slow. reading up on this the best way to speed it up seems to be sorting the nodes or a implementing weighted a*
ideally the sorting method if im not too stupid
screenshot for further update...
code in a few posts above can be ignored. code is almost completely different now.
check that my formula is actually correct (i have my doubts even tho it works in the video)
efficiency (is my trigger a piece of shit that runs way slower than it should?)
reconstructing the path (relates to first point. i dont think im setting parent nodes correctly for this.)
group unit movement
best way to implement it.
theres still so very very much i do not know about this system that i need help with.
still trying.
redesigned it again, feels alot closer but wont work out a path if any obstruction. pretty sure im still not counting G properly but all the source code and pseudocode i've looked at hasn't really helped me with that.
this time i have the map attached ready to go
i implemented a visual aid and a 0.0625 delay so you can see it calculate the path as it goes. (it will draw nodes and color them red/green/blue based on nodes current status (open/closed/checking))
trying to use it to enforce 8 direction movement for my SC2BW mod
been working on this map for almost a year now, since SC2's release. mostly by myself but with alot of community help and also Gna and a few others who provide me with amazing models/textures/etc
incoming giant block of text
keep in mind i am no programmer, i've never tried anything like this before.
i realise most of this is redundant and inefficient. it doesn't handle other units at all.
basically the entire thing is temporary, i just wanted to get it working and make sure i got it down before i broke it down into sub functions and made it actually efficient.
it used to avoid structures although somehow i broke that so i removed it for now
Options: Action
Return Type: (None)
Unit = No Unit <Unit>
Order = No Order <Order>
Grammar Text: Pathfinding(Unit, Order)
Hint Text: (None)
Custom Script Code
Local Variables
Nodes = No Point <Point[9][100]>
Node Open? = false <Boolean[9][100]>
Node Closed? = false <Boolean[9][100]>
Picked Node = 0 <Integer>
Path Found = false <Boolean>
HV Score = 10 <Integer>
D Score = 14 <Integer>
G = 0 <Integer[9]>
H = 0 <Integer>
F = 0 <Integer>
Lowest F = 100000 <Integer>
n = 0 <Integer>
Tentative is Better = true <Boolean>
Nodes to Destination = 0 <Integer>
Calculate = 0 <Integer>
Calculate 2 = 0 <Integer>
Path = No Point <Point[100]>
General - While (Conditions) are true, do (Actions)
Path Found == false
(Unit is alive) == true
Variable - Set Nodes[0][0] = (Position of Unit)
Variable - Set Nodes[1][0] = ((Position of Unit) offset by (0.0, 1.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[2][0] = ((Position of Unit) offset by (1.0, 1.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[3][0] = ((Position of Unit) offset by (1.0, 0.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[4][0] = ((Position of Unit) offset by (1.0, -1.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[5][0] = ((Position of Unit) offset by (0.0, -1.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[6][0] = ((Position of Unit) offset by (-1.0, -1.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[7][0] = ((Position of Unit) offset by (-1.0, 0.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[8][0] = ((Position of Unit) offset by (-1.0, 1.0))
Variable - Set n = 0
General - While (Conditions) are true, do (Actions)
Path Found == false
(Unit is alive) == true
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
n > 0
Variable - Set Nodes[0][n] = Nodes[Picked Node][(n - 1)]
