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    posted a message on Weapon Flash

    Well now i see the flash. I didn't change anything and one day there is no flash and today there is. I don't understand.

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    posted a message on Weapon Flash

    So many dead links. It's like the wiki knows what i want to learn and gives me a dead link for the tutorial. I have also done a few forum searches and nothing i have found give me a direct answer.

    I made a new unit using the marine merc (warpig) model. But when he fires i don't see any flash on his front facing like we see on the marine when he fires. I see the muzzle flash but not the lighting that comes off the muzzle flash. Any help with this would be great.

    I got hes weapon working perfectly in every other way. It is a burst firing pulse rifle that uses scaled down battlecruiser lasers. That was fun learning how to burst fire a weapon without coming on here and asking a thousand questions.

    But now i find the more i learn how to do, the pickier i get. (where is my FLASH!!!) LOL

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    posted a message on Making a new selectable Faction

    @Taintedwisp: Go

    i see. I have not even touched on triggers yet.

    I was hoping to have it as an option in the lobby. When you select "race selection" and get the drop down, the new races and the originals would be listed. And that would be all the selection the player would need to do.

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    posted a message on Making a new selectable Faction

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    I just clicked your link and you are working on something very similar to my idea except my plan was not as expansive. I wanted to only make a couple of new "races" as well as leaving the original ones playable as they are. Then i wanted to try and make it as balanced as possible as people sent me feedback.

    As of now "in my mind but not yet in my editor skill"

    2 new race options for Terran, 2 new race options for Zerg, 1 new race option for Protoss,

    (Wish i had a good friend skilled in the editor that i could sit with and tell him what i wanted and he would do it.) Don't most of us all LOL.

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    posted a message on Making a new selectable Faction

    Lets say i took the Terran faction and modded many of the units. Would it then be possible to then rename and save it, start a new map then add it as a new playable selection without erasing the standard Terran faction?

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    posted a message on New unit from scratch?

    Well now i'm starting to get picky lol, Ya know how a marine vibrates when he fires his weapon. I have marine firing a single shot at a time. Is there a way to make him do just one jolt when he fires instead of wiggling like he is firing burst shots or is this something that is built into the model and cannot be easily modded?

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    posted a message on New unit from scratch?

    I thank all of you for the support, and time and blood pressure willing, i hope to make something everyone can enjoy one day. I do have other questions but before i dive in too fast i will try and fully understand just what i have done so far.

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    posted a message on New unit from scratch?

    @Siretu: Go

    Well i just completed the first part of your tutorial and i have a walking, plasma shooting Stormtrooper with all the correct icons. Built from scratch!!! Awesome job on your tutorial! I knew just enough so i could fallow what you were talking about. Thanks a TON. My only issue is that other then the weapon, my unit has no sound.

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    posted a message on New unit from scratch?

    @Siretu: Go

    I really want to know what i am doing so i am going to jump right in and give your tutorial a try, i will make SAM =). If i find i get stuck i will go back to baby steps. Alright Siretu, lets see if your tutorial is n00b friendly :P

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    posted a message on New unit from scratch?

    Thank you both. I will give it a try tomorrow with a fresh start. One of you says copy and the other dupe.....ahh i will worry about this in the morning. Thanks for the pm offer Zeldarules. You most likely hear from me the way this has been going.

    I was so good with the WC3 editor now i feel like an idiot. ugg

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    posted a message on New unit from scratch?

    I see this said a lot but i cannot find a current and/or working link to anything that shows how to build a new unit from scratch. I have been trying to do this for the last 10 hours. Yes, i had the day off and all day i have tried and failed. Very frustrating.

    What tutorials i have found have wrong or outdated info and i didn't know they were wrong until i tried them and they didn't would or they asked me to do thing that were not even there to do! Or the sound didn't work OR the models was a blob OR the icon was a green zealot. Every one there was something wrong. One tutorial will say check this box....then next tutorial will say never check that box..THE SAME DAMN BOX...OMG WHAT?!

    Well today as you can see sucked and i was hoping someone could point me in the right direction because i am at the end of my rope. All i want to do is make a simple unit.

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