I just found that old Purify ability was written into the data of the game.
Photon Overcharge and old Purify ability share almost all effects and share names. However, if you look close, you can see that one of the Behaviors was renamed to Photon Overcharge but is indeed Purify, enabling the Mothership Core to use the Photon weapon.
The animation happens automatically, but it gets bugged by movement. Probably because there are some settings set up wrong on the animation and the Purify actor and behavior, since the ability should initially be an effect instant now but the animation is linked to the target ability.
Use either a Splat or Model type actor set to the cursor model. View the cursor in the Cutscene module and make sure the desired animations are being played by the actor, the standard is Birth-Stand(loop)-Death. Depending on the model and desired visual you might need some SiteOps (SOpShadow should be enough for a ground-level effect, if any) or some additional animation work, but for most things I'd expect them to simply work when copied into the Psi Storm actor (good test if you don't trust your own ability to create an actor from copy/scratch, just hit Undo after the test)
If the "Stand" animation doesn't loop by default replace the standard BSD bracket events with the following:
ActorCreation->AnimPlay Birth Birth
AnimDone->AnimName Birth->AnimPlay Stand Stand PlayForever
"kill message"->AnimPlay Death Death
AnimDone->AnimName Death->Destroy
Where "kill message" is your destruction trigger, such as Effect.Persistent.Stop. Note animations have two "name" options, the first is an editor-only tag to reference in other events, the second is the actual animation key sent to the model itself (and can only be selected from a loooooong dropdown list).
After many tries, I got it to work by replicating the Blinding Cloud actor.
However, now i have the simple problem that the decal doesn't scalate with the AoE size of the ability automatically.
Do I have to set the size manually or I am doing something wrong?¿?
I have linked it to the CP (Create persistent) of the ability.
I can create a parallel effect that creates an empty zone for 30s with one or two periods with the right AoE size to avoid problems if needed.
I'm looking around the editor because I've been unable to completely the old Purify ability from the Mothership Core.
I'm exactly looking for this:
I'm 99% sure that the ability is the same that the Mothership Core casts now on Nexus, but as an Effect-instant instead of an Effect Target over a Nexus. It seems to use the same Actors and Effects too (Beam, particles, the spinning light thing).
However, the animation is slightly different. The early beta Mothership Core had a slight transformation when casted Purify on itself, retracting its top "shell" to open some space in the middle of the core armor.
The actual animation for casting Photon Overcharge on a Nexus does the same animation steps but the Mothership Core just returns to it's normal look inmediately.
How could I recreate the early Beta Purify animation? Form what I've seen, It must be written in the animation steps of casting Purify, either the Ability (Abil.) or Behavior (Behavior.) However I'm unfamiliar with the animation steps of the editor (different phases, start, work end, abilgroup, etc.) I've messed around with it without success.
Possibly someone familiar with that event actions could tell me the right fields to click and modify. I'm almost sure that is related with the Behavior animation and the Work/Stand fields.
The "pulsing field" variety is called Psi Storm. You can create one at each offset of a line AoE chain, with the buff capped at 1 stack they won't pile up either. Circles, rectangular lines and cones are the only shapes with direct actor support, and overlapping multiple guide actors might be tricky.
Stacking up Probes would probably equate to a net loss as they sit idle, and if you look at the cursor image on the wiki the AoE is easily large enough to cover an entire mineral line anyway. A properly rendered "boost lane" would definitely look better than "plop, now go mine for 30s" though...
Thanks for your help, I have the ability going almost perfectly, even with probe model attachment.
I only need to have the Area Splat displaying correctly (I want to use the a cursor as a permanent visual that lasts 30s, indicating the area affected)
Actual ability in use is photo #1, while what I want to achieve is to create is number 2 and 3. (Notice that I was targeting, probes are highlighted)
How do I get a cursor to display permanently until destroyed? I haven't achieved it.
