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    posted a message on Make ability disappear after use and Unlock Camera for Player

    I created a structure that creates units (Heroes). And after create the Hero, i want the ability disappear. How can i make this?

    And, another important thing, how can i make the structure, (who make heroes) be shared by everyone on the team?

    Thank you guys.

    EDIT: I have another question, i locked the camera for all players at the start of the game, and i'll just unlock if the player select a hero (use ability) in the structure. How can i do this? What's the condition for this? Thanks.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on About Spawn units

    @Reul123: Go

    Thanks dude, but a member of another forum helped me, the right answer (so obvious):

    "Add a condition to the trigger that compares the owner of the triggering unit with 15. In SC2 players are nothing more than integers (with the first human usually being value 1 with 0 being neutral)." - Dr Super Good.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on About Spawn units

    Another problem appeared. The trigger is working, the problem is that it applies to ALL units on the map, without exception. And I don't want to relive my units when they die. Can someone help? I just want the player's units relive 15. (Hostile)


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on About Spawn units

    Thanks guys, i don't need anymore. I found a very good tutorial:

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on About Spawn units

    Hey guys, i'm having trouble with triggers. What i want is, spawn 2 units in a area/point (whatever) and when this dies, the game wait 30 seconds and create another 2 units (same unit).

    I can make units appear from 30 to 30 seconds, but what i want is: JUST APPEAR if the current units are dead. (If just one unit die, another can appear to replace). The current state of my trigger is: "Create 2 units from 30 to 30 seconds", the problem is, in 2 minutes i have 8 units.

    I hope I have been clear.

    Thank you!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Invulnerable Towers

    @Scbroodsc2: Go

    I did exactly like you say, look. But have a error.

    AND have another thing i think is important to say, the tower 6, is not a tower, is like a Nexus (League of Legends). I think this, change something right?

    I'm close guys, don't give up on me.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Invulnerable Towers

    @DuckyTheDuck: Go

    Can you please, please, please make a step by step. I'm not good with programming. :(

    -On initalization trigger make all invulnerable towers invulnerable -Create a global integer variable called "Tower Death Count.

    That part I get it, i think. Look the picture:

    But this part I have no idea what to do: "-When any unit dies, if triggering unit type = tower, increase "Tower Death Count" by 1. Then in same trigger perform check: if "Tower Death Count">=2, make towers 4 & 5 vulnerable, and if tower#4 & tower#5 are both dead, make 5 vulnerable."

    Thanks for helping me bro.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Invulnerable Towers

    @DuckyTheDuck: Go

    Thank you! I'll try later, after my work.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Minimap Icons

    @Ahli634: Go

    Thank you so much ahli! Worked.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Invulnerable Towers

    Someone please help. Just show me the way.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Invulnerable Towers

    What i need is simple, i guess:


    The tower 6, just can be defeated if the tower 4 and 5 are dead.

    The tower 4 and 5 just can be defeated if have 2 towers dead in the field.

    Thank you.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Minimap Icons

    I created some custom minimap icons to the towers, but they only show up if I get close. How can I make them appear without I need to get close, and the towers also.

    Thank you.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How put cooldown in my spawn units?

    @Spoolofwhool: Go


    Look, i did like you say, but still not working.

    I'm really need this, guys, is too much important for me.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How put cooldown in my spawn units?


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    posted a message on How put cooldown in my spawn units?



    Please, someone tell me where is my mistake.

    Posted in: Data
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