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    posted a message on Getting a weapon to fire at the ground


    1) How do I set up said damage response? I don't know what to look for.

    2) What are the best flags to use for this dummy unit to make sure it doesn't interfere with other units on the map?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Getting a weapon to fire at the ground

    I am trying to set up some of the weapons to have an 'attack ground' command. This would mostly be used for blast weapons, allowing them to keep pounding on one specific area.

    The weapon should behave like a normal weapon, but I want to be able to re-target the weapon to fire at a specific location on the ground off a button. I would guess the closest example is raynor/tychus's shredder grenade from the campaign, but I need to modify it to work with whatever weapons the unit is currently using. I also need it to fire at that spot continuously until the unit is given another command.

    What is the best way to go about doing this?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Upgrade that disables an old weapon and enables a new one

    Can someone PM me an idiots guide to setting up the upgrade and behavior? I'm afraid I am brand new and can't seem to find how / what to create and how to connect them together.

    I R dumb. :(

    edit: actually is someone willing to answer a few other questions about weapons/behavior as well via PM? I have a few other modifications to the weapons I need to create, but can't find where the appropriate field is in the data editor.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Upgrade that disables an old weapon and enables a new one

    Has anyone successfully done something like this? I went and searched through the forum, but most of the threads with similar issues seemed unresolved.

    My problem is pretty much the title, I need to create an upgrade that disables the units first weapon, and enables a new one in its place. This upgrade may effect up to 50 units at a time, so I would like it to be as clean as possible.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Request for help

    Thanks for the responses, I will try and explain what I am doing more clearly. I also understand that people wouldn't be super excited about working on someone else's project, I was more hoping someone would be around to talk me through working through the editor.

    Anyway, for right now I am mostly working with the Data editor. I have a variety of technical requirements that I need to make work before I really start in on the map. The list is probably too long to lay out here, so I can ask individually.

    At the moment I am working on two pieces of a gameplay mechanic. The first piece is a system of directional armor where I can set a unit to take bonus damage if hit from the sides, and/or a seperate set if it takes damage from the rear. I believe the closest thing to this is a 'backstab' mechanic, but I don't have the slightest idea how to implement it.

    The second piece of the mechanic would be enabling the ability for certain units to move in reverse. That is, they can move in the direction opposite of the units 'front' if players opt to move in this manner. (ideally it would work just like an attack move, but triggered off a different hotkey)

    To put this as technically as possible:

    • I need a system where it is possible, but not required, to take additional damage from the sides
    • this ability also needs to be able to be set to a different value if the unit takes damage from the rear
    • furthermore these values need to be customizable for each unit

    For the Reverse move:

    • I need to be able to give units an alternative movement command that does not affect their ability to move / attack move in any way
    • this added ability should make the unit move toward the clicked location, but it should do so leading with its 'rear'
    • this should ideally be flagged as basic ability, similar to the move/attack/stop commands.

    Thats basically one of the problems I am trying to solve at the moment. If anyone has a good way to implement them, then I am all ears.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Request for help

    I'm working on my own RTS based on the CnC series.

    My editing skills are fairly amateur and was hoping that there might be some people willing to help me out with the more complicated aspects of the game.

    I have started doing some modifications to the SC2 models, and have a few working examples of the more complicated things, but still need help with a lot of stuff. I will also probably need my hand held.

    Anyone willing to help is greatly appreciated.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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