I tried to use a Create actor linked to the Create persistent effect of the ability and a Destroy in the end, but it simply doesn't display.
That reference doesn't really imply the complexity you're talking about, to me it sounds like a Fungal Growth-type ability that increases gather amount instead of rooting+damaging targets. Click once, anything under the cursor gets buffed for 30s, anything outside is out of luck. Since the description specifically mentions "enhancing Probes' Proton Cutters" I sincerely doubt it affected the minerals provided by fields in the AoE and only boosted the harvester units themselves.
Everything you stated is perfectly doable though.
Quad actors are used by Kerrigan's Psionic Shift (dash) ability from HotS campaign if you need a copy source. For the most part they work like regular AoE cursor/range actors: specify an ability to draw the guide for, specify secondary properties like width, use regular actor stuff to adjust the visuals further (tint color, opacity etc.) Note there are 2 basic versions, one's name ends with "Attached" and always draws from the caster unit in the direction of the target point, the other always draws with the tip at the target point in the direction of the casting unit. These match the "get in range first" option for abilities, and for a stationary structure you'll want the "attached" version.
Thanks for source, I will try it!
The lost ability was an aura enchancer, so probes only got buffed if they were inside the aura range. (If not, you could stack probes 1 second, buff them all, and reesplit). There are more references, but it's tricky to find a live use of this other than 2009 showmatches.
I want to recreate the ability but also create an alternative version with a linear AoE so it affects a limited number of probes in a mining location to make it viable in a mod.
AoE of 3-4 mineral patches or so.
I'll try this afternoon. Thanks for your answers!
I hope that more people helps this since all you know a lot more than me.
From what I know Proton Charge was only a "click once, buff Probes" type of deal. Fungal Growth does that, and Psi Storm is the "pulsing field" variety. For the actual effect, there's a "harvest amount bonus" array on buffs which just adds the value to the amount gathered by that unit. I doubt Proton Charge buffed mineral fields separately, but the best option might be to just put an aura on the mineral field that spreads the same "harvest amount" buff to nearby probes.
True "line" AoE doesn't exist, you approximate it by firing circular AoEs along the line, check the Hellion weapon for that. With HotS you have Guide/Quad actors for the targeting cursor.
It was an aura around a special type of pylon, I linked reference for that.
Thanks for poining out that linear AoE
Could you please detail how that actors work? I'm unfamiliar with them.
I'm trying to recreate the Proton Charge ability that was cut before SC2 got into beta.
References here.Photo
The ability created a "boosted" zone that modified boosted probes in that area, allowing them to carry 1 more mineral per trip. Luckily, we have the effect models in the editor.
I've tried to found it into the forums, because I think it's really weird that no one has achieved to recreate it completely. However, I haven't had success finding a complete recreation. There's one post about it, but the guy who tried it simply set a behavior to enchance shileds in the area and using copies of multiple abilities, oddly animated, and I think that is far simpler to achieve from the start since it is quite simple.
As I'm not really experienced, I want to ask you to resolve a few doubts I have to recreate that ability the simplest way possible. I'm describing the process I want to do.
First, I have to create a Behavior (Buff) for the extra mining. Then, from what I've seen, I have to do a modification under the Resources tab.
Does this boost the Minerals behavior or the Probe ability? What should I do if I want to modificate each one of them or both? Wiki is not specific.
Then, I have to create the Periodic Effect and the Search Effect that uses Apply Behavior, making it be working for 30s, like Viper cloud. Is it correct?
Is there a way to set AoE effects that applied in a line around a centric point? For exemple, I would like to know how to apply the effect in an selectable AoE rotating around the nexus, and animate it correctly. Like line-shots in Mobas.
Does anyone know the editor name of that splat cursor that appears in the source photo?
Any help you could bring is very welcome. Thanks for your time!
EDIT: Data part done, having trouble at animating and messing with actors. Following points below.
How do I crate a permanent Splat? I would like to use the cursor splat (see photo below) as a visual indicator of the boosted area (this one feels perfect).
