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    posted a message on Damage Attribute Bonus/Factor Problem

    @Neravarine: Go

    Bump because this issue affects a large number of games.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on What makes a unit being attacked?

    @Kabelkorven: Go

    Unit - Attack Target Priority

    IIRC, unit types with the highest value in this field are attacked first if they are a threat to the attacker.

    AI also has a hand in target priorities if the attacker is a computer player.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Damage Attribute Bonus/Factor Problem

    Since the official forums are of almost no use...

    After 1.5 I noticed that my heroes were taking more damage than normal, so I did a little testing and it seems that the Attribute Damage array and Attribute Factor array fields in Damage Effects are not working the same way. I can't even figure out how to get them to work at all anymore.

    The hero I tested this with has the Heroic attribute in his unit type. The attacking unit has a weapon with a damage effect that has "-.5" in the Heroic element of the Attribute Factor field and yet it is dealing full damage to my hero (minus armor being correctly applied). I changed it to a "-4" (half damage) in the Heroic element of the Attribute Bonus field and full damage was still being dealt (again, after armor). I tried reducing my hero's armor to 0 and it still dealt full damage.

    I noticed the Total field in the Damage Effect and I tried changing that, as it's set to Maximum by default. Setting it to Combine didn't seem to change anything, but setting it to Minimum caused the attack to deal no damage whatsoever.

    I tried making the Attribute Factor positive and ... it worked. But that doesn't help me. I need some way to give a negative factor against targets with the specified attribute.

    Again, this all work fine BEFORE patch 1.5, but now it doesn't work at all.

    Posted in: Data
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