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    posted a message on Modify Existing IDs or Create New Ones?

    Got a question about general good practice regarding default IDs (units/actors/models...)

    Do you modify melee units/actors/data or create new ones, leaving melee units intact? I have been just modifying units but I may want to go through and copy them to new units, keeping default IDs intact. This would be a bit of time though, so I'm wondering what people typically do and if you could enumerate the pros of creating your own.

    Also, what is the difference between Action Definitions and Event Definitions?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Darwin's Paradise - in development

    Thanks, I'll keep this updated as I go.

    I got the resource system up today but I may clean up a bunch of my triggers and actors/units/buttons which may take a bit longer. So I'll turn this into a general development threat, I could use general input/advice/recommendations.

    For future screenshots I'll remove FoW and UI. 11

    Posted in: Map Feedback
  • 0

    posted a message on UnitCreate on EventUnitDied - Inconsistent for Melee

    Behavior is on at the apparent time of death.

    Turns out not ALL ranged kills triggers it. Marines have a low probability of triggering. Zealots have a fairly high probability of triggering it. As far as I can tell, Hydralisks ALWAYS trigger it. Ultralisks don't always trigger it.

    Any other ideas for what I can try? Not sure where to go from here, I'll check validators and whatnot again. Will try just about anything.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on UnitCreate on EventUnitDied - Inconsistent for Melee

    1- It's not firing when it does not spawn.

    2- It's on. Issue seems to be that it's not firing, but I have no idea why. I've tried disabling all but the behavior condition.


    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on UnitCreate on EventUnitDied - Inconsistent for Melee

    I have a simple trigger that spawns a carcass whenever a unit with a specified behavior dies, except for certain death types (fire, disintegrate...).

    It works fine when the unit is killed from range but is inconsistent when a melee unit (i.e. zergling) lands the killing blow, only creating the unit some of the time. I have checked damage types so I don't think it has anything to do with that. I thought it may have been some collision issue, which it could be but I messed around with collision and offsets to no avail.

    I have absolutely no idea why this is inconsistent only for melee kills.

    _____________ Untitled Trigger 001


    Unit - Any Unit dies

    Local Variables


    (Stack count of Gather- Is Small on (Triggering unit)) >= 1

    (Triggering death type is Fire) != True

    (Triggering death type is Disintegrate) != True

    (Triggering death type is Blast) != True

    (Triggering death type is Remove) != True

    (Triggering death type is Timeout) != True


    Unit - Create 1 Gather- Small Carcass for player 14 at (Position of (Triggering unit)) facing 180.0 degrees (No Options)


    "Gather- Small Carcass" is the spawned unit "Gather- Is Small" is the buff placed on units I want to spawn the Small Carcass.

    Anyone have any ideas? I'm not even sure what else I could try to get this to work.

    Posted in: Triggers
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