Variable - Set Nodes[1][n] = (Nodes[Picked Node][(n - 1)] offset by (0.0, 1.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[2][n] = (Nodes[Picked Node][(n - 1)] offset by (1.0, 1.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[3][n] = (Nodes[Picked Node][(n - 1)] offset by (1.0, 0.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[4][n] = (Nodes[Picked Node][(n - 1)] offset by (1.0, -1.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[5][n] = (Nodes[Picked Node][(n - 1)] offset by (0.0, -1.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[6][n] = (Nodes[Picked Node][(n - 1)] offset by (-1.0, -1.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[7][n] = (Nodes[Picked Node][(n - 1)] offset by (-1.0, 0.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[8][n] = (Nodes[Picked Node][(n - 1)] offset by (-1.0, 1.0))
Variable - Set G[1] = HV Score
Variable - Set G[2] = D Score
Variable - Set G[3] = HV Score
Variable - Set G[4] = D Score
Variable - Set G[5] = HV Score
Variable - Set G[6] = D Score
Variable - Set G[7] = HV Score
Variable - Set G[8] = D Score
Variable - Set Lowest F = 100000
Variable - Set Node Open?[0][n] = false
Variable - Set Node Closed?[0][n] = true
General - Pick each integer from 1 to 8, and do (Actions)
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
Node Closed?[(Picked integer)][n] == false
Variable - Set H = ((Integer(((Abs(((X of Nodes[(Picked integer)][n]) - (X of (Target position for Order))))) + (Abs(((Y of Nodes[(Picked integer)][n]) - (Y of (Target position for Order)))))))) * 10)
Debug - Display (Text(H)) as debug output using Type 1, and Do display it in the game window
Variable - Set F = (G[(Picked integer)] + H)
Debug - Display (Text(F)) as debug output using Type 1, and Do display it in the game window
Variable - Set Node Open?[(Picked integer)][n] = true
Variable - Set Tentative is Better = true
Debug - Display (Combine ((Text((Picked integer))), " - ", (Text(F)))) as debug output using Type 1, and Do display it in the game window
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
F < Lowest F
Variable - Set Tentative is Better = true
Variable - Set Lowest F = F
Variable - Set Tentative is Better = false
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
Tentative is Better == true
Variable - Set Picked Node = (Picked integer)
Variable - Set Path[n] = Nodes[Picked Node][n]
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
(Nodes[Picked Node][n] is in (Region((Target position for Order), 1.0))) == true
Variable - Set Path Found = true
Debug - Display "Found !" as debug output using Type 1, and Do display it in the game window
Variable - Modify Nodes to Destination: + 1
Variable - Modify n: + 1
Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to ( Move targeting Path[1]) (Replace Existing Orders)
General - Pick each integer from 2 to (Nodes to Destination - 1), and do (Actions)
Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to ( Move targeting Path[(Picked integer)]) (After Existing Orders)
things im aware of are
pretty sure im not tracking G correctly.
creating nodes dynamically as they are required. i dont think this is the best way. it also causes a problem where im having overlapping nodes.
i tried making a huge grid of nodes at game init and using those. but i hit the 8192 array limit and although i was able to create a way to find the closest node to triggering unit. i had great difficulty, finding the 8 surrounding nodes and working out which was which.
anyway theres my horrible implementation. i looked at alot of source code that had this crunched down to small blocks but i dont retain enough programming knowledge to properly translate it.
just realised i have 2x while loops with indentical conditions. weird. wonder how that happened.
i've gotta goto sleep now. it's really late. or should i say early? 7:30am :<
thanks again for any help you can provide <3
i've tried something like that. but you can't make blockers small enough and they have to be too far from the unit (and will interfere with other units pathing)
the record idea is something i've thought about but im not sure how i'll get the index of that node...
ok after thinking about it for a minute i've come up with the following idea.
when a node is selected it will inherit adjacent nodes from it's parent. it will then check these if they are within a distance. ones too far away will be removed and overwritten with new nodes that are created.
it works in my head. will test it later.