I figured out that I can just use one of the unused collision values, e.g. "Unused (Land 10)". So what I could do is uncheck "Ground" for the Ultralisk, and then check "Unused (Land 10). But then I would have to check "Unused (Land 10)" for every unit besides flying units, ground units I don't want colliding with Ultralisks, and units that have "Colossus" or "Structure" checked. That would take forever!
I've been trying to problem solve how I could change the collision values for only the Ultralisks and the units I want to path through them (which in terms of melee games are Zerglings, Banelings, Broodlings, Changelings, and Locusts). I'm trying to problem solve this so that I don't have to modify almost every ground unit in the game files, and only have to modify just the units that are actually being affected by this change gameplay-wise. However I can't solve this problem. I think it's impossible to get this to work without modifying all of the ground units I don't want to path through Ultralisks, but do you guys think? Is it possible?
Nope, you just have to do it the hard way. It's only 25 units at max, so just do it. XD
The problem with Ultralisk pathing is quite tricky, since one option is to make Ultras move "over" minor units, while the other is to make Ultras "push" (push priority) away other units. While the second one is far more elegant, it's quite problematic since it means that you have to make a custom movement priority for all units or simply let ultras push away every other unit, which is something very badass. I experimented with that in a Dynamic Movement mod.
Try both solutions and choose the one you like, but the way you have proposed it is right, even if boring.
Thanks Superdevil! It wasn't exactly that, but reviewing what you said I found one of the problems. And from there, I managed to get it working by fooling around.
It was a fail in all three places (basic weapon, fake weapon and animation). The issue was caused because even if the dummy weapon was a replica, a value differed and it needed indeed a fake damage effect, because if not, the animation seem to mess around as sometimes the fake weapon fired without a reason.
I had to give the fake weapon a fake effect, mark BOTH weapons as channeled (not only the real one which is the one that should be channeled because it deals the damage), remove random delays and set up an animation event that didn't appear in the tutorial, which is weapon stop and another value for the attack actor. I redirected ALL attack related and weapon related events to the main weapon, even weapon stop.
Basically I forced both weapons to work at the exact same time, without randomness, forcing a damage effect. The point of it was the damage effect and channeling aspect. The dummy weapon didn't have to be a dummy but a real weapon instead, and by forcing the attack at the same time under the same conditions, it has worked correctly without many issues. Sometimes the attack animation does not display completely in lenght (you can't see the hole set of lights/cannons rising) if you spam moving commands timing at the exact moment the weapon fires, which is quite hard to do because of microlag values/responsing time when online. It has showed in offline testing. This seems to happen because the attack launch animation is longer than the time needed to deal the effect,which is instant. With a missile launch/persistant which lasts a fraction of a second, it could be perfectly solved because of the Channeling weapon.
But it works okay right now and is quite hard to notice, because you have to force it to see it.
The tutorial for dummy-based tracking turret wasn't very clear and seem to be a bit outdated.
Well, I thnk that there shouldn't be an issue with that.
The Tracking turret is achieved with the Real weapon + a Weapon Dummy like the starbow tank. The weapon dummy is the same weapon, with allowed movement and only with one flag (can initiate attack). The immortal unit has both weapons (Real and Dummy)
The weapon dummy has no effect (so it's normal that it don't show an impact) BUT the animation is configured to play only at the real Weapon. When the fake weapon gets a fake (empty) damage effect, it still happens the same thing.
As the immortal weapon doesn't act like a missile based attack (with launch and creaete persistent), there should be no interference between attacking and effectively dealing damage/playing the damage effect. I've contrasted that when this fail happens, no damage is dealt. So the weapon fails. I've played around with weapon values (specially scan range and slop) but this still happens, so this could be related with animation in some point. I've noticed that this can still happen sometimes with normal immortals
If anyone knows a reason for this or a solution, it would be fantastic. I will continue playing with all flags.
