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    posted a message on Have question - Kerrigans Voice?

    THat would make sense, How difficult is it to import stuff from the origional sc? I managed to make "My Kerrigan" sound a little less like nova - of whom i based her - (including removing any lines with her name) it would be alot cooler to use the real voice,. So Just curious how difficult it would be to import ? If it's difficult then don't worry but if it's easy, could someone point me in the right dirrection on how to do that?

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    posted a message on Have question - Kerrigans Voice?

    So some of you may have played the game "Saving Sarah" and since I'm not sure how to get in contact with the author I figgured I'd ask you guys about something he/she did. I'm making my own game just for fun and wanted to use Human Kerrigan's voice- something that the Author of this game had done. Now after a bunch of rooting through the editor I managed to find out how to change your character's speech and what they can say. After searching I could not find anything that sounded like what I had heard in that game. Did I overlook it? Does it not exist? Is their anything I can do to make it exist if it doesn't?

    Any help would rock. Thank you.

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    posted a message on As much as I hate to ask this, I need a hand.

    I could swear i was just going to file and "test" or what ever its called... ill give it another look when i get home thanks much for the advice.

    Edit ok it works I have no idea why it didnt the first time thanks SO much for all the help, Adam and I are gonna shed lots of blood here:P

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    posted a message on As much as I hate to ask this, I need a hand.

    I THINK this is the most updated version, but I can't open the editor at school where i am for another two hours or so and since people seem to be replying, This is probably my best bet :P if you want me to check if this is the one I deleted the triggers on I can wait Till i get home.

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    posted a message on As much as I hate to ask this, I need a hand.

    I appologise for the stupid question, but ...how would I link my map?

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    posted a message on As much as I hate to ask this, I need a hand.

    Still ended up with a blank map - or at least a map I couldn't see anything with :S

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    posted a message on As much as I hate to ask this, I need a hand.

    Hey guys I hate coming here with every nub question i Have but after banging my head against the wall for a few hours and doing an unfruitful search here I figured it can't hurt.

    I made a map for my friend and I to play on, all I did was tell player 1 to start in position 1 and player 2 to start in position 7 or something like that, and gave each player a nexus a command centre a hatchery and an Odin (lol) the problem is when I tell it to test to see how it works it either gives me a victory - defeat or weirdest yet, a completely fog of war covered map with no units.

    I’m fairly sure my problem exists with the triggers but for the life of me I don't know what I'd need to do, all I want is me and my friend to have a one on one with all three armies, but I cant even get the players to start with the units and structures I gave them.

    Any insights would be awesome, and many thanks.

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    posted a message on Probably simple problem.

    @Parthon1: Go

    Awesome thank you for the advice I will try it tomorow and see how it goes (almost 5 am here .) but would you say it would be easier to create Jimbob or use raynor etcetera, I really don't care but both my friend and I want to have a map with heros suplimenting our normal force. Also despite being way out of my league this map editor is WAY cool.

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    posted a message on Probably simple problem.

    Ok first off Im extremely new to the editor....as in just started watching tutorials today I made my first unit but still feel I know very little, What I want to do is make a map for me and a friend to fight on, It needs to be a normal map with one exception, I need to make a building that can train heroes I don't care if they are Rayner and Kerrigan from the game or if I have to make jimbob the stimmed marrine. The problem is I don't know how to really choose how to change what my structures can build. Or how to make it train a Jimbob and not a Marine, not with out turning normal Marines into jimbobs.

    I realize some pro probably read this and is laughing at my problem due to the simplicity but can someone either shed some light on what to do or point me at a tutorial that might help, there just seems to be a bunch that I don't even know where to begin.

    Thank you, Any help is much appreciated.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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