Pathfinding 2 Documented
Options: Action
Return Type: (None)
Unit = No Unit <Unit>
Source = No Point <Point>
Destination = No Point <Point>
Grammar Text: Pathfinding 2 Documented(Unit, Source, Destination)
Hint Text: (None)
Custom Script Code
Local Variables
path found = false <Boolean>
Picked Node = No Point <Point>
Picked Node Index = 0 <Integer>
New G = 0 <Integer>
Lowest F Node = No Point <Point>
Lowest F Index = 0 <Integer>
new is better = true <Boolean>
------- Create Starting Node and set H and F Values
Create Node(Source, 0)
Variable - Set H[1] = (Get Dist(Nodes[1], Destination))
Variable - Set F[1] = (G[1] + H[1])
Variable - Set Open Nodes Sorted[1] = 1
Variable - Modify Number of Open Nodes: + 1
Variable - Set Picked Node = Source
------- Initiate main loop
General - While (Conditions) are true, do (Actions)
path found == false
------- create 8 nodes around selected node
------- will not create a new node if another node is already present
General - Pick each integer from 1 to 8, and do (Actions)
Create Node(Picked Node, (Picked integer))
------- Binary Heap Sorting - Grabs the variable at the top, removes it from the heap and then resorts
Variable - Set Picked Node = Nodes[Open Nodes Sorted[1]]
Variable - Set Picked Node Index = Open Nodes Sorted[1]
Bubble Down()
------- Closes Selected Node
Variable - Set Open Nodes[Picked Node Index] = false
Variable - Set Closed Nodes[Picked Node Index] = true
------- if selected node is destination (path is found) end the main loop
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
(Picked Node is in (Region(Destination, 1.0))) == true
Variable - Set path found = true
------- creates more nodes around currently selected node (might be redundant, or the first one might be, needs checking)
General - Pick each integer from 1 to 8, and do (Actions)
Create Node(Picked Node, (Picked integer))
------- cause of severe performance loss
------- picks every node and checks if it's adjacent to selected node and not closed
General - Pick each integer from 1 to (Number of Nodes - 1), and do (Actions)
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
(Nodes[(Picked integer)] is in (Region(Picked Node, 1.5))) == true
Closed Nodes[(Picked integer)] == false
------- Set New G
------- this is the G score of the distance to the current node + the G to get from current node to picked node
Variable - Set New G = (G[Picked Node Index] + (Get G(Picked Node, Nodes[(Picked integer)])))
------- Node is not Open or Closed?
------- Open it.
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
Open Nodes[(Picked integer)] == false
Variable - Set Open Nodes[(Picked integer)] = true
Variable - Set new is better = true
------- if this path is better or first time seeing this node
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
G[(Picked integer)] == 0
New G < G[(Picked integer)]
Variable - Set new is better = true
Variable - Set new is better = false
------- path is better, recalculate nodes and set new parent (Parent Node is the node that was used to get to picked node)
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
new is better == true
Variable - Set Nodes Parent[(Picked integer)] = Picked Node
Variable - Set Nodes Parent Index[(Picked integer)] = Picked Node Index
------- H = Distance from picked node to destination
Variable - Set H[(Picked integer)] = (Get Dist(Nodes[(Picked integer)], Destination))
------- G = cost so far to get to this node
Variable - Set G[(Picked integer)] = New G
------- weighted F
------- F typically is G + H, but it's weighted so G + (5 * H)
Variable - Set F[(Picked integer)] = (G[(Picked integer)] + (5 * H[(Picked integer)]))
------- first time seeing this node? add it to the heap and sort
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
Node Seen?[(Picked integer)] == false
Variable - Modify Number of Open Nodes: + 1
Variable - Set Open Nodes Sorted[Number of Open Nodes] = (Picked integer)
Variable - Set Node Seen?[(Picked integer)] = true
Bubble Up()
------- construct path using parent nodes
Reconstruct Path(Unit, Source, Picked Node Index)
Reset Vars()
yea. i intend to.
community helps me i'll help them ;) lol
anyway, i've got it down, but it needs some serious optimization.
the screenshot below hits the trigger runtime limit of 300-400ms and ends prematurely, the example i've been working off is
his maxes at about 20ms
i'm pretty sure i know whats causing mine to take so long to run
General - Pick each integer from 1 to (Number of Nodes - 1), and do (Actions)
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
(Nodes[(Picked integer)] is in (Region(Picked Node, 1.5))) == true
Closed Nodes[(Picked integer)] == false
so this is a nested loop which picks every node created and checks if it's not closed and is adjacent to the currently selected node
any ideas on how to resolve this?