Has anyone attempted to rework similar attack as a missile attack (with no missile) and reanimating the whole, so it uses a dummy missile and thus the animation plays always because it's not directly related with the unit?
Hi guys, I've found some issue in an animation that I think that experienced people could solve.
I've been playing with the immortal weapon because I wanted to recreate a tracking turret for it. All went quite smooth and well as I followed the method that decembsercalm had used in a video (which is pretty much what Starbow tanks do). Video is here for reference.
However, I've messed a lot with animations, because they didn't work as intended in the tutorial, probably because in some update Blizz corrected some options/bugs that may have changed some options and I had to disable two flags that didn't appear in the little tutorial shown. I've managed to get tracking turret immortals, but I have a problem with them, because attack animation fails sometimes(can be interrupted)
All the attack part works well, however, the Immortal Attack animation fails displaying the impact sometimes. The attack animation is interrupted if you just move the immortal as soon as it shots. There is probably a delay related with the "Weapon Stop" animation that interrupts it if you move the unit. So the attack launch works well, but the impact animation is interrupted. I would like to find a way to make the "Attack Launch" and "Attack Impact" animation play almost instantly and in an uninterrutible chain. (so if the attack plays, the impact model/splash, etc., plays after, no matter whatever you do).
If you need photos or video to understand it plz just tell.
Kabel, we are exactly at the same point. I posted this issue you are having now in the Data forum section and the Trigger section few days ago (you can check it) but has remained without answer. I also posted it in US fórums waiting for some luck. I suggest you to post it again since your name has some presence here. I've been away from home for a few days and I'm unable to mess around with the editor to test some possible solutions. But I think that it could be problematic for the autocast aspect to apply a buff/ effect over the weapon scan range to make it 0.
One solution I thought is about making it use Smart key functionality (makes to move on terrain, to attack onto unit). This one could be done possibly by triggers and reworking the type of ability.
Another one, based on editor theory, would be to try to add the Modification State flag "Passive" in behaviours which supposedly prevents automatic weapon aquisition. (http://www.sc2mapster.com/wiki/galaxy/data/behaviors/buff/). This could work if you have reworked the ability into an Effect-target
So you can apply it over the behaviour. I don't think that it would work with the default Charge ability, which is "Augment" type, without reworking the attack command it uses to apply the Passive stat flag in another behaviour.
Finnally , 3rd option: I think you could apply a buff/effect/behaviour which modifies weapon acquisition range to 0 and lasts 0.5s (a short time) which applies just before the Charge ability/Issue attack order, depending on how you've rebuilt the charge ability. But that is a bad workaround.
Things should go by that way, but possibly there is somewhere in the editor something to deal specifically with this cases, ignoring acquisition. There must be a way. We need an "SmartOrder Command" ability for this XD.
If everything fails, time to rebuild it as an Effect-instant ability and maybe think some things to limitate it. That Passive flag could be of help. Things should go by that way, but possibly there is somewhere in the editor something to deal specifically with this cases.
However, being an instant ability has the downside of losing that particular "charge to that point" and charge then should be ininterrupible to avoid the issue. It would be transformed into a semipassive buff instead, which has the advantage of being full micro, as nothing is automated. But you would lose that aspect of linear-only/interruptible charge by move command. Well, manual charge, even if interruptible, allows you to avoid interruption when attack command is issued.
Please tell me something if you manage to get it. If not, maybe we could try to contact some developer in the US forums. They post sometimes when people ask things, so this could be an option.
Kabel, I'll have a look at this in the mod I was doing as soon as I return home in few days. I did some testing while achieving the basic manual charge (I removed and changed validators from the ability, the effect and the behaviour) and I didn't remember something like that happening, because in my case I removed too many validators and charge didn't autotrigger. It seemed to work fine after readding one or two. But maybe when I get back at home I'll find a surprise I could have ignored (hope not).
