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    posted a message on Pink/White Model

    That was an almost alarmingly fast response, thank you!

    Should the textures be in <Unit Name>/Assets/Textures or just Assets/Textures? Does it matter where the model is?

    Edit: I tried JUST Assets/Textures and it sort of worked. The textures were applied to the model, but the specific textures for the weapon were not. Any idea why that might be happening?

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Pink/White Model

    Hey - sorry, this is probably exceedingly repetitive, but I haven't found a tutorial, video or otherwise, that addresses this problem and isn't less than 5 years old. If I'm missing some obvious tutorial, please direct me there :)

    When I import models/textures to the editor, most of the models turn either pink or white. I've tried everything I can find, but it's bizarre that what seems like a very common problem doesn't have a well-publicized solution.

    If I am in the wrong subforum, I'm sorry. This seemed like the place, since I couldn't find any obvious help section.

    I'm also underslept so if I missed something incredibly obvious I have an excuse :P

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on SC2 Map Editor Question (Attaching Caster Models to Auras

    Oh, and while I'm asking questions, is there a way I can set up the Death Coil ability so it functions like it does in Warcraft? I don't know how to make it damage/heal depending on the target's alignment.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SC2 Map Editor Question (Attaching Caster Models to Auras

    Hi. I'm fairly certain this is the wrong board to ask this on, but I couldn't find anything that seemed like a question-asking area so I'll ask here.

    If there is a question-asking area, it would be nice if it was slightly more clearly displayed.

    Anyway... I've read tutorials on how to make an aura, and I've made one. Specifically, I'm working on creating all the units from Warcraft III - with abilities - and I created the Unholy Aura DK ability.

    But in WC3 the ability gives him a nice graphic, a little swirling green thing around him. I've looked around but I can't find any sort of tutorial on how to add a model to the caster of an aura... this is probably really simple, but I'm still somewhat new to the editor.

    Posted in: General Chat
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