will probably clean up my trigger abit and comment the hell out of it and post it here later today.
gawd, what a learning experience. so
feel like i've got the algorithim done finially.
whats left? well it's super super super slow. reading up on this the best way to speed it up seems to be sorting the nodes or a implementing weighted a*
ideally the sorting method if im not too stupid
screenshot for further update...
code in a few posts above can be ignored. code is almost completely different now.
check that my formula is actually correct (i have my doubts even tho it works in the video)
efficiency (is my trigger a piece of shit that runs way slower than it should?)
reconstructing the path (relates to first point. i dont think im setting parent nodes correctly for this.)
group unit movement
best way to implement it.
theres still so very very much i do not know about this system that i need help with.
worked on it some more
got it finding path around obstacles now
still need help with it however
made a video example !
pretty please?
still trying.
redesigned it again, feels alot closer but wont work out a path if any obstruction. pretty sure im still not counting G properly but all the source code and pseudocode i've looked at hasn't really helped me with that.
this time i have the map attached ready to go
i implemented a visual aid and a 0.0625 delay so you can see it calculate the path as it goes. (it will draw nodes and color them red/green/blue based on nodes current status (open/closed/checking))
hoping someone can help me with this.
resources i used are
my mod is simply a multiplayer port of starcraft 1
you can follow it at.
i've tried to do it myself and pretty much failed as seen here
trying to use it to enforce 8 direction movement for my SC2BW mod
been working on this map for almost a year now, since SC2's release. mostly by myself but with alot of community help and also Gna and a few others who provide me with amazing models/textures/etc
ty for the time.
argh, this is too much :<
the link at the bottom of my last post describes it in very simple terms
incoming giant block of text
keep in mind i am no programmer, i've never tried anything like this before.
i realise most of this is redundant and inefficient. it doesn't handle other units at all.
basically the entire thing is temporary, i just wanted to get it working and make sure i got it down before i broke it down into sub functions and made it actually efficient.
it used to avoid structures although somehow i broke that so i removed it for now
Options: Action
Return Type: (None)
Unit = No Unit <Unit>
Order = No Order <Order>
Grammar Text: Pathfinding(Unit, Order)
Hint Text: (None)
Custom Script Code
Local Variables
Nodes = No Point <Point[9][100]>
Node Open? = false <Boolean[9][100]>
Node Closed? = false <Boolean[9][100]>
Picked Node = 0 <Integer>
Path Found = false <Boolean>
HV Score = 10 <Integer>
D Score = 14 <Integer>
G = 0 <Integer[9]>
H = 0 <Integer>
F = 0 <Integer>
Lowest F = 100000 <Integer>
n = 0 <Integer>
Tentative is Better = true <Boolean>
Nodes to Destination = 0 <Integer>
Calculate = 0 <Integer>
Calculate 2 = 0 <Integer>
Path = No Point <Point[100]>
General - While (Conditions) are true, do (Actions)
Path Found == false
(Unit is alive) == true
Variable - Set Nodes[0][0] = (Position of Unit)
Variable - Set Nodes[1][0] = ((Position of Unit) offset by (0.0, 1.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[2][0] = ((Position of Unit) offset by (1.0, 1.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[3][0] = ((Position of Unit) offset by (1.0, 0.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[4][0] = ((Position of Unit) offset by (1.0, -1.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[5][0] = ((Position of Unit) offset by (0.0, -1.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[6][0] = ((Position of Unit) offset by (-1.0, -1.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[7][0] = ((Position of Unit) offset by (-1.0, 0.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[8][0] = ((Position of Unit) offset by (-1.0, 1.0))
Variable - Set n = 0
General - While (Conditions) are true, do (Actions)
Path Found == false
(Unit is alive) == true
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
n > 0
Variable - Set Nodes[0][n] = Nodes[Picked Node][(n - 1)]