It seems to be related with the "auto" value, so why not, have a look again, it's 2min only. Try to start again, remove anything related with autocast/smartcast in stats/flags, set target to unit/point (for testing porposes), remove validators for the ability and probably effect (just set charge max distance in autocast validators and leave Not Holding position as it is if you want to preserve autocast mode as it is by default). And if I'm not wrong, remove the two validators in the apply behaviour effect. I don't remember if I removed both or only one.
I'm a bit noob with the editor, but from what I've tested, I would look at "Charge Max/Min distance" and "Charge Trigger distance". Probably something from there is messing with the autocast values. Check also any modification you could have done to the behaviour and its interactions.
With that, it should work without problems. At least in my case is like that if I haven't forgotten something.
I also removed "channeling" flag in the behaviour to allow free movement, but it shouldn't be related with your issue.
BTW if you manage to create a workaround to override attack order or similar, please tell me something.
If nothing works, go the "lazy" way and rework it as an Effect-targe/effect-instant.
Hi, I'm messing around with the charge ability, to make it manual use. I've already achieved it using data, but now it shows some problems because of the ability is based on. Now I have a charge that is possible to be used targeting both locations or units.
The problem I have is that the ability is linked to an attack command, so it gets interrupted by any move command/smartclick on the map. Removing channeling form behaviour flags and some validators, so I can almost ignore that. However, the big problem its that is unusable for fleeing, because if you activate it manually as long as the zealot is attacking or there is a unit in range, the zealot simply attacks the unit because charge is based on an attack command. If I could make it use an Smart key command, it would be nice as it would be Move (autotransitioning into attack) when clicked over a point, and Attack when clicked over a unit.
The normal route that the Augment Ability uses is Activate Charge (manual) > Select target (Attack ability) = Charge (Attack). I've tried to modify it creating sets of effects and issuing orders, but It doesn't work, so I would like to make a workaround with triggers, but I don't know how to do it.
What I thought about is something like this:
When Charge ability is selected, replace the attack command with Smart key command.
That smart key command should be redirected to the Left click. So it's the function of smartkey activated via targeting.
Removing attack ability and replacing it with a Move order if targeted over a point. You can always press A and click if you are using charge as a way to change positions/intercepting.
So basically, is making the ability use the Smart key functionality over the attack command.
If you know how to make a work around for this with either triggers, data or a hybrid let me know. For what I've read, anything related with Smart key function and replacing one function for another is related with triggers.
Thanks for your help!
I just found that old Purify ability was written into the data of the game.
Photon Overcharge and old Purify ability share almost all effects and share names. However, if you look close, you can see that one of the Behaviors was renamed to Photon Overcharge but is indeed Purify, enabling the Mothership Core to use the Photon weapon.
The animation happens automatically, but it gets bugged by movement. Probably because there are some settings set up wrong on the animation and the Purify actor and behavior, since the ability should initially be an effect instant now but the animation is linked to the target ability.
But I don't know well about that.
After many tries, I got it to work by replicating the Blinding Cloud actor. However, now i have the simple problem that the decal doesn't scalate with the AoE size of the ability automatically. Do I have to set the size manually or I am doing something wrong?¿? I have linked it to the CP (Create persistent) of the ability.
I can create a parallel effect that creates an empty zone for 30s with one or two periods with the right AoE size to avoid problems if needed.
Hi guys!
I'm looking around the editor because I've been unable to completely the old Purify ability from the Mothership Core. I'm exactly looking for this:
I'm 99% sure that the ability is the same that the Mothership Core casts now on Nexus, but as an Effect-instant instead of an Effect Target over a Nexus. It seems to use the same Actors and Effects too (Beam, particles, the spinning light thing).
However, the animation is slightly different. The early beta Mothership Core had a slight transformation when casted Purify on itself, retracting its top "shell" to open some space in the middle of the core armor. The actual animation for casting Photon Overcharge on a Nexus does the same animation steps but the Mothership Core just returns to it's normal look inmediately.
