I tried to create a trigger where the location of the mouse cursor is revealed to the player. I created 2 triggers, 1 to update the position of the mouse cursor with the "Player # moves mouse" event and the trigger itself updating the XY location of the mouse through global variable. The second trigger uses the first trigger to reveal the location of the point when a unit uses a ability.
I tried to create a auto casting ability that uses the Player Resource Compare validator for the auto cast validator, I have turned on the Auto Cast flag on and it still does not work.
I tried to create a smoke grenade ability using the campaign grenade ability as a base, just switched damage effect with a create unit effect that spawns a smoke grenade unit. I created a sight blocker footprint and everything and added it to the unit but its not actually working.
hypothetically speaking can it be done?, using only data editing and minimal amount of trigger work to create a top down shooter map.
In reply to DrSuperEvil:
I tried to create a trigger where the location of the mouse cursor is revealed to the player. I created 2 triggers, 1 to update the position of the mouse cursor with the "Player # moves mouse" event and the trigger itself updating the XY location of the mouse through global variable. The second trigger uses the first trigger to reveal the location of the point when a unit uses a ability.
How do I make this work?
In reply to DrSuperEvil:
Decided to have a behavior with the validator, and have the ability use behavior validator. Somehow worked.
I tried to create a auto casting ability that uses the Player Resource Compare validator for the auto cast validator, I have turned on the Auto Cast flag on and it still does not work.
In reply to DrSuperEvil:
I tried to create a smoke grenade ability using the campaign grenade ability as a base, just switched damage effect with a create unit effect that spawns a smoke grenade unit. I created a sight blocker footprint and everything and added it to the unit but its not actually working.