Variable - Set Nodes[1][n] = (Nodes[Picked Node][(n - 1)] offset by (0.0, 1.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[2][n] = (Nodes[Picked Node][(n - 1)] offset by (1.0, 1.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[3][n] = (Nodes[Picked Node][(n - 1)] offset by (1.0, 0.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[4][n] = (Nodes[Picked Node][(n - 1)] offset by (1.0, -1.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[5][n] = (Nodes[Picked Node][(n - 1)] offset by (0.0, -1.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[6][n] = (Nodes[Picked Node][(n - 1)] offset by (-1.0, -1.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[7][n] = (Nodes[Picked Node][(n - 1)] offset by (-1.0, 0.0))
Variable - Set Nodes[8][n] = (Nodes[Picked Node][(n - 1)] offset by (-1.0, 1.0))
Variable - Set G[1] = HV Score
Variable - Set G[2] = D Score
Variable - Set G[3] = HV Score
Variable - Set G[4] = D Score
Variable - Set G[5] = HV Score
Variable - Set G[6] = D Score
Variable - Set G[7] = HV Score
Variable - Set G[8] = D Score
Variable - Set Lowest F = 100000
Variable - Set Node Open?[0][n] = false
Variable - Set Node Closed?[0][n] = true
General - Pick each integer from 1 to 8, and do (Actions)
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
Node Closed?[(Picked integer)][n] == false
Variable - Set H = ((Integer(((Abs(((X of Nodes[(Picked integer)][n]) - (X of (Target position for Order))))) + (Abs(((Y of Nodes[(Picked integer)][n]) - (Y of (Target position for Order)))))))) * 10)
Debug - Display (Text(H)) as debug output using Type 1, and Do display it in the game window
Variable - Set F = (G[(Picked integer)] + H)
Debug - Display (Text(F)) as debug output using Type 1, and Do display it in the game window
Variable - Set Node Open?[(Picked integer)][n] = true
Variable - Set Tentative is Better = true
Debug - Display (Combine ((Text((Picked integer))), " - ", (Text(F)))) as debug output using Type 1, and Do display it in the game window
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
F < Lowest F
Variable - Set Tentative is Better = true
Variable - Set Lowest F = F
Variable - Set Tentative is Better = false
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
Tentative is Better == true
Variable - Set Picked Node = (Picked integer)
Variable - Set Path[n] = Nodes[Picked Node][n]
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
(Nodes[Picked Node][n] is in (Region((Target position for Order), 1.0))) == true
Variable - Set Path Found = true
Debug - Display "Found !" as debug output using Type 1, and Do display it in the game window
Variable - Modify Nodes to Destination: + 1
Variable - Modify n: + 1
Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to ( Move targeting Path[1]) (Replace Existing Orders)
General - Pick each integer from 2 to (Nodes to Destination - 1), and do (Actions)
Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to ( Move targeting Path[(Picked integer)]) (After Existing Orders)
things im aware of are
pretty sure im not tracking G correctly.
creating nodes dynamically as they are required. i dont think this is the best way. it also causes a problem where im having overlapping nodes.
i tried making a huge grid of nodes at game init and using those. but i hit the 8192 array limit and although i was able to create a way to find the closest node to triggering unit. i had great difficulty, finding the 8 surrounding nodes and working out which was which.
anyway theres my horrible implementation. i looked at alot of source code that had this crunched down to small blocks but i dont retain enough programming knowledge to properly translate it.
good luck with my mess lol :(
screenshot showing it works with 8 directions now (was only me misscalculating H)
i refered mostly to this guide
just realised i have 2x while loops with indentical conditions. weird. wonder how that happened.
i've gotta goto sleep now. it's really late. or should i say early? 7:30am :<
thanks again for any help you can provide <3
but units of the same type will collide
also there are not enough different collision types for all the unit types
i've tried something like that. but you can't make blockers small enough and they have to be too far from the unit (and will interfere with other units pathing)