How could I recreate the early Beta Purify animation? Form what I've seen, It must be written in the animation steps of casting Purify, either the Ability (Abil.) or Behavior (Behavior.) However I'm unfamiliar with the animation steps of the editor (different phases, start, work end, abilgroup, etc.) I've messed around with it without success.
Possibly someone familiar with that event actions could tell me the right fields to click and modify. I'm almost sure that is related with the Behavior animation and the Work/Stand fields.
Could someone with knowledge on actors help me?
Thanks for your help, I have the ability going almost perfectly, even with probe model attachment.
I only need to have the Area Splat displaying correctly (I want to use the a cursor as a permanent visual that lasts 30s, indicating the area affected)
Actual ability in use is photo #1, while what I want to achieve is to create is number 2 and 3. (Notice that I was targeting, probes are highlighted)
How do I get a cursor to display permanently until destroyed? I haven't achieved it. I tried to use a Create actor linked to the Create persistent effect of the ability and a Destroy in the end, but it simply doesn't display.
Thanks for source, I will try it! The lost ability was an aura enchancer, so probes only got buffed if they were inside the aura range. (If not, you could stack probes 1 second, buff them all, and reesplit). There are more references, but it's tricky to find a live use of this other than 2009 showmatches.
I want to recreate the ability but also create an alternative version with a linear AoE so it affects a limited number of probes in a mining location to make it viable in a mod. AoE of 3-4 mineral patches or so.
I'll try this afternoon. Thanks for your answers! I hope that more people helps this since all you know a lot more than me.
It was an aura around a special type of pylon, I linked reference for that. Thanks for poining out that linear AoE Could you please detail how that actors work? I'm unfamiliar with them.
Hi guys!
I'm trying to recreate the Proton Charge ability that was cut before SC2 got into beta. References here. Photo The ability created a "boosted" zone that modified boosted probes in that area, allowing them to carry 1 more mineral per trip. Luckily, we have the effect models in the editor.
I've tried to found it into the forums, because I think it's really weird that no one has achieved to recreate it completely. However, I haven't had success finding a complete recreation. There's one post about it, but the guy who tried it simply set a behavior to enchance shileds in the area and using copies of multiple abilities, oddly animated, and I think that is far simpler to achieve from the start since it is quite simple. As I'm not really experienced, I want to ask you to resolve a few doubts I have to recreate that ability the simplest way possible. I'm describing the process I want to do.
Any help you could bring is very welcome. Thanks for your time!
EDIT: Data part done, having trouble at animating and messing with actors. Following points below.
Nope, you just have to do it the hard way. It's only 25 units at max, so just do it. XD
The problem with Ultralisk pathing is quite tricky, since one option is to make Ultras move "over" minor units, while the other is to make Ultras "push" (push priority) away other units. While the second one is far more elegant, it's quite problematic since it means that you have to make a custom movement priority for all units or simply let ultras push away every other unit, which is something very badass. I experimented with that in a Dynamic Movement mod.
Try both solutions and choose the one you like, but the way you have proposed it is right, even if boring.
@DrSuperEvil: Go
Thanks Superdevil! It wasn't exactly that, but reviewing what you said I found one of the problems. And from there, I managed to get it working by fooling around.
It was a fail in all three places (basic weapon, fake weapon and animation). The issue was caused because even if the dummy weapon was a replica, a value differed and it needed indeed a fake damage effect, because if not, the animation seem to mess around as sometimes the fake weapon fired without a reason.
I had to give the fake weapon a fake effect, mark BOTH weapons as channeled (not only the real one which is the one that should be channeled because it deals the damage), remove random delays and set up an animation event that didn't appear in the tutorial, which is weapon stop and another value for the attack actor. I redirected ALL attack related and weapon related events to the main weapon, even weapon stop.
Basically I forced both weapons to work at the exact same time, without randomness, forcing a damage effect. The point of it was the damage effect and channeling aspect. The dummy weapon didn't have to be a dummy but a real weapon instead, and by forcing the attack at the same time under the same conditions, it has worked correctly without many issues. Sometimes the attack animation does not display completely in lenght (you can't see the hole set of lights/cannons rising) if you spam moving commands timing at the exact moment the weapon fires, which is quite hard to do because of microlag values/responsing time when online. It has showed in offline testing. This seems to happen because the attack launch animation is longer than the time needed to deal the effect,which is instant. With a missile launch/persistant which lasts a fraction of a second, it could be perfectly solved because of the Channeling weapon.
But it works okay right now and is quite hard to notice, because you have to force it to see it.
The tutorial for dummy-based tracking turret wasn't very clear and seem to be a bit outdated.
@DrSuperEvil: Go
Well, I thnk that there shouldn't be an issue with that. The Tracking turret is achieved with the Real weapon + a Weapon Dummy like the starbow tank. The weapon dummy is the same weapon, with allowed movement and only with one flag (can initiate attack). The immortal unit has both weapons (Real and Dummy)
The weapon dummy has no effect (so it's normal that it don't show an impact) BUT the animation is configured to play only at the real Weapon. When the fake weapon gets a fake (empty) damage effect, it still happens the same thing.
As the immortal weapon doesn't act like a missile based attack (with launch and creaete persistent), there should be no interference between attacking and effectively dealing damage/playing the damage effect. I've contrasted that when this fail happens, no damage is dealt. So the weapon fails. I've played around with weapon values (specially scan range and slop) but this still happens, so this could be related with animation in some point. I've noticed that this can still happen sometimes with normal immortals
If anyone knows a reason for this or a solution, it would be fantastic. I will continue playing with all flags. Has anyone attempted to rework similar attack as a missile attack (with no missile) and reanimating the whole, so it uses a dummy missile and thus the animation plays always because it's not directly related with the unit?
Hi guys, I've found some issue in an animation that I think that experienced people could solve.
I've been playing with the immortal weapon because I wanted to recreate a tracking turret for it. All went quite smooth and well as I followed the method that decembsercalm had used in a video (which is pretty much what Starbow tanks do). Video is here for reference.
However, I've messed a lot with animations, because they didn't work as intended in the tutorial, probably because in some update Blizz corrected some options/bugs that may have changed some options and I had to disable two flags that didn't appear in the little tutorial shown. I've managed to get tracking turret immortals, but I have a problem with them, because attack animation fails sometimes(can be interrupted)
All the attack part works well, however, the Immortal Attack animation fails displaying the impact sometimes. The attack animation is interrupted if you just move the immortal as soon as it shots. There is probably a delay related with the "Weapon Stop" animation that interrupts it if you move the unit. So the attack launch works well, but the impact animation is interrupted. I would like to find a way to make the "Attack Launch" and "Attack Impact" animation play almost instantly and in an uninterrutible chain. (so if the attack plays, the impact model/splash, etc., plays after, no matter whatever you do).
If you need photos or video to understand it plz just tell.
@DrSuperEvil: Go Using it to issue order to move instead of attack you say?
@Kabelkorven: Go
Kabel, we are exactly at the same point. I posted this issue you are having now in the Data forum section and the Trigger section few days ago (you can check it) but has remained without answer. I also posted it in US fórums waiting for some luck. I suggest you to post it again since your name has some presence here. I've been away from home for a few days and I'm unable to mess around with the editor to test some possible solutions. But I think that it could be problematic for the autocast aspect to apply a buff/ effect over the weapon scan range to make it 0.
One solution I thought is about making it use Smart key functionality (makes to move on terrain, to attack onto unit). This one could be done possibly by triggers and reworking the type of ability.
Another one, based on editor theory, would be to try to add the Modification State flag "Passive" in behaviours which supposedly prevents automatic weapon aquisition. (http://www.sc2mapster.com/wiki/galaxy/data/behaviors/buff/). This could work if you have reworked the ability into an Effect-target So you can apply it over the behaviour. I don't think that it would work with the default Charge ability, which is "Augment" type, without reworking the attack command it uses to apply the Passive stat flag in another behaviour.
Finnally , 3rd option: I think you could apply a buff/effect/behaviour which modifies weapon acquisition range to 0 and lasts 0.5s (a short time) which applies just before the Charge ability/Issue attack order, depending on how you've rebuilt the charge ability. But that is a bad workaround.
Things should go by that way, but possibly there is somewhere in the editor something to deal specifically with this cases, ignoring acquisition. There must be a way. We need an "SmartOrder Command" ability for this XD.
If everything fails, time to rebuild it as an Effect-instant ability and maybe think some things to limitate it. That Passive flag could be of help. Things should go by that way, but possibly there is somewhere in the editor something to deal specifically with this cases.
However, being an instant ability has the downside of losing that particular "charge to that point" and charge then should be ininterrupible to avoid the issue. It would be transformed into a semipassive buff instead, which has the advantage of being full micro, as nothing is automated. But you would lose that aspect of linear-only/interruptible charge by move command. Well, manual charge, even if interruptible, allows you to avoid interruption when attack command is issued.
Please tell me something if you manage to get it. If not, maybe we could try to contact some developer in the US forums. They post sometimes when people ask things, so this could be an option.
@Kabelkorven: Go
Kabel, I'll have a look at this in the mod I was doing as soon as I return home in few days. I did some testing while achieving the basic manual charge (I removed and changed validators from the ability, the effect and the behaviour) and I didn't remember something like that happening, because in my case I removed too many validators and charge didn't autotrigger. It seemed to work fine after readding one or two. But maybe when I get back at home I'll find a surprise I could have ignored (hope not).
It seems to be related with the "auto" value, so why not, have a look again, it's 2min only. Try to start again, remove anything related with autocast/smartcast in stats/flags, set target to unit/point (for testing porposes), remove validators for the ability and probably effect (just set charge max distance in autocast validators and leave Not Holding position as it is if you want to preserve autocast mode as it is by default). And if I'm not wrong, remove the two validators in the apply behaviour effect. I don't remember if I removed both or only one. I'm a bit noob with the editor, but from what I've tested, I would look at "Charge Max/Min distance" and "Charge Trigger distance". Probably something from there is messing with the autocast values. Check also any modification you could have done to the behaviour and its interactions.
With that, it should work without problems. At least in my case is like that if I haven't forgotten something. I also removed "channeling" flag in the behaviour to allow free movement, but it shouldn't be related with your issue. BTW if you manage to create a workaround to override attack order or similar, please tell me something.
If nothing works, go the "lazy" way and rework it as an Effect-targe/effect-instant.
Hi, I'm messing around with the charge ability, to make it manual use. I've already achieved it using data, but now it shows some problems because of the ability is based on. Now I have a charge that is possible to be used targeting both locations or units.
The problem I have is that the ability is linked to an attack command, so it gets interrupted by any move command/smartclick on the map. Removing channeling form behaviour flags and some validators, so I can almost ignore that. However, the big problem its that is unusable for fleeing, because if you activate it manually as long as the zealot is attacking or there is a unit in range, the zealot simply attacks the unit because charge is based on an attack command. If I could make it use an Smart key command, it would be nice as it would be Move (autotransitioning into attack) when clicked over a point, and Attack when clicked over a unit.
The normal route that the Augment Ability uses is Activate Charge (manual) > Select target (Attack ability) = Charge (Attack). I've tried to modify it creating sets of effects and issuing orders, but It doesn't work, so I would like to make a workaround with triggers, but I don't know how to do it.
What I thought about is something like this:
So basically, is making the ability use the Smart key functionality over the attack command.
If you know how to make a work around for this with either triggers, data or a hybrid let me know. For what I've read, anything related with Smart key function and replacing one function for another is